Tag Archives: Fairy tales

We’re Back with Episode 17 of Pandarella!

Because we absolutely need some fairy tales right now!

We’ll rant more about current events in our Thursday episode. Meanwhile, let’s see what Bikkie’s fairy god-pandas have been up to…

Six and Sebben will NEBBER recognize Bikkie in his red panda disguise!

Be the Bear
Bob T master of disguise Panda

Tuesday Tales is back with Pandarella Episode 7!

There is so much going on right now that I decided I will have the ongoing saga of Pandarella new episodes on Tuesdays, so I can devote the other ‘toon of the week to all the various goings on in the world. I think we have secured an interview with the new not yet arrived residents of Pandiego for this Thursday, and we are working on getting interviews with the North Cascade Zebra, Frank and Mikey’s interviews with the new grizzly bears coming to the North Cascades, and an irate duck who thought that the Woodland Park Zoo was supposed to be a safe haven for ALL animals, not just bears!

So now, let’s get back to our story!

Those evil stepsisters seem somewhat familiar!

Be the Bear!
Bob T it’s only going to get worse Panda

Uh Oh! Something is going to hit the fan any minute now…

It’s about to happen! The moment of truth! The forces of good and evil are gathering and an epic battle is about to take place, right here in our nation’s capitol!!!! Um…I mean in the halls of the Kingdom of Pandalanta. Please excuse my confusion. It was an honest mistake, right? Something is going to hit the fan any minute now, and everyone is running for cover, lest they get splattered with you know what.

Actually, this could be true for either place, couldn’t it? But let’s continue with our feature presentation…

Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!!!

hit the fan

Won’t someone save these innocent little pandas???

And hey! Today is Pinky’s actual birthday! What a great way to celebrate, right? Pinky contemplating an evil act! Well, it’s just a story, isn’t it? Isn’t it? Tune in Sunday (What? we have to wait till Sunday to find out what happens next?????) for the next exciting episode of Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse! Bwahahahahaha!

Panda On, as if our lives depend on it!
Bob T Panda

Episode 12: You Have Got to be Kidding Me

Oh man! I thought pandas were sweet, cute, and cuddly, and don’t have a vicious bone in their bodies. Could this have a parallel in the real world, and give us any information why a certain spokesperson for #NMP has seeming disappeared with out a trace? Are you kidding me? You can’t mean that PANDAS had anything to do with the real life disappearance…

The three pandas aren’t kidding around here, KittySue…


Pandas are very misunderstood, in so many ways….

Tune in Sunday the the dramatic conclusion of KittySue and the Three Pandas!

Meanwhile, I want to thank everyone who has contributed to my If you give a panda a cuppycake campaign. I really appreciate your generosity. You guys are the bears!

Panda ON!
Bob T Panda