Tag Archives: Babette de Panda

Our Story Continues: Pandarella, Episode 9

Here we are again. You know the drill: Fairy tale, wicked stepmother, evil step sisters, bad stuff happens, yada yada yada.

I sure hope Bikkie made good soup. You don’t want to get those evil step sisters mad.

Be the Bear!
Bob T I do believe in magic Panda

Episode 8 of Pandarella! Things go from bad to WORSE!

We are back with the next episode of Pandarella! and yes, things are not going well for Bikkie. And yes, things are about to get worse.

Deal with it.

Would I be wrong to think that Six and Sebben are enjoying their roles as mini villains?

Coming up on Thursday (or maybe Friday, we’ll have to see, won’t we?) a hard hitting NooZ story about the Woodland Park Pookies (as heard on NPR’s Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Fairy Tales aren’t for the faint of heart Panda

Tuesday Tales is back with Pandarella Episode 7!

There is so much going on right now that I decided I will have the ongoing saga of Pandarella new episodes on Tuesdays, so I can devote the other ‘toon of the week to all the various goings on in the world. I think we have secured an interview with the new not yet arrived residents of Pandiego for this Thursday, and we are working on getting interviews with the North Cascade Zebra, Frank and Mikey’s interviews with the new grizzly bears coming to the North Cascades, and an irate duck who thought that the Woodland Park Zoo was supposed to be a safe haven for ALL animals, not just bears!

So now, let’s get back to our story!

Those evil stepsisters seem somewhat familiar!

Be the Bear!
Bob T it’s only going to get worse Panda

A Panda of Mystery (continued)

I still don’t know where this story is going, but I found my way into it a bit more. When we left the Panda Chateau, Bebe Maurice’s Maman had just received a mysterious letter from an applicant to be a governess to Fleur and Snowy….

Extra credit if you can identify the painter and painting that B. Maurice is reprising here.

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

A Panda of Mystery: Maybe a new story!

Sometimes I have ideas, and sometimes I don’t necessarily know where they are going. In the way of pantsers* everywhere, I will just start writing and drawing and see where it goes. (*Pantser: a writer who writes with no plan or plot in mind)

Over on #PandaTwitter Six and Sebben are on the loose! Who knows what they will get up to, or where they will turn up. Mama Lun Lun bought them around the world tickets, paid extra for their passports, turned up the music and locked the door. Not necessarily in that order.

Sometimes Twitter #PandaImprov turns into ‘toon story lines. Sometimes we are just having fun!

But meanwhile, Babette de Panda has turned up like a bad penny!

Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Day 17 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Wee can hardly stand the wait…

How about that! Pinky DID save the day!
Happy New Year’s Eve!

We hope you enjoyed this Encore Presentation of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations! It is our privilege to share these ‘toons from the archives. A reminder that your purchase of books helps to keep us in ink and paper and hosting fees. (see the books page in the header) Felty pandas are still available as well, although my page crashed, so I had to remove it. Feel free to request images of currently available felties via email through the contact us page. I’ve been working on cats, but definitely NOT Mittens.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

We are just over HALFWAY through 31 Days of Pandas so be sure to stay ‘tooned for more panda fun through the rest of the month, including the complete (we hope) Bears of the Baskervilles & the 12 Days of CrispMoss, as well as another story or two!

Day 16 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Will Pinky and the Meihems and Mr Wu and…oh yeah…Inspector Panda arrive in time to save all the Bebe pandas?

Cue the scary music!!!!
Will Pinky save the day?

Pinky to the rescue!

‘Toon in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda