I bet you thought I would never get around to finishing this Panda-Extravaganza of PandaPaloozahood. Well, to be honest, neither did I! But here we are in the final and-they-lived-happily-ever-after chapter!

And so, we end, like all fairy tales end, (at least the sanitized happily ever after ones…the original Grimm’s tales are often quite a bit darker!) with the evil step sisters getting just what they deserve, and Bikkie going off to the palace with a rather familiar looking King and Queen to live a life of fun and luxury!
Now, if we could just banish Mittens to a dark dungeon somewheres. Remember to vote y’all!
To Friends of Bob in the Hurricane Helene ravaged country side, I think of you and hope you are safe and well. Climate change is kicking our butts.
Be the Bear!
Bob T wants to live happily ever after Panda