State of the Union, State of the Pandas…can you have one without the other? I wouldn’t think so. While the State of the Union, if Mittens and his evil minions are to be believed, is hanging by a thread. But if you look at the actual accomplishments of Handsome Joe and the pre-dysfunctional Congress, there is much to stand up and cheer about.
Not least of which, the pandas will be returning to PanDiego
Meanwhile, the question on everyone’s mind tonight: will Marge embarrass herself again by acting like a yahoo at a basketball game? Or will there be other interruptions?

Any one want to take bets on whether Pinky shows up before Marge makes her first uncouth remark?
Be the Bear!
Bob T I’ll be watching Panda
Bob T, you make me laugh out loud. I’ll be watching the S of U in about 40 minutes and I’ll certainly be watching for Pinky. I won’t need to watch for Maniac Marge and her Minions. They’ll make themselves disrespectfully heard loud and clear, I’m afraid. Thanks again for the laugh-out-loud!
I’m keeping an eye out for Pinky! Glad you are here and can’t wait to see you again in Panda canyon with actual pandas!
I hope she didn’t kickbox any Secret Service agents and break Mike Johnson’s glasses trying to get up there.
Pinky: um…dey saw offing…and preacher Mike should not have gotten in my way. I mean…if it WAS me dat broke his stoopid glasses
She was dressed as a clown and is one
Totally. She is a disgrace to the House.