Category Archives: Pandas on the Move!

California Dreaming!

The newest residents of Panda Canyon have gotten their golden tickets to their new home! We don’t know exactly when they will arrive, but reports are for sometime this summer. Like the Three Chipmunks sang, “Wee can hardly stand the wait…

The San Diego Panda Dynasty continues!

Of course ZooNooZ scored the first interview!

For explanations about Yun Chuan’s vocal stylings, and reports on Xin Bao’s witticisms, do visit the San Diego Zoo’s write up of the new cubbies!

Be the Bear
Bob T I’m excited! Are you? Panda

California Dreaming!

It might be Super Tuesday in someplace, but it won’t be SUPER DOOPER TUESDAY until the pandas return to Pandiego!

Would it be cynical of me to use the words “Super Tuesday” in order to get more eyes on the Panda Chronicles? You be the judge!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Super Panda Tuesday Panda

Pandas Pandas PANDAS!!!

We are still celebrating the impending arrival later this year, of a new generation of pandas in Panda Canyon! We *might* need to distract ourselves from current events.

Of course, Pinky has inserted herself into the process of welcoming the next California pandas!

Be the Bear!
Bob T will we never be free of Mittens? Panda

May the Fourth Be With You…

…for all who celebrate!

Surrender your pandas!

Sadly, we are destined to be a country without pandas in the next year or two. San Diego’s pandas were sent to China in 2019, and the pandemic, not to mention TFG’s crappy stances on China meant we weren’t going to get a new panda loan agreement any time soon. Noted panda writer Henry Nicholls wrote an opinion piece for CNN about our addiction to domesticated pandas. That might not be quite how he put it, but he does have a point.

Pandas in the wild are different animals, and now it appears there may be some genetic difference between pandas that live in the wild and pandas that grew up on the all you can eat cruise ship model. “Pandas are solitary? Who knew?!!!!” said a group of pandas sitting around the table chowing down on boo shoots while playing Mah Jong.

Any way, now Ya Ya is on her way back to Beijing, alas without Le Le who succumbed to a previously undiagnosed heart ailment.

Could story lines collide soon? I guess we’ll find out.

Stay tuned for further developments!

Be the Bear!
Bob T pass the endless boo buffet Panda

If you haven’t read Henry Nicholls’ The Way of the Panda, you should fix that immediately. It’s a great book about all things pandas, the politics of pandas, and there is a cameo appearance of a ‘toon that was perhaps done by your favorite practitioner of panda satire! My literary claim to fame!

The long, long, LONG Goodbye

So, you remember that story I started telling you about Bubba and Ping going off to say goodbye to Yip and Jip, just before they went off and moved to Calgary, and then some other stuff happened, like the Panda Olympics and Chinese New Years, and I started telling you some other stories? Well, think of it as kind of a long goodbye from Bubba to his good friends to the north, Jip and Yip.

To remind you of where we left them…

Packing is such a chore! And a surprise visit from a friend can make it go so much faster!

So, now that you remember where we left everyone…

long goodbye

The Long Goodbye, or “Toronto Farewell”

Stay tuned for more of our story on Sunday! And don’t forget Fabulous Furry Friday, coming to you on…um…now what day was that again?

Panda on
Bob T Panda

9 Days to Go and it’s No Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

Once again I must thank all panda satire supporters for the outstanding support and confidence that you have showered upon this panda.  We are not worthy!  Oh wait…yes we are!  We have 9 days to achieve our funding goals and we are not there yet, but we are too close to fail!

Babette de Panda would like to take this opportunity to ask for your continued support and remind you that it is all about her.  Tell your friends!

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

9 Days to Go and it’s No Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

Once again I must thank all panda satire supporters for the outstanding support and confidence that you have showered upon this panda.  We are not worthy!  Oh wait…yes we are!  We have 9 days to achieve our funding goals and we are not there yet, but we are too close to fail!

Babette de Panda would like to take this opportunity to ask for your continued support and remind you that it is all about her.  Tell your friends!

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Today, I am the bear…..

Well, here I am, getting ready in about 8 minutes (give or take) to launch my Kickstarter project (as explained by Bob and Mehitabel) at exactly 12:01PM Pacific Daylight Savings time.  Why so precise on the time, you may very well ask?  It all goes to my theory of when people are on their computers more.

If you are someone’s employer, please stop reading this now.

I mean it.  psst…most people are on their computers checking kickstarter and twitter and facebook while they are at work.

Also, the way Kickstarter works, is that once you have set your start and finish time for your project, your project ends at the exact time of day that your project started: 24 hrs X however many days.  So, if you get all excited because you have been spending all evening till the wee hours (or in the case of the panda kindergarten, the ‘wheeeeee” hours) and launch your project at 2:00AM, it will end at 1:59 AM  when everyone, including yourself, is asleep.  Don’t you want to be awake for the triumphant finish?  I know I do.

In the meantime, here are some more pandas!  Huzzah!   This one’s for you, bro’.

Today, you are a bear.

Stand with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel and the panda kindergarten (well, maybe not TOO close to the panda kindergarten)

Be the bear!  Ready….set….GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob T. Panda

Today, I am the bear…..

Well, here I am, getting ready in about 8 minutes (give or take) to launch my Kickstarter project (as explained by Bob and Mehitabel) at exactly 12:01PM Pacific Daylight Savings time.  Why so precise on the time, you may very well ask?  It all goes to my theory of when people are on their computers more.

If you are someone’s employer, please stop reading this now.

I mean it.  psst…most people are on their computers checking kickstarter and twitter and facebook while they are at work.

Also, the way Kickstarter works, is that once you have set your start and finish time for your project, your project ends at the exact time of day that your project started: 24 hrs X however many days.  So, if you get all excited because you have been spending all evening till the wee hours (or in the case of the panda kindergarten, the ‘wheeeeee” hours) and launch your project at 2:00AM, it will end at 1:59 AM  when everyone, including yourself, is asleep.  Don’t you want to be awake for the triumphant finish?  I know I do.

In the meantime, here are some more pandas!  Huzzah!   This one’s for you, bro’.

Today, you are a bear.

Stand with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel and the panda kindergarten (well, maybe not TOO close to the panda kindergarten)

Be the bear!  Ready….set….GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob T. Panda

The Torch Bears! Lost at Sea?

I know in the “real world” that the Olympics have actually already started, but please bear with us, and indulge me in the thought that the Olympics are just about to begin.

Where, oh where have the torch bears gone?

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!


Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda