Tag Archives: Pandiego

California Dreaming!

The newest residents of Panda Canyon have gotten their golden tickets to their new home! We don’t know exactly when they will arrive, but reports are for sometime this summer. Like the Three Chipmunks sang, “Wee can hardly stand the wait…

The San Diego Panda Dynasty continues!

Of course ZooNooZ scored the first interview!

For explanations about Yun Chuan’s vocal stylings, and reports on Xin Bao’s witticisms, do visit the San Diego Zoo’s write up of the new cubbies!

Be the Bear
Bob T I’m excited! Are you? Panda

We Interrupt Our Feature presentation For This Important Announcement

Don’t think this means I’m going to let you weenies off the hook from our incredibly suspenseful and slightly scary story, but first…


Meanwhile, the Mittens is a Sleeze and financial/election cheat trial continues, with Eric getting the short straw in the “Take your Daddy to Court Day” competition between his family members.

Get ready to meet in Pandiego!!!

Be the Bear
Bob T I am counting the days Panda

California Dreaming!

It might be Super Tuesday in someplace, but it won’t be SUPER DOOPER TUESDAY until the pandas return to Pandiego!

Would it be cynical of me to use the words “Super Tuesday” in order to get more eyes on the Panda Chronicles? You be the judge!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Super Panda Tuesday Panda