Category Archives: Pandas speak out

The RNC Pageant, VP Edition

I bet you think I’m gonna have a little rant….

I think you’re right. I’m doing my best not to immerse myself in the RNC spectacle: the insincere calls for “unity”, the calculated choice of a young, not what you might call qualified, choice for VP. He is certainly no statesman.

What the GOP means by “unity:
That we will not point out the crimes, both convicted and indicted of their chosen candidate.
That we will not say mean things about the far reaching implications and realities of their Project 2025, which is the blueprint to take down the government and the country as we have known it in our lifetime.
That we will not point out the many, many, (many) lies told by their candidate both in and out of office
That we will not keep bringing up that …um…attempted coup when he lost in 2020.
That we will accept their calls for violence while not raising a hand to defend ourselves.

900 pages is a lot to read, and I have not read it. But here is one of the highlights, things that you might not consider would have impact on our day to day lives:
Defunding NOAA: These are the scientists that bring us the weather reports. Besides bringing attention to climate change, those wonderful little weather apps that come free on our phones, the ones that tell us if we need to bring a sweater or maybe put off our trip to the city for a day, because there is a big storm coming in, those are big business. If only those could be privatized…run for profit! You don’t get to know which way the wind blows if you’re not willing to pay for it. Mostly, we think of those weather apps as a nice thing, so we know what to wear or to pack for a trip. But they are a vital tool for weather disaster planning, that saves lives as well as money.

JD Vance is closely tied to Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and (barf) Tweedledee and Tweedledum. FFF* was leaning toward the rich white guy from North Dakota: a guy who at least looked the part of VP. But Tweedledee and Tweedledum thought young JD was the better pick. That should tell you all you need to know.

Meanwhile, back at the Panda Chronicles

Here’s to not having bad dreams…

*Felon Forty Five

Be the Bear
Bob T is short on funny things to say Panda

May I Have the Envelope Please?

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting increasingly frustrated with the “OH MY GOD I NEVER REALIZED JOE BIDEN IS OLD WE MUST DOOOOOOO SOMETHING ABOUT IT RIGHT! NOW!” narrative in the so called mainstream media and the pundit class is yelling from the rooftops.

Some of you (maybe about 150 million) seem to be unaware we have what is called a “Primary Election” that is held in different states, roughly from the end of January till the late spring. At this time, you could vote for other people who chose to run. Dean Phillips (who?) and the failed scion of the Kennedy clan ran and mostly finished behind “no voice” or “uncommitted”. Pretty far below, if I remember correctly.

Look. I don’t know if Biden is going to make it through 4 years. That’s why there is a Vice President and we have a good one. Apparently there is a faction that just noticed she is a multi racial woman, a fact they seemed to ignore while there was no chance she would actually become president if something happened to Biden. Maybe all the viable alternates didn’t run because they knew it would be a cluster*ck and maybe hand the election to TFG.

To be clear I will vote for a box of donuts if it is running as the head of the Democratic ticket, but I’m happy to vote for Handsome Joe if he is indeed the one running. He must feel like he’s under a million microscopes right now. If there is a fight at the convention, it won’t be exciting (at least not in a good way) and it won’t be fun. It will only make us weaker and lead some people to stay home and not vote at all.

And that is what Felon 45 and his ilk wants.

Meanwhile, maybe by this time next week we’ll know who FFF (Felon Forty Five, get it?) is bringing to the prom.

I’m staying as far away from the election food fight as I can.

Be the Bear
Bob T tell me when it’s over Panda

A Small Request

I really had no idea what she was up to.

We can’t rely on Pinky and her magical wand to get us out of this.

The one thing we don’t want is for the “Biden steps down — Democrats lose” to become a self fulfilling prophecy. It would be good to let your Senators and House rep know your opinion on this. Feel free to use or modify my text shown below, that I am sending to my representatives today. You can call their offices if you’d like, but most offices have a contact form you can use. Let’s flood our reps with the opinion that the most important thing is to defeat Trump and stave off Project 2025 and the Trump dictatorship.

This is most useful if you have Democratic Party reps, but it wouldn’t be amiss to send to Republican representatives as well.  You can copy and paste my text if you’d like.

Message to Senators/ Representative:

I believe that President Biden is the most capable person to decide whether or not he has the will and the energy to see this election through. He has been an excellent president, passing many initiatives that benefit a wide swath of the American people.

I believe him when he says he has the stamina to both run and defeat the former president. He has an excellent Vice President in Kamala Harris, as well as a very capable cabinet. He has more he would like to accomplish on our behalf and I think that constantly questioning whether that is the case is harmful to our prospects in November.

One bad debate should not be the beginning of the end for the American experiment. The former president at the most benign interpretation would bring in a regressive era with the loss of many rights and personal autonomy.

I believe President Biden is the best president I have seen in the 12 presidents of my lifetime. Please stand by him and let him finish the job.

Links to WA state Senator and Rep’s contact pages (obviously use your own state’s/district representatives)

Senator Patty Murray 

Senator Maria Cantwell

Representative Rick Larsen

The real tigers are the Republican Party and their insidious Project 2025

Be the Bear
Bob T this will only take 5 minutes Panda

Independence…or Else

I told you a rant was coming…

This has been a really hard week to wrap my head around. First the disastrous commentary on Biden’s debate performance. Granted, the debate was pretty terrible. Biden’s low energy and general demeanor was not ideal. But neither was TFG’s non- stop firehose of lies.

It’s disgusting that the media, particularly the NYT and the pundit class were all baying for Biden’s blood, and at the same time ignoring and minimizing his busy schedule and strong, stirring speeches at these events (G-7! D-Day! Major fundraisers in NY and CA! President stuff!) and completely ignoring the lies of a 34 times convicted felon who lies more than he breathes.

The only newspaper that had the guts to say, “Hey, maybe the guy who has been convicted of 34 felonies, stole national nuclear secrets and tried to over throw an election…maybe HE should step down,” was the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Honestly, I don’t know if he should step down or not. Only Joe Biden knows, and an overwhelming number of primary contest voters voted for him. I can’t imagine the chaos it would cause if he did. I’m against anything that hands the election to You Know Who. If you haven’t read about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, you should at least read some summaries. For starters, they want to replace career civil servants with TFG loyalists. They want a national abortion ban, gutting of all regulations and the agencies that regulate them. You like clean air? too bad. We can’t tell polluting corporations what to do. You think there should be public education? Nope. That’s out. Medicare, medicaid, Social Security: they’re all on the chopping block. But don’t worry. You won’t live long enough to need elder care.

And then there is the “Supreme” Court…

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

On this, the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed, the document that said all men (well, white men, no women or POC need apply) are created equal and no one is above the fucking law, well…the Heritage Foundation Federalist Society Justices, just said, “New phone, who dis?”

In essence they put themselves above the law, as what they laid out seems to have been, “well, we’ll tell you if we think the president has immunity for this or that act, or not.” They opened the door to lawless corruption from the White House, and no way to rein it in. I’m not a historian, but I’ve listened to enough historians in the last several days to know that wasn’t what the authors of the Constitution intended.

I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade or picnic (pass the marshymallows!) I just had to get this out of my head. In the meantime…

Here are some pandas!

The only way out is through, and the only way through is to vote like everyone’s life depends on it. They want us to be demoralized and stay home. Don’t fall for it.

Be the BEAR!
Bob T Vote Blue all the way up and down the ballot Panda

Un-Indicted And It Feels So GOOD!

The un-indicted co-conspirators are starting to pile up!

We had to take one more day off from Pandarella, to point out that there was beginning to be an unseemly number of un-indicted co-conspirators, in various criminal prosecutions around the country, concerned with the fake electors grab that was orchestrated (ALLEGEDLY) by Mittens and his henchmen.

We will definitely be back next week with the next installment of Pandarella, but maybe for at least short term, we will have to limit it to one episode a week, since there is so much OTHER stuff going on! New pandas arriving this summer in Pandiego! Escaped zebras in the North Cascades! Another ducky demise episode at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle! (Pookie 1: I thought dey said dey WERE lunch!) And that is not even considering the trials of the most crimingest ex “president” this country has ever experienced!

Meanwhile, the un-indicted co-conspirator in chief would like a word…

Take a deep breath and go outside! Play with a duck! Remember: Friend, not food!

Be the Bear
Bob T not yet indicted Panda

Our Commitment to You, The Viewer

Here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we take our commitment to mental health (ours and yours) very seriously, and while we do feel a need to pontificate about our ongoing political nightmare, we are going to do our best to keep Mittens and his fascist minions off of the ZooNooZ stage.

Unlike certain TV networks, we have not offered lucrative contracts for Mittens apologists to spread their nonsense on our ‘toon waves.

We are, we should add, powerless to keep Pinky off ZooNooZ.

For reference, a Scaramucci= 11 days.

Be the Bear
Bob T has not been fired by NBC Panda

It’s Hot! Hot! Hot! Indictment Summer!

We’ve been waiting such a long time already!

Not that we would cheapen this event with tasteless revelry or anything like that. I hope we will be forgiven for looking towards this with some degree of anticipation.

Panda commerce note: I’m getting ready to make my original paintings from the book The Panda Cub Swap, (written by Beth Bacon and illustrated by me) available for sale. If you have a favorite painting from the book, please feel free to contact me via the contact us page/form and let me know.

Also, Amazon is raising printing prices as of June 20th this year, and I will need to raise prices so I get the same pittance I already get. So, if you were thinking about acquiring the Panda Chronicles library (10 Books! ) now would be a really good time! The latest book is the definitive look at the political cluster**k of the last 6 years! The only way to consider those times is with pandas!

Keep Being the Bear!
Bob T I know nothing about any duckies at Woodland Park Zoo Panda

Yes, We Are Sick of the Debt Ceiling

This is the last thing I’m going to say about the childish, vindictive GQP who would rather see the entire world go to cwap than let a Democratic president get any credit for doing something well.

Okay…probably not the last thing in general, but the last thing about the debt ceiling.

I. Can’t. Even.

Be the Bear,
Bob T can we just get on with it Panda

Barker Carlson is O-U-T at Foxy Nooz!!!!

I had another ‘toon planned for today, but this morning one of my very alert Panda-spondants alerted me to the VERY exciting nooz, that Tucker Carlson had been fired! No buh bye broadcast, no nothing, although I’m sure he left with his pockets stuffed with filthy “sorry we had to fire you so you wouldn’t cost us more” lucre, no doubt. I imagine they had to do that on top of just agreeing to pay Dominion Voting Software $787.5 MILLION bucks.

In honor of the exodus of Barker from Foxy Nooz, I thought I would share some of his finest moments, as dramatized by The Panda Chronicles. It is the best place to get the Nooz, after all!

Did I just see what I thought I saw?

Then there were his Panda Defamation statements!!!!

Foxxy “News” lies like a rug.
Pandas COULD bite your head off if they really wanted to.
When the truth is found… to beeee lies….

While, I’m sure we have not seen the last of Barker, it is gratifying in a schaudenfreudenish way to know that there was actually a line, he crossed it, and got canned. Of course we know the line is how much money was his continued presence going to cost old Rupert, but still… I, for one, am happy that he is having a really bad day.

Alas, we know that there is much mischief this malignant man-child is capable of. I mean…if you thought TFG was bad. Could this be the shove that propels him into politics? I hope not, but the way things are going, I wouldn’t hold my breath for Glinda, the Good Witch of the North to show up any time soon.

Till next time…

Be the Bear!
Bob T I wasn’t the one who got fired today Panda

Insurrection Update!

Surely, you don’t want to rely on all that main stream media to hear the latest! No! You want a reliable NooZ source! One with Pandas! And cats!

You can always trust what a panda tells you!*

*Um…unless maybe if it’s Pinky or PPJ.

Hang on to your hats. It’s gonna be…um…well, you know.

Be the Bear
Bob T why isn’t this over Panda

Hey! Yes you! Did you know I have a new book collection of my ‘toons you read here? It’s Book 10 of The Panda Chronicles: Litter Box of Chaos – The Mittens years. Yes, its my political leaning ‘toons from the last 5 years and you can get it on Amazon!

If you like it, it really helps with visibility and sales if you leave a review. It doesn’t need to be long! One or two sentences saying you peed your pants you were laughing so hard or that coffee squirted out your nose. Thank you!