Category Archives: Life in the Panda House

Oreos and Bears and Pandas, Oh My!

Ya know, I thought about doing something about the trial today, and then I thought, “nah…I don’t want to jinx it by assuming you know who would be found GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY,” so instead I planned this nice little ‘toon about Oreo, the Oreo stealing bear, and THEN, what happens at like 5 AM yesterday morning, my text messages start blowing up with nooz of Binky Li coming to Washington DC, so this time procrastinating worked to my advantage, because I could work the arrival of Binky Li and his girl fren into the ‘toon.

So here ya go! I’m pretty sure Nixon’s ghost will pop in next week to gloat over TFG’s 34 COUNT GUILTY VERDICT.

There will be champagne popping and dancing in the streets tonight. Hopefully the gun totting minions of TFG will be kept under control. Be happy and stay safe, panda friends. We have two new sets of bears to welcome later this year!

Enjoy some Oreos and milk and no double dipping!

Be the Bear
Bob T is not a crook Panda

California Dreaming!

The newest residents of Panda Canyon have gotten their golden tickets to their new home! We don’t know exactly when they will arrive, but reports are for sometime this summer. Like the Three Chipmunks sang, “Wee can hardly stand the wait…

The San Diego Panda Dynasty continues!

Of course ZooNooZ scored the first interview!

For explanations about Yun Chuan’s vocal stylings, and reports on Xin Bao’s witticisms, do visit the San Diego Zoo’s write up of the new cubbies!

Be the Bear
Bob T I’m excited! Are you? Panda

Return to the Panda House

Maybe I couldn’t get my heart into Bikkie and Mister Poppee’s latest adventure story, or maybe the potential implosion of democracy has me too nervous to concentrate, but, at least for the time being, I have brought Pookie, Bikkie, and Mister Poppee home to face to Mommee music.

Needless to say, it did not go particularly well.

Of course they are all grounded.
Pinky: even me? I didn’t have anyfing to do wif dis!
Mei Xiang: especially you!

Meanwhile out in the real world, Bal’mer Bridges falling down, TFG mouthing off to the (various) judges and prosecutors, Ronna McRomney finding a job then losing it again, (and rightly so: How can a nooz organization hire a KNOWN prevaricator, who will say whatever whoever is paying her to say it?) , and we are trying to keep one step ahead of the blackberries here at the headquarters for The Panda Chronicles!

I hope your week is off to a better start than Mitten’s is!

Be the Bear
Bob T am I grounded too? Panda


Panda watchers around the US woke up to the NooZ that negotiations have been underway, agreements are being signed, permits are being applied for to BRING MORE PANDAS TO PANDIEGO!!!!! Before the end of this year!

We west coast folks have been having a real sad since early in 2019 when Bai Yun and the Very Wu Self left for China. Papa Gao Gao had left earlier in 2018. We were hoping that more pandas would be coming, but You Know Who had been messing things up with China since his reign of terror began and then the Covid pandemic arrived and we despaired of ever getting pandas on the west coast again.

To put an extra helping of frosting on the cupcake, part of the negotiations is to get one of Bai Yun’s descendants as the female half of the new panda pair. Bai Yun has a LOT of descendants. I need someone with better record keeping abilities than I have to inform me on just how many grand babies and great grand babies Bai Yun has, but there are a lot of them. Next to Pan Pan, Bai Yun could be one of the most consequential pandas to have participated in taking pandas off the extremely endangered list. If you have info to share with the panda fans here, feel free to chime in in the comments.

And now, our story (well, one of our stories) continues

I’m sure the new pandas at Pandiego will be way more better behaved than Pinky and Six and Sebben. Probably.

Be the bear,
Bob T pandas return to San Diego Panda

The Jig is Up!

Throne of Pandas continues!

Wouldn’t ya know…Six had a bad idea and Sebben knew a guy who knows a guy! What will those little pandas think of next? Um….better not to ask.

As usual, politics is making my head hurt. It should be more clear than ever that Mittens must not return to power. I just got my voter’s guide for the March primaries and I will be voting for Handsome Joe. He’s not perfect. Nobody is. But I can’t think of another person running who could even possibly get us out of the mess we are in. A world where I would willingly read a book written by Liz Cheney is a weird world, indeed.

Now WHY is it that Pinky shouldn’t be allowed to have missiles?

Be the Bear
Bob T I know a guy too Panda

Throne of Pandas!

Just so we are clear here, I have never watched Game of Thrones, but if there was a version with pandas in it, Six and Sebben would be the star evil villains in it.

Things are starting to heat up in TFG’s trial schedule. Be prepared for dirty tricks, attempts to delay, obstruct, and spew crazy things on his Toxic Social network. Meanwhile, Smiling Joe will continue to keep doing his job, and doing it well. Try to tune out the naysayers. They are just trying to depress you, so you’ll stay home, even if you would never vote for TFG.

And…um…pay no attention to those drones flying around the Panda House. I’m sure it’s all…um…fine.

Be the Bear
Bob T wake me when it’s over Panda

Pinky Security!

Winning through procrastination!

Taylor Swift won the Superb Owl! Because I am a football genius! We watched the replay of the last quarter (or is it an inning?) and the overtime, and mostly were all yelling “what are they doing? What’s going on? OW! That had to hurt!

Meanwhile, Mittens is going around saying all kinds of crazy sh*t and we are all living in the age of anxiety! As Bikkie says, “It’s all too muchie!

I managed to procrastinate to miss my 2nd ‘toon of the week last week. Will I do better this week? Who knows!

Anyway, Pinky has a new security team!

From here on, if I don’t have a new ‘toon to post, I’ll share something relevant from the archives!

Be the bear!
Bob T We are all Swifties Now Panda


I can’t remember when I found out that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun were half sisters, but once I did, all sorts of sisterly interactions suddenly became possible! Long talks on the phone, exchanging parenting advice, sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins!

Wait…did you say sending her cubbies to stay with their cousins???!?!?!


I just love their little phone chats!

BTW, I am really enjoying the MAGA melt downs over the whole Taylor Swift thing. I mean…they have really lost their minds! I will admit to a passing familiarity to Swift’s music, via my bedroom radio/alarm. The station (which is about the only one I get on my cheap radio alarm clock in the midst of all the tall trees around here,) plays popular music, of which Taylor Swift is a frequent offering. I will also admit, that despite I am not her prime demographic, I think her music is clever, catchy, and cheerful, and while I’m probably not inclined to go to a concert, I do like her music. Her writing is smart and engaging. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

Hearing stories about the bonuses for ALL the people who work for her on her tours, along with charitable contributions, well, that makes me like her more. and that she has embraced politics, and as a young woman with a lot of young women fans, well, no wonder MAGA has set their hair on fire over her. They should know better than to mess with Swift Force One! Oh wait. I forgot. They are really stupid.

I’ve heard through the boo-vine, that Pinky is a fan! This is definitely something to keep our eyes on.

Be the Bear
Bob T #WeAreAllSwiftiesNow Panda