Category Archives: Encore Presentation

The Penultimate Pandarella! (part 5)

This is the next to the last multi episode Pandarella presentation until we get to our dramatic conclusion!

Can you stand the suspense????

It’s not like there’s anything else going on, is there?

Oh man! What’s going to happen when Pandarella’s evil step mom and zizzies get home?????

Really…there’s not anything else going on right now that we need to be nervous amount, is there?

Be the Bear!
Bob T let’s go live in the forest Panda

Oh Boy! More from Pandarella! (Part 4)

I have to say, the story does make more sense (whew! what a relief!) when read in these chunks instead of once a week (or so) spread out over these last few months! And now when we definitely need some serious distraction, well…Our fairy Godmothers have shown up in the nick of time!

Let’s see what happens next!

Let the Palooza begin!!!! ‘Toon in again next time!

Only 26 more days till Election Day! Don’t forget to vote!

Be the bear
Bob T how much more can we take? Panda

Pandarella (A Panda Chronicles Exclusive!) Part 3

Oh man! Bikkie is in a tight spot! He has to cook and clean up after his terrible step sisters! His tuba is burnt! What could possible happen next?

Fairy Godmothers come in really handy sometimes! ‘Toon in next time as our story continues!

Be the Bear
Bob T the suspense is killing me Panda

Pandarella Altogether! (Part 2)

We’re back with the next installment of Pandarella! We hope you have your poppy corn ready, and mebbee a cupcake or 2. Also a Hanky. And a blankie to hide under!

Here we go!

Oh man! Pandarella is in a terrible spot! I’m sure it will get better next week…um…or mebbee da week after?

Be the Bear
Bob T is counting on you to vote! Panda

Pandarella! (part, the first)

I’m currently working on the last 3 episodes of Pandarella! It has been a long and rocky road, at times scary, at times heartwarming. And because it has been so long and drawn out, I thought everyone would like it if in the next three weeks, we could have a Pandarella marathon, since it’s hard to remember all the parts!

Then, on the last day of the marathon, you would get the final, brand new episodes! Maybe it will take your mind off all dat election stuff for a few minutes every Tuesday and Thursday!

So here we go, with this Pandarella-Palooza, Part One!

Uh Oh! What could dis surprise be? ‘Toon in next time for the continuation of our story!

Be the Bear!
Bob T only 36 days until the election! Panda

It’s a Wu, Wu Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu World!

Happy 12th Birthday to the one and only Mr. Wu!

Xiao LiWu the little gift that keeps on giving, Mr. Wu to his nannies and his friends has completed 12 trips around the sun today! Mr. Wu was the first panda I watched from the time he was a tiny cubby. While I was already a committed panda fan by then, he was the first real panda that I incorporated in to the stories here at The Panda Chronicles.

In honor of his birthday on Monday, July 29th, today’s presentation will be a little panda palooza of early Wu-toons! Pandarella will resume on Thursday!

Here we go!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?
Xiao Liwu and Bai Yun
Too soon, too soon, a Wu and his mom will go their separate ways…

I hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with Mr. Wu! Of course, around this time Pinky and the Meihems had appeared on the scene, and Pinky’s quest for world domination had begun.

By the way, it is also the birthdays of the only surviving triplets, who served as Pinky’s minions during her first run for the White House in 2016.

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?
Minion security: you can’t be too careful.
Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Till next time!
Be the Bear
Bob T pass the cuppycakes Panda

I was Laughing So Hard Over Tuesday’s ‘Toon I Couldn’t Hold a Pencil

One of my intentions for this year, is to not stress myself out if from time to time I don’t get a second ‘toon done for my regular schedule. This is one of those days.

Fortunately, I have an excellent blast from the past for you! I have been doing these ‘toons long enough that we have reached another Year of the Dragon in the Lunar New Year calendar! Even before Pinky made her first appearance here, the Panda Kindergarten was chewing up the scenery (sometimes literally!)

Please enjoy the Panda Kindergarten’s Salute to The Year of the Dragon!

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!
What do you mean by “was?”

It’s gonna be a hot one! Don’t forget to visit my Substack for the final installment of my 2023 Year in Review!

Be The Bear!
Bob T ready for anything Panda

A Look Back at Pinky’s New Year’s Resolutions

I’m trying not to make any formal New Year’s resolutions this year. That said, there are things I would rather not keep doing (scrolling endlessly on social media before getting out of bed) and things I would like to do more (work outside in my yard, eat more healthy food, and not stress myself out)

In the interests of not stressing myself out so much, I do not have a brand new ‘toon for today, as I kind of took the weekend off to read and nap and then before I knew it, it was Monday afternoon and it wasn’t raining and it was kind of warm, so I went outside and now there is no new ‘toon for tomorrow.

But since what I probably would have done was a new ‘toon on the resolutions Pinky’s mommee prepared for her, and since I’ve escalated about as far as I can escalate that joke, I thought I’d share them with you here, going back as far as I can find resolutions for Pinky.

Here we go!

Okay…this first one isn’t an actual Pinky resolution ‘toon, but it’s one of my favorites and I bet it’s one of yours too…

See? I told you it was broken!
Pinky: “rules are for other pandas.”
Bubba: my resolution was just to chew my food more, an’ mebbee not eat so much frosting. Ping: ping!
You would think Pinky would already have improved her behavior by now…
It was either this or a double semi-tractor trailer!

This year I think Pinky is going to resolve to do all she can to get Mittens out of our lives, even if it means she needs to support Joe Biden for president.

(Pinky: as if!!!)

If you are in the mood to see what last year in ‘toons were the ones that stuck out to me as the most emblematic ‘toons of the year, panda hop on over to my Substack page (Nazi-free since 2022!) and see my year in Review posts. The first one is tomorrow!

Thanks to all of you who have hung in here with me, all these years. We are going to need each other more than ever in the year coming up!

Be the bears!
Bob T I’m not scared if you’re here Panda

Some Holiday Encore Presentations!

The weekend got away from me, and I have a full plate this week, but even though I don’t have a new addition to our story in progress, I didn’t want to leave you panda-less!

Enjoy these holiday classics!

panda christmas
“why do I always get so kerfuffled when it comes to decorating for the holidays?”
sugar plum pandas
sugar plum pandas
The Frank and Mikey burning 2020 dumpster Diorama! Complete with artfully hand stenciled habitat and burning marshmallows!

I hope you enjoyed these holiday encore presentations!

Be the Bear
Bob T I am way too busy Panda

It’s Actual Halloween Today!

I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite Halloween ‘toons from over the years, as today’s post coincides with Halloween!

Panda Kindergarten halloween party
Trick or Trick!!!!!!!
comics history
Maybe Bubba is having a Halloween SEASON! Did you ever think of THAT, Pinky?
Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!
This is from 2019 and unfortunately still somewhat relevant

Be the Bear!
Bob T trick or treat Panda!