Tag Archives: six and sebben

Independence…or Else

I told you a rant was coming…

This has been a really hard week to wrap my head around. First the disastrous commentary on Biden’s debate performance. Granted, the debate was pretty terrible. Biden’s low energy and general demeanor was not ideal. But neither was TFG’s non- stop firehose of lies.

It’s disgusting that the media, particularly the NYT and the pundit class were all baying for Biden’s blood, and at the same time ignoring and minimizing his busy schedule and strong, stirring speeches at these events (G-7! D-Day! Major fundraisers in NY and CA! President stuff!) and completely ignoring the lies of a 34 times convicted felon who lies more than he breathes.

The only newspaper that had the guts to say, “Hey, maybe the guy who has been convicted of 34 felonies, stole national nuclear secrets and tried to over throw an election…maybe HE should step down,” was the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Honestly, I don’t know if he should step down or not. Only Joe Biden knows, and an overwhelming number of primary contest voters voted for him. I can’t imagine the chaos it would cause if he did. I’m against anything that hands the election to You Know Who. If you haven’t read about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, you should at least read some summaries. For starters, they want to replace career civil servants with TFG loyalists. They want a national abortion ban, gutting of all regulations and the agencies that regulate them. You like clean air? too bad. We can’t tell polluting corporations what to do. You think there should be public education? Nope. That’s out. Medicare, medicaid, Social Security: they’re all on the chopping block. But don’t worry. You won’t live long enough to need elder care.

And then there is the “Supreme” Court…

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

On this, the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed, the document that said all men (well, white men, no women or POC need apply) are created equal and no one is above the fucking law, well…the Heritage Foundation Federalist Society Justices, just said, “New phone, who dis?”

In essence they put themselves above the law, as what they laid out seems to have been, “well, we’ll tell you if we think the president has immunity for this or that act, or not.” They opened the door to lawless corruption from the White House, and no way to rein it in. I’m not a historian, but I’ve listened to enough historians in the last several days to know that wasn’t what the authors of the Constitution intended.

I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade or picnic (pass the marshymallows!) I just had to get this out of my head. In the meantime…

Here are some pandas!

The only way out is through, and the only way through is to vote like everyone’s life depends on it. They want us to be demoralized and stay home. Don’t fall for it.

Be the BEAR!
Bob T Vote Blue all the way up and down the ballot Panda

Pandarella Episode 11

The story continues and you probably won’t like this one either.

But don’t worry, Bikkie’s fortunes are going to change really soon! I mean…Mittens got 34 guilty verdicts in NYC! That means anything is possible.*

*Except for the discovery of more than 1 contiguous brain cell in Marge’s head.

Should be an exciting next couple of weeks, on the page and off! Hang in there everyone!

Be the Bear
Bob T is voting for Joe Biden Panda

Don’t forget to order your Pinky 2024 stuff! You can get it >Here!

Our Story Continues: Pandarella, Episode 9

Here we are again. You know the drill: Fairy tale, wicked stepmother, evil step sisters, bad stuff happens, yada yada yada.

I sure hope Bikkie made good soup. You don’t want to get those evil step sisters mad.

Be the Bear!
Bob T I do believe in magic Panda

Episode 8 of Pandarella! Things go from bad to WORSE!

We are back with the next episode of Pandarella! and yes, things are not going well for Bikkie. And yes, things are about to get worse.

Deal with it.

Would I be wrong to think that Six and Sebben are enjoying their roles as mini villains?

Coming up on Thursday (or maybe Friday, we’ll have to see, won’t we?) a hard hitting NooZ story about the Woodland Park Pookies (as heard on NPR’s Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Fairy Tales aren’t for the faint of heart Panda

The Jig is Up!

Throne of Pandas continues!

Wouldn’t ya know…Six had a bad idea and Sebben knew a guy who knows a guy! What will those little pandas think of next? Um….better not to ask.

As usual, politics is making my head hurt. It should be more clear than ever that Mittens must not return to power. I just got my voter’s guide for the March primaries and I will be voting for Handsome Joe. He’s not perfect. Nobody is. But I can’t think of another person running who could even possibly get us out of the mess we are in. A world where I would willingly read a book written by Liz Cheney is a weird world, indeed.

Now WHY is it that Pinky shouldn’t be allowed to have missiles?

Be the Bear
Bob T I know a guy too Panda

Throne of Pandas!

Just so we are clear here, I have never watched Game of Thrones, but if there was a version with pandas in it, Six and Sebben would be the star evil villains in it.

Things are starting to heat up in TFG’s trial schedule. Be prepared for dirty tricks, attempts to delay, obstruct, and spew crazy things on his Toxic Social network. Meanwhile, Smiling Joe will continue to keep doing his job, and doing it well. Try to tune out the naysayers. They are just trying to depress you, so you’ll stay home, even if you would never vote for TFG.

And…um…pay no attention to those drones flying around the Panda House. I’m sure it’s all…um…fine.

Be the Bear
Bob T wake me when it’s over Panda

Pinky Security!

Winning through procrastination!

Taylor Swift won the Superb Owl! Because I am a football genius! We watched the replay of the last quarter (or is it an inning?) and the overtime, and mostly were all yelling “what are they doing? What’s going on? OW! That had to hurt!

Meanwhile, Mittens is going around saying all kinds of crazy sh*t and we are all living in the age of anxiety! As Bikkie says, “It’s all too muchie!

I managed to procrastinate to miss my 2nd ‘toon of the week last week. Will I do better this week? Who knows!

Anyway, Pinky has a new security team!

From here on, if I don’t have a new ‘toon to post, I’ll share something relevant from the archives!

Be the bear!
Bob T We are all Swifties Now Panda


I can’t remember when I found out that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun were half sisters, but once I did, all sorts of sisterly interactions suddenly became possible! Long talks on the phone, exchanging parenting advice, sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins!

Wait…did you say sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins???!?!?!


I just love their little phone chats!

BTW, I am really enjoying the MAGA melt downs over the whole Taylor Swift thing. I mean…they have really lost their minds! I will admit to a passing familiarity to Swift’s music, via my bedroom radio/alarm. The station (which is about the only one I get on my cheap radio alarm clock in the midst of all the tall trees around here,) plays popular music, of which Taylor Swift is a frequent offering. I will also admit, that despite I am not her prime demographic, I think her music is clever, catchy, and cheerful, and while I’m probably not inclined to go to a concert, I do like her music. Her writing is smart and engaging. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

Hearing stories about the bonuses for ALL the people who work for her on her tours, along with charitable contributions, well, that makes me like her more. and that she has embraced politics, and as a young woman with a lot of young women fans, well, no wonder MAGA has set their hair on fire over her. They should know better than to mess with Swift Force One! Oh wait. I forgot. They are really stupid.

I’ve heard through the boo-vine, that Pinky is a fan! This is definitely something to keep our eyes on.

Be the Bear
Bob T #WeAreAllSwiftiesNow Panda

Sisters, Sisters!

Most of my faithful friends and readers here at The Panda Chronicles know that the real life Mei Xiang and Lun Lun are half sisters, sharing their dad, I believe. While Mei Xiang is the picture of responsible motherhood, I somehow always picture Lun Lun as the more flamboyant sister, who has taken on the persona of a southern belle, always sending her last cubbies, the somewhat…um…problematic Six and Sebben off to her sister’s house.

I mean, Meizzy has all these other bears and odd characters hanging out at the DC Panda House, so what does it matter if Lun Lun’s more …um…adventurous daughters are added to the mix, bless their hearts?

Things are about to get interesting down in Pandalanta! Are they ready for it? I guess we’ll see!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Be sure to check out things over at Substack! Six and Sebben are featured in honor of their 7th birthday!