Tag Archives: Mr. Wu

It’s a Wu, Wu Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu World!

Happy 12th Birthday to the one and only Mr. Wu!

Xiao LiWu the little gift that keeps on giving, Mr. Wu to his nannies and his friends has completed 12 trips around the sun today! Mr. Wu was the first panda I watched from the time he was a tiny cubby. While I was already a committed panda fan by then, he was the first real panda that I incorporated in to the stories here at The Panda Chronicles.

In honor of his birthday on Monday, July 29th, today’s presentation will be a little panda palooza of early Wu-toons! Pandarella will resume on Thursday!

Here we go!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?
Xiao Liwu and Bai Yun
Too soon, too soon, a Wu and his mom will go their separate ways…

I hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with Mr. Wu! Of course, around this time Pinky and the Meihems had appeared on the scene, and Pinky’s quest for world domination had begun.

By the way, it is also the birthdays of the only surviving triplets, who served as Pinky’s minions during her first run for the White House in 2016.

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?
Minion security: you can’t be too careful.
Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Till next time!
Be the Bear
Bob T pass the cuppycakes Panda

And Now, for Part 2 of A Halloween Carol!

Starring Pinky!

Hmmm… Pinky still does not seem impressed. Perhaps the ghost of Halloween present will have more influence over her.
Uh oh, the ghost of halloween present just caught up with Pinky…
Was that list in small type, single spaced?
The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?
Surely you didn’t think she would totally reform, did you?

I hope you enjoyed this encore presentation of A Halloween Carol. It is still one of my favorites, with Pinky at her Pinky-est! You can still catch up with The Wizard of Wu over at Substack. You know you want to!

Be the Bear
Bob T not a pouty panda Panda

And Now for Another Holiday Classic!

A Halloween Carol!

I hope you are enjoying the October Encore Presentation of The Wizard of Wu over on Substack! I thought that, for the sake of being less confusing, I would have our annual re-broadcast of A Halloween Carol right here!

Get out your poppy-corn, put your feetsies up and enjoy the show!

Bubba’s first feature role!
you…is…not…da…yawn…boss of…pinky…
Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don’t you think?
Hey! who said Wu could poof things?
One of Pinky’s misdeeds has come back to haunt her… can her campaign survive this?

Uh oh! Has Pinky’s crimes of the past come back to haunt her? ‘Toon in next time for the exciting conclusion of A Halloween Carol! And don’t forget to check out The Wizard of Wu over on Substack!

Be the Bear!
Bob T super spooky Panda

Sunday Thoughts and the Beginning of Mr. Wu’s Birthday Week!

As you might imagine, the January 6th Committee Hearings are giving me many, many thoughts. Having the events put into a running timeline, from what was happening behind the scenes even before the election, right up until the minute by minute events at TFG’s rally to the coordinated effort (pre planned as we are learning) to storm the Capitol, is really helpful to understand the enormity of this event.

We really did come very close to losing our democratic form of government.

I appreciate all the people (primarily republicans who worked for TFG) who have come forward to testify. I really do. It doesn’t make them heroes, but they did need to find a reservoir of courage to speak up. There are some of course, who despite the fact they admit that TFG went three stops past too far, say they would still have voted for him and that they are “proud of their accomplishments.”


Maybe they want to stay in good standing with the GOP, such as it is, or maybe they have the very real fear that angry mobs will show up on their doorsteps or attack them online. This is happening and these acts are terrible. The violence that has been directed at some of the people who have testified is not the equivalent of peaceful protest at the recent SCOTUS decisions or attacks by the states on reproductive health freedom.

I am also grateful the representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have stepped up to be such integral members of the J6 Committee. Despite what TFG and his minions say, it really IS bipartisan with them on board.

I would just have this one little thought for them to consider as they move forward with their life in politics or out of it:

I know that we are never going to agree with many of our core philosophies of what constitutes good government. But I ask if you can see that the GOP stance on voting, on telling lies about your opponents, are the very things that brought us to the point that a corrupt president would think it was his god given right to abuse his office, mismanage a global pandemic, and end with an attempt to overthrow the government.

Going forward I would wish not that we agree on everything, but that we can accept that we each have sincerely held beliefs. That we can debate these differences without telling lies and attacking each other. That voting is a right and the more people that are engaged in voting, the better it is for our country. That an educated population is more productive than an ignorant one. That healthcare and housing and adequate food for all makes a better, safer country for everyone. That clean air and water and open space and pandas are part of having a strong country. (did you notice I snuck pandas in there?)

People should be able to be who they are, love and marry who they wish, or not marry at all if that is their preference. Why is this such a hard thing?

But now, it’s time to start celebrating the Wu Self’s Birthday Season because he turns 10 this year!!!!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
An explorer’s work is never done.
It is so hard for a small panda to prevail….
Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

We will continue this adventure next Sunday, in part 2 of Mr. Wu’s birthday celebration!

Till then, keep being the bears, remember to check your registration and VOTE! Current polls are showing that Democrats have a much stronger possibility of holding on to both the House and the Senate. This is only possible if we get informed as to who wants to do what and then get out there and VOTE!

Bob T *I voted the primary* Panda

If anyone in western Washington state wants a good voting guide, I have several that were recommended by a local organization that I trust:

Progressive Voters’ Guide:

LD 10 Democrats:

Marianne Edain’s Politiblog: 

A Day Without Pandas…Is Not Worth Waking Up For

Let’s see what pops up from the Way Back machine…

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
inside Bob's Brain
What’s that stuff getting all over my paws? Oh…it’s frosting!

How about one of Mr. Wu’s stories?

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?
Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?
“Up in the Air, Junior Pandas…”
Nothing like a snappy graphic to um…solve a problem!
May Day! May Day!
Bet ya didn’t see this coming…or maybe you did.

I hope you enjoyed this story as we celebrate 50 years of pandas at the National Zoo!

Yes, I know that Mr Wu is not an SNZ Panda, but he is related through his mom and Papa Tian Tian, who are half siblings!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 10 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It’s a WUnderful Life: the finale!

We hope you are enjoying this encore presentation of It’s a WUnderful Life! This story (and many other stories about Mr. Wu) can be found in Book 4 of the panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu!

I’m pretty sure something is coming up next, I have to find my list where I actually figured out what I had planned. Good thong I posted yesterday and today’s ‘toons ahead, since we had (yet another) power outage that lasted all day. Weather can be so tedious!

But now, on with the show!

It's a Wonderful Life, parody
Yay! The heartwarming schmoopy ending!
it's a wonderful life parody
A bear and his mom…together forever?

I’m sure I’ll come up with something for tomorrow!

Till then,
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Day 9 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Mom, don’t you know Wu?

It's a Wonderful Life parody
Repeat after me, “It’s a story” ‘kay?
It's a Wonderful Life, parody
Everytime a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake.

Every time a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake!
Be sure to ‘Toon in tomorrow for the dramatic conclusion of this Holiday Classic!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 8 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It’s a WUnderful Life continues!

it's a wonderful life parody
You won’t like this, Mr Wu!
It's a Wonderful Life Parody
Those darn cats!

Oh man! I don’t even want to think about what happens next!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 7 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It’s A WUnderful Life, continued…

It's a wonderful Life parody
Bee the bear tells it like it is
It's a Wonderful Life parody
What part of “you don’t exist” didn’t you get? Ha ha! I love that line!

‘Toon in tomorrow...if you’re not too scared!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Day 6 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It’s a WUnderful Life!

Today starts our Holiday Encore Presentation of It’s a WUnderful Life, which explores the existential question, pondered by Jimmy Stewart’s character in a complete rip-off of this version: what would the world be like if there were no more baby pandas?

Or something like that!

it's a wonderful life
Thank goodness Bee the Bear still has her magical wand from the last adventure.
It's a wonderful life
Wu is a good bear at heart….

‘Toon in tomorrow for the next exciting episodes of It’s a WUnderful Life!