Category Archives: Guilty Guilty Guilty

Today in (Presidential Crimes) History

Yes, today is the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s announcement that he planned to resign.

If only, he mused, but no, even his own party members realized that this was a stain on their party, and he had to go. Alas. Today’s GOP has no such self awareness about crimes and stains.

We are at a turning point.
Do we choose the candidates and party that want to give people a bottle of water when they pass out from the heat at their political events? Or do we want the party that tells stricken parents of murdered children that they should “just get over it?”

Do we want JOY or Carnage?

I don’t know about you, but I think the choice is pretty clear.

89 days till Election Day. Check your registration! Vote!

Be the Bear
Bob T I am not a crook Panda

PS: I am not even going to discuss the latest revelation about RFK Jr. I suspect Frank and Mikey might have something to say about it, or maybe not. They were really offended.

Oreos and Bears and Pandas, Oh My!

Ya know, I thought about doing something about the trial today, and then I thought, “nah…I don’t want to jinx it by assuming you know who would be found GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY,” so instead I planned this nice little ‘toon about Oreo, the Oreo stealing bear, and THEN, what happens at like 5 AM yesterday morning, my text messages start blowing up with nooz of Binky Li coming to Washington DC, so this time procrastinating worked to my advantage, because I could work the arrival of Binky Li and his girl fren into the ‘toon.

So here ya go! I’m pretty sure Nixon’s ghost will pop in next week to gloat over TFG’s 34 COUNT GUILTY VERDICT.

There will be champagne popping and dancing in the streets tonight. Hopefully the gun totting minions of TFG will be kept under control. Be happy and stay safe, panda friends. We have two new sets of bears to welcome later this year!

Enjoy some Oreos and milk and no double dipping!

Be the Bear
Bob T is not a crook Panda

This is Not Nam, Man…There are RULES!

Can you tell I just watched The Big Lebowski again?

As we go to press here, TFG is hopefully getting schooled by the 2nd Circuit, on the facts and the laws, which he is not above. As more than one person has mentioned, if the president is above the law, what is to stop our current Commander in Chief from throwing tfg’s ass in jail and declaring HIMSELF dictator for life?

We have assembled the best legal minds available to appear on ZooNooZ (Barbara McQuade was not available) to discuss why Mittens cannot use The Pinky Defense.

You would think it would be self evident.

A brief note about the weather: I am setting this up on Monday, to be posted on Tuesday, just in time for the 2nd circuit to laugh in TFG’s face. Really, the fact that I even know what the 2nd Circuit is, grieves me no end. What happened to my apolitical, apathetic existence? It’s been RUINED!!! That’s what! I never wanted to be informed about political stuff!

Anyway…where was I? oh yeah. Weather. We are supposed to start getting some serious wind in a couple hours, which means there is a good possibility we will lose electric power. I’ve been charging what can be recharged, putting fresh batteries in flashlights, and organizing ice packs for the freezer and food to go in the cooler on my porch. If I don’t open the freezer or fridge, it can go for at least 2 days, maybe 3 if we have a long outage.

Wish me luck!

Till the lights come back on,
Be the bear!
Bob T can I use the Pinky Defense Panda

Today’s the day we’ve been waiting for.

Maybe not the ultimate day we are waiting for, of course. But it is the day he will have to appear in court, in Floriduh, and be confronted with the charges against him, and plead guilty (guilty guilty) or not guilty.

Honestly…I’m really not sure how we’ve survived this long, what with the completely lackadaisical storage that top secret documents were stored, hauled around, and left in public spaces that anyone with access to Merde-A-Lago could just slip into and rifle through some boxes.

Considering the outrage over Hilary’s emails, the cries of “No fairs! He’s done nothing wrong!” coming from the seditionist caucus of the GQP are especially outrageous. Now Bill if the president does it it’s not illegal Barr is going on his redemption tour, saying, “Yep, if he did even half of what the indictment says, he’s going down.” TFG, predictably, now calls his former Roy Cohn lazy and incompetent, no more than a coffee boy, and claims he fired him, rather than that Barr’s obsequious resignation letter told TFG what an honor it was to serve him.

Am I mad? You bet! I hope you’ve read the full indictment by now. It’s easy reading with a lot of blank space, so shouldn’t take you more than 20 minutes or so. Here’s a link to Teri Kanefiled’s excellent annotation of the indictment.

Meanwhile, I thought the day should be commemorated in The Panda Chronicles

I’m afraid things are probably going to get ugly as we see this indictment, along with the coming ones for January 6 and the investigation in Georgia. But the alternative to facing these things head on would be far, far worse.

We cannot be fated to fall into fascism

Be the Bear
Bob T I’ll be brave if you are Panda