It might be Super Tuesday in someplace, but it won’t be SUPER DOOPER TUESDAY until the pandas return to Pandiego!

Would it be cynical of me to use the words “Super Tuesday” in order to get more eyes on the Panda Chronicles? You be the judge!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Super Panda Tuesday Panda
Ha ha ha ha!
Did you catch the Barbie reference?
Um, …. no. In my defense, I haven’t seen Barbie ….
Um ….actually I never saw Barbie.
I’m not telling you what you should watch, but I was a reluctant Barbie viewer and I was more than pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. But then, I really like things that make fun of the patriarchy. Also I am now a Swifty, so perhaps I have already gone over the deep end.
How does that relate to your toon if I may ask?
It’s the Beach reference.
Now I’m picturing our Panda Celebrates cruising down PCH in their black and white Cubvertible in their swimwear with their surfboards in the back seat, going to premieres in their best designer evening wear and (hopefully) NOT engaging in scandals! The Pandaparazzi are going to go wild! chronicling their torrid romance and the stars will be vying for tickets to the wedding. They’ll need guidance from their DC counterparts on how to handle their fame.
Ha ha! I think it will happen just like that! I hope the zoo has their new cubvertivble ready for them!