Before we get to the next episode of the KittySue and the Three Pandas saga, I want to take a moment to say farewell and remember a stalwart supporter of panda satire who has crossed over the bridge to the great beyond this week. I speak of RumpyDog, who has made the life of his typer (that’s what we call those who type on the computer, for those whose paws cannot navigate a keyboard) Jen T. and several kitties, richer a thousand times over.
Those of you with pets, know of what I speak. We know that they are here for such a short time, compared to our own lifespans, but they bring so much to our lives. Rumpy had his own blog where he wrote about animal welfare issues, and life with a household full of cats. He even made a guest appearance here once or twice. Rumpy lived a good life once he found his forever home and he will be missed by all who knew him. Even the cats.
Run free, Rumpy. We won’t forget you.

Huzzah for Rumpy Dog!
Meanwhile, back at the pandas’ cottage…

Can she really DO that????
Oh my! I am on the edge of my seat, and only 2 more episodes to go!!!
How will it all end????
Meanwhile, I’ve made a change or two here. You can read the account of my pandapiphany, which is now public. Just hover the mouse over the Cast and Crew heading at the top of the page and another hidden page listing will appear, called From Pandapiphany to Princess Pinky–
click on that and you can read an illustrated account of my journey into panda satire. It includes VERY early drawings that have not ever been published here. Enjoy!
From time to time, people have suggested that I put a link on the blog so that they could contribute to panda satire. I’ve thought about opening a Patreon account, but ultimately decided that it would be like running a full time Kickstarter campaign, and really, I felt it would result in far more whining than I really wanted to do. I recently set up a account as a way to do remote sales. As an experiment, I decided to set up a link so that if people wanted to, they could make small donations to this blog.
Using the public radio model, where content is provided for free, and if people enjoy it, they can chose to support it, if they are able to do so. I feel strongly that anyone should be able to read my cartoons for free, and not have paid subscriptions or annoying ads on my site. (Well, other than me whinging to you about Buy My Books! every now and again. But you know…a bear has to buy the occasional cuppycake and pay the mortgage on her cave.)
Look for the surrealistic panda with a cuppycake in the sidebar to the right, click on it, and it will take you to my thingie.

Follow the panda. or the cuppycake, to support panda satire!
See you on Wednesday for the next exciting episode of the KittySue and the Three Pandas saga!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda