Pandamorphosis Prints are now available!
I’m very excited that Fine Balance Imaging, the folks who did the scanning of my originals and printed the original poster/prints for the Kickstarter campaign now have set up a page on their Gratitude Gallery to showcase and sell more prints from Pandamorphosis!
Prints are archival printed on rag watercolor paper and come in a variety of sizes, depending on the image. Joe and Nancy will print, pack, and ship your order to you. Huzzah! I hope you will head over and take a look.
One of my favorite images from Pandamorphosis!
Drum roll please: The newest members in good standing of the Panda Advisory Board are: (in no particular order)
Vicky Vladic, Stacy Watts, Darlene Draper, Timarie Quelle, Alexandra Franz, Jonathan Chan, Karen Trimble, Sue Frause, Patricia Millius, Joan Downing, Carol Loveless, Laura jane McWilliams, Lara Garotti, Brigit and Jim Drake, Jenna Levin, Velia Watts, Judy Sibley Richlin, Lynne Krasnow, Thomas Wicker, Barbara Breckenfeld, Emi Hastings, Janie Cushing, Patricia Baker, Dianna Van Buren, Mary Lilga, Donna Grund, Zoe Gillman, Judi Nygeres-Beaudoin, Gail Bradley, Roberta Gregory, Robin Obata, Kelly Gurnet, Debbie C., Mary Mulqueen, Ann Feldman, Sue Taves, Judy Ernst, Gail Gwinn, Victoria Brown, Frances Aronson, Mary Kushman, Victory Schouten, Carole Tyson, Deborah Richardson, Stevi Zee Grega, Maija Lelis, Jeri Brechner, Sandy Helm, Laurie Mott, Diana Sutton
What is Pandamorphosis? Well may you ask. Pandamorphosis is a wordless picture book for children, that is if you can get the panda loving adults in your life to give. it. back…NOW and just whose book is this, anyway?

Pandamorphosis is a story of love and longing, of magical wishes gone wrong. Imagine the involuntary transformation of Metamorphosis, the otherworldly journey of Through the Looking Glass and the utter chaos of The Cat in the Hat. Oh, but with pandas.

Pandamorphosis: the chaos is in full swing!

The cover of the book!

Alas, she loves…a panda!

what would YOU wish for?

what just happened???
Be the Bear!
The artwork is magical. Looking forward to this (and even the kickstarter campaign)
I’m looking forward to the Kickstarter campaign with both excitement and foreboding. Having done several, and helped other people with them, they are a wild rush of emotions and energy. I just made a little you tube video and shared it on FB. Now let’s see if I can figure out how to put it on the Pandamorphosis page.
I love this site…I have had a thing for panda’s for quite some time, and just recently planted some bamboo in the yard, telling my husband that maybe the pandas will come, because everyone knows that pandas love bamboo, lol…and then, thanks to Cordelia’s Mom, I stumbled in here this afternoon and I can’t wait to explore the rest of the site…the artwork is amazing!
Thanks for stopping by! We will do our beat to distract you from your workaholic ways! The entire archives (as far as I know) are all here, so you can catch up on panda satire history. I love hanging out with Cordelia and her mom (virtually speaking of course). We can’t leave the internet to just the young whippersnappers.
I’m sure that if you keep your bamboo thriving, pandas will eventually show up. I don’t have any myself, but several friends have healthy (read: out of control) patches of it, and I hang out on their property in hopes that pandas will come sneaking in, under the moonlight. Glad to make the acquaintance of another panda fan. The Panda Chronicles welcomes you with open paws.
Alrighty then! So, here I am. I flipped around to some of your other sites – by mistake likely b/c I wasn’t sure which one was The One. I think it’s this one.
Just dropping in like was mentioned on JR’s blog whilst she convalesces. Pandas and drawing panda’s is a very different interest – quite unique! From what I saw, you’re very talented.
Aw shucks! Although I’ve been drawing and painting since I could hold a crayon (instead of eating it) and painting has been my “day job” for 28 years now (Note to self: must write a blog post on that) Pandas are the most fun for me now and I spend way too much time here. Well, and reading all the comments on JR’s blog.
I can’t wait till your book comes out. I hope we all all simultaneously pop champagne corks on it’s publication date. I laugh a lot when I read the comments section over there. I hope never to be exiled to Carkoon, or if I am, not forced to eat Kale.
Thanks for coming by! I plan to do more exploring on everyone’s blog over there.
Your time behind the crayon shows! Hmmm, I wonder which is worse tasting…crayons or kale? Let’s hope we don’t discover by being sent off to Carkoonville!
Thank you on the book launch – champagne corks popping along with the obligatory toasts will be much appreciated! I laugh a lot too. A great place with a great vibe!
Laughter is highly undervalued in some segments of society. As to which tastes worse (or better) i would vote for crayons, as they come in many yummy colors and as everyone knows, the brightly colored ones taste the best. (At least that’s what my cat Mehitabel always told me when she was still a serial killer.)
I wait with giddy anticipation for your book launch, as do we all. It’s not quite a rising tide floats all boats, but your success is a beacon of hope for us all, that we should keep on doing what we love, improving our craft, and…um…being the bears. I’m sure you won’t mind if I bring the panda kindergarten to the party. They love champagne celebrations!
You are right about laughter – nothing better. And it’s scientifically proven it releases…what is it? Endorphins? Whatever that feel good hormone is.
I so agree about doing what you love, improving your craft (although your drawings look like perfection to me!) and just keep on believing in what you do! I truly appreciate everyone’s support regarding the book. It means a lot to me, and I don’t care if you bring pandas, kale, crayons or whatever you think we need to CELEBRATE!
Huzzah! Refresh my memory…I know you have an agent for your book…do you have a publisher as well? Sorry I forgot. As a bear of little brain, I can barely (bearly?) keep my own life straight. It seems like there are 3 separate occasions for cork popping:
1. getting agent
2. getting publisher
3. pub date.
I am ready, as are the rest of the Reiders I’m sure! I’ve been on a “social media diet” so have not made it over to the reader’s comment section in the morning….must go now, as I am having a guilt free evening binge!
Yes, I have a publisher – Kensington. And the release date is November 2016. (Yay!) The book sold April of 2015, so I’ve had lots and lots of time to soak it all in. I’ve been trying to spend less time on social media – quite honestly. I’ve got a new book I’m working on and so, I’ve got to focus on that – but I do comment over at The Reef still – can’t seem to quit that place!
Huzzah! Looks like I am behind on my champagne drinking. No fear, I will catch up in time to celebrate big time on the release date.
I have been on a bit of a social media diet myself, but I agree. The Reef is both educational and a blast.
Wanted to congratulation you in your own space! Very happy for you!!! Your talent was there always, and you’ve obviously put your brilliant work in front of the right eyes!
Yay! An agent!!!
Make that “congratulate.” I was excited! LOL!!!
Thank you Donna! This may be the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. Now the real work begins!
Yes, and a really great agent. Thank you for saying nice things about me! I know that having an agent won’t make you happy or healthy or rich or any of the things all on its own, as you well know. But I am ready to do the work needed to bring this book into the world.
These drawings made me chuckle out loud – rare for me! Love this book and your art work. I used to work at the Memphis Zoo & designed interactive exhibits for their Panda/China Exhibit. I understand Pandamonium is meeting here in March.
Glad you liked it! Yes, Pandamonium is having the annual convention at Memphis this year. I’m not sure that I am going to be able to be there, but should be a great gathering! PDXWildlife will be there as the featured speakers, and they give great talks, with lots of pictures.
From the pictures I’ve seen of the Memphis zoo panda exhibit, it looks beautiful.
I used to know someone else who worked there, but she’s retired, and didn’t get to work with the pandas.