If I have one life to live, let me live it eating cuppycakes
Bob the Panda was born somewhere in China in August or September sometime ago. He enjoys bamboo, sleeping, and bamboo. When not sleeping or eating bamboo, Bob enjoys cake, especially cake with lots of frosting!
Since Bob’s Graduation from the panda kindergarten, he has acquired the job of keeping the current panda kindergarten in line. This is a difficult , if not impossible job.
Bob is the great -great -great – great nephew, on his mother’s first cousin’s side, of Su-Lin, the first panda to come to America.
Bob is the star of, along with Mehitabel the cat, Babette de Panda, and the panda kindergarten of six books of the collected Panda Chronicles. The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas and The Panda Chronicles Book 2: wheel…of…Pandas! The Panda Chronicles Book 3: Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten and The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu. Not to mention… The Panda Chronicles Book 5: Pandapocalypse Now! and The Panda Chronicles Book6: We R Endangered. The newest additions to the Panda Chronicles library are The Panda Chronicles Coloring Book and The Panda Chronicles Book 7: Don’t call mee Boo Boo
Works in Progress: Stay tuned for news on my graphic novel(s) starring the wonderful Wu self, as most valuable assistant to Inspector Panda!
Bob’s other favorite books:
The Lady and the Panda by Vicki Constantine Croke
The Way of the Panda by Henry Nicholls
Pandamorphosis by Anne Belov

Mehitabel thanks you!
Mehitabel the Cat
Mehitabel was born on Whidbey Island in 1996. The adored and self proclaimed, Princess of the Universe, has lived a charmed life as the inspiration for Way Better Than Working Cartoons. She generously agreed to share the stage with pandas in late 2007, although in her opinion they have completely overstepped their position in the cartoon hierarchy. She was named for the star character in that well loved book, Archie and Mehitabel. She believes that pandas are over-rated.
A sad note: While literary cats can live forever, real cats are not quite so indestructible. Mehitabel passed out of life on earth in January 2017, just 3 months shy of her 21st birthday. You can read my tribute to Mehitabel, The Last Good Day, here.
Mehitabel’s favorite books:
Archie and Mehitabel
The Incredible Journey
Simon’s Cat (also videos!)
Mehitabel’s favorite activities:
Killing small, helpless birds and mice
Sitting on the drawing paper when pandas are being drawn
Panda Wrangler in Chief

Panda Wrangler in Chief
(For several year I tried to fly under the radar, but since the publication of Pandamorphosis, I decided to fly the panda flag proudly. I wear a number of different hats, painter, writer, and now cartoonist and illustrator. )
Anne Belov has been drawing and painting since the time she could hold a crayon. After receiving a BFA from The Philadelphia College of Art, she moved west and, since she didn’t learn everything the first time, went to art school again, receiving an MFA in painting from the University of Washington. She now makes her home on Whidbey Island. Her chief regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant in the field of Panda Satire. There are, to her knowledge, no pandas in her backyard.
I am represented by Gordon Warnock at Fuse Literary, in all things literary.
Assorted and sundry pandas:
Joining Bob and Mehitabel at the offices of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire are the unruly mob known as the panda kindergarten. They have recently been joined by new recruits Princess Pinky, Mr. Wu and the Meihem twins of Atlanta.
You can find out if the panda kindergarten is in your neighborhood (also know as the panda kindergarten early warning system) by signing up for our newsletter, Pandyland News.
what an utterly fantastic website, I’m so glad I came across it.
Thank you, thank you. I don’t know why pandas speak to me this way, but they do. Thanks again for reading ( and subscribing!) Be the Bear!
i’ve subscribed. this is too good 😀
Thanks for being a panda fan! Be the Bear!
Bob, have you read ‘The Panda’s Thumb’ ? Unfortunately there are no cuppycakes involved, but it is still interesting reading!
No, I haven’t read it, but I will definitely put it on my reading list. We pandas have to keep informed, don’t ‘cha know? (Are you sure there is nothing about cuppycakes?)
I want to start by saying . . . if you’d rather not participate, I totally understand. I have declined in the past myself. It is kind of a pain in the arse. That said.
I’m awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award because I like your blog and think others will too. As with everything in life, there are strings attached. 1) You are to give the award to 15 other bloggers you feel are deserving and notify them of the award. 2) Make a post thanking the person that gave you the award (moi’) and listing your 15 choices. Provide links to these 16 blogs in your post. 3) Lastly, in your post, list seven things the bloggy world doesn’t know about you.
Here is the info I was given for the graphic of the award to be used in your post.
Personally, I had trouble with it, so feel free to contact me if you need help.
The bottom line . . . whether you participate or not . . . I think you have a rockin’ blog.
Wow Miss DR! I am honored. I’m doing the happy dance even as we speak. I will work on my list of 15 other bloggers. (Mehitabel the cat’s note: “There are other bloggers?”) How do I add the graphic? despite the fact I have two blogs (oooo! can I nominate my other blog?) I am a complete technological moron. as I like to say, my knowledge is shallow, yet narrow. Thanks for reading me and finding me worthy!
If you agree I can put a link of your site on mine.
Jérôme ( http://www.pandas.fr )
Thanks Jerome! I’m very excited about pandas coming to France (as I’m sure you are too.) Much opportunity for panda satire exists with the French pandas. Thanks for thinking of me!
Thanks Bob for your reply. I added a link on my page : http://pandas.fr/index.php/liens.html
I will be happy if you add a link too. I’m very busy with this future arrival of pandas in France, and very excited !
will do! Thanks!
It is done! Do you have direct involvement with the French Panda project? How very exciting if you do! best of luck.
Thanks ! I’ve not direct involvement but I have close contact with the zoo 🙂
Good to know. I look forward to hearing updates on the pandas of France!
Yo dawg. I’ve nominated you for an award! Your comics make meh laugh. You must’ve gotten this already, but I can’t help myself.
Read about it….here! http://therubbe.wordpress.com/2012/01/11/were-famous/
We love to make people laugh! Yes, this is actually the third time I have been awarded the “Versatile Blogger” award. But thanks…. No… Really. Now the one I would really like to get is the “Humorous Blogger” award. Anyone? Hello?
this is awesome. made my day. i was a panda for halloween last year. it was also awesome. haha. glad i stumbled onto your blog. 🙂
Glad you like us! This is definitely the place for fun with pandas! Thanks for playing along. (And if you were a panda for halloween, what do you think pandas dress up as?)
zebras??? 😛
what ABOUT zebras?
nothing. especially compared to pandas…hehe.
Thank you sir, you are too kind! May fortune fall heavily square on your head!
Much obliged. The Daily Misfortune greatly appeals to my sense of irony and the absurd! Be the Bear!
Hi, i’ve just given you the versatile Blogger Award. Just follow the link to my blog for the info about it. http://thoughtofvg.wordpress.com/2012/04/11/the-versatile-blogger-award/. Congratulations 🙂
Thank you for this award. As I may have mentioned in my email, I have been previously honored 3 (or is it 4) times with this award. (The one I covet is the Humorous Blogger Award…anyone want to give it to me?) So, for those reasons, I’m afraid I cannot accept this award at this time. I am honored that I am one of the blogs you think worthy of notice.
I think this site is going to be a lot of fun to follow! 🙂
Yes it is! (in my not so humble opinion) Welcome to the pandasphere!!!! You are the bear for following!
Thank you for the warm welcome! I would have brought some bamboo shoots but all I could find was thistles in my neck of the woods. 🙂
Darn. I’m not terribly fond of thistles, BUT if you had any cuppycakes around, I would be a very happy panda!
I’ll keep a look out! 🙂
Huzzah! (and um…a word to the wise…when someone knocks at your door, make sure that it’s NOT the panda kindergarten.)
*scurries off to install a peephole…*
Good luck writing the book. Sounds interesting.
Thanks, Kathy! The book is actually all written, now all I have to do (ha ha) is finish putting all the pieces together. Yikes! Writing and drawing was the easy part. :o} Thanks for checking in!
Yeah, Bob has just arrived in beautiful soft cover. Love the book. Congratulations on your first of many more panda publications
Huzzah! Glad you like it! Now, to get to work on Book 2!
Hi, am loving your cartoons… have shown them to my partner and she loves them to…. she reminded me of the NZ band “Bear Cat” who released a whole CDs worth of wonky alt-pop songs about…. pandas!…. if you cant find a copy, I’ll gladly steal my partners copy and send it to you….it has been in the car for ages now….. the songs are infectious and VERY hard to get out of your head!
Keep up the superlative work.
Thanks for the kiwi vote of appreciation! I have not heard of the NZ Band “Bear Cat” but I will see if I can find them on youtube. I hesitate to listen to things that you “can’t get out of your head… very dangerous, don’t cha know. I already have the panda kindergarten marauding there, so hesitate to add more pandas. Thanks for your comment. Did you know that some zoo in New Zealand tried to trade some kiwis for some pandas? The pandas got a good chuckle out of that one. Not that kiwis aren’t adorable in their own right. But really!
How many kiwis per panda were they offering?…What about a box of Bearcat CDs with every kiwi….?
well, that is certainly an offer I don’t see how China could refuse. Not sure about the kiwi to panda ratio. Seems like if they were going for a weight/ equivalence ratio, they would need quite a few kiwis.
…yes…. unless we feed them like French geese…..
I had no idea that “kiwi pate` ” was a menu option in NZ
…not officially….
GASP! IS ANOTHER PANDA!!!! HHHIIIIIIIIII !!!!!! -wavewavewavewave-……i wish i was artistic and could draw my life adventures too :(…..saddly i am not
All that matters is that you love pandas (not to mention panda satire.)
Be the Bear!
I LOVE PANDAS!!!! great blog!!!
did i mention how much pandas like cake? Bake on!
Thanks for visiting the pandas! We love all kinds of cake…cuppycakes…more cuppycakes. Can’t wait to see what you are cooking up. (bad joke, huh?)
Hi Panda Bob! The professor sends his greetings. Is bamboo really tasty?
Well, quite frankly, I think bamboo is really overrated. It’s only because there are no good restaurants in the wild mountainous regions where pandas live, that we even started eating bamboo at all. Then, once it got going, we had an image to uphold. Personally, I prefer cuppycakes (with butter cream frosting) or a pepperoni pizza. Yeah, I know, we’re supposed to be vegetarians, but that gets old, and hey! we’re talking pepperoni here.
I’d say the professor could live quite happily on that diet, you know.
And through in the occasional root beer float and bambootini, and you’ve got a completely rounded diet. (or a completely rounded panda.)
My inner panda is ready to eat boo followed by cuppycakes….time for dinner! Since bamboo has few if any calories, that means more cuppycakes can be had, a wonderful thing. I just ready and enjoyed the updates to Cast & Crew. Congrats and a big thank you in advance for Pandapocalypse Now! on the near horizon…..Pinky and the Meihems, what a bootiful yet sometimes frightening combination but always thoroughly enjoyable!
Glad you liked the updates to cast and crew. I figured it was about time I showed my face there.
And now, I better get started on Pandapocalypse now!, now. I don’t want to keep Pinky waiting. Not to mention the Meihems!
have a cuppycake for me too.
I think Pandas are evil. They’re up there with Muppets, Koala Bears, and Clowns They often kill and eat the weakest of their own babies. We don’t really OWN Panda’s we PAY and RENT them and they’re not cuddly in RL. [grins] but they are good looking! Which makes their EVIL even more insidious. My 2¢! Cheers!
No no! Pandas are NOT evil (well, except for Princess Pinky who is totally into world domination.) it is true we only rent them (food not included) and it is true that in the wild they can really only support one cub when twins are born, but I pretty sure they feel really bad about that. Well, my pandas do, anyway.
Cats are much more evil than pandas. Your fluffy cat Mr. Mittens would totally eat you if you died with him locked in your apartment with you, maybe even before the friskies ran out. A panda would never do that. And have you never watched the videos of little toddler pandas playing on a slide? I amretty sure you would become a panda believer if you watched it. Drink the koolade! Tastes great, less filling! Be the bear!
Thanks for visitng.