Can you tell I just watched The Big Lebowski again?
As we go to press here, TFG is hopefully getting schooled by the 2nd Circuit, on the facts and the laws, which he is not above. As more than one person has mentioned, if the president is above the law, what is to stop our current Commander in Chief from throwing tfg’s ass in jail and declaring HIMSELF dictator for life?
We have assembled the best legal minds available to appear on ZooNooZ (Barbara McQuade was not available) to discuss why Mittens cannot use The Pinky Defense.
You would think it would be self evident.

A brief note about the weather: I am setting this up on Monday, to be posted on Tuesday, just in time for the 2nd circuit to laugh in TFG’s face. Really, the fact that I even know what the 2nd Circuit is, grieves me no end. What happened to my apolitical, apathetic existence? It’s been RUINED!!! That’s what! I never wanted to be informed about political stuff!
Anyway…where was I? oh yeah. Weather. We are supposed to start getting some serious wind in a couple hours, which means there is a good possibility we will lose electric power. I’ve been charging what can be recharged, putting fresh batteries in flashlights, and organizing ice packs for the freezer and food to go in the cooler on my porch. If I don’t open the freezer or fridge, it can go for at least 2 days, maybe 3 if we have a long outage.
Wish me luck!
Till the lights come back on,
Be the bear!
Bob T can I use the Pinky Defense Panda
Darling Pinky: clearly Mittens is looking for a mentor an and example, so he can perfect his questionable ethical skills and talents.
I agree that he doesn’t fall into the category of “adorable panda princess” (and as a cat lover, I’m not even sure he falls into the category of an adorable cat!). He can’t get away with the things that you can, just by batting your pretty eyes and waving your wand. But couldn’t you set a new course and show him that he needs to be more like Bubba and Ping?
A grateful nation might even elect you Prezzydent!
Pinky: I’m not talking to mittens. what are yoo finking? ick!