It was Six and Sebben’s birthday this week! Hard to believe they turned FOUR!!! As is traditional at The Panda Chronicles, I like to feature the birthday bears on a Sunday Funday dive into the archives. Is it my fault if Pinky took three weeks to celebrate her birthday? She *might* make an appearance here too!
I’m working on some new felties which I really swear I will get photographed and up on the Buy Stuff with Pandas page…really soon! I went for a last visit to my felty supplier, Abundant Earth Fiber. The coronavirus restrictions meant they had to be closed for more than 4 months. Although they do have a vibrant online store, as a new member of the fiber arts community, their store was like a trip to Wonderland. There were always someone there, either knitting or spinning or just hanging out and ready to talk about wool. They recently made the difficult decision to close their retail space.
The mill lives on and they’ve made arrangements with another local store to carry some of their best selling yarns and fibers, and also to serve as a pick up location for online orders for us locals. As part of their closing, they had a sale on everything in the shop, so I am well stocked up on fiber for now. They are currently offering free shipping on everything ordered online for US addresses, so if you are a knitter, (or felter!) and want to order some stunningly beautiful yarn, I hope you’ll check them out. I don’t get anything for promoting them (other than their continued existence). Their philosophy of small, high quality batch yarn and fibers really resonates with me.
But enough about the real world! Let’s take a look back in the archives for the Life and Times of Six and Sebben!

It’s a girl! It’s another girl!

Will there be cuppycakes?

Panda Trek 2: The Next Generation

The little gift that keeps on giving!

Would it be such a bad thing?

Oh, brave new world, with such pandas in it!

Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!

Will these two ever get along?

Pinky’s previous minions are all grown up now, and know better than to listen to her, but…

Pinky and her new minions get down to serious business

I don’t think this crew of minions is going to be quite as devoted as her last ones.

“If there is dirt, we’ll find it!”
Motto of Six and Sebben Political consultants INC.
I just thought we all needed a good laugh, so….

Did I just see what I thought I saw?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda