Tag Archives: SCOTUS

Rather Than a Well Deserved Rant…

I have many thoughts and maybe some of them should come out of my mouth, but for right now, I am exhausted. All I will say is this:

Solutions like SCOTUS expansion should happen, but can’t happen quickly to relieve this assault on women/pregnant persons
Filibuster reform is also needed, but again, it’s not going to happen with the Senate we have at this moment
Tell your Senator and Congressional reps what you think. Clearly, concisely, and as often as you can
Vote for Democrats up and down the ballot
Don’t listen to the naysayers or give up hope
We won’t get everything on our lists from a Democratic Congress & president, but I can GUARANTEE we won’t like ANYTHING we get from a Republican one

Now here are some pandas and random bears

Frank is off on a new adventure!
Wait…we get paid?
He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

The first appearances of Frank and Mikey!

Helloooooo bears!
I like bears.

His attitude is still unenlightened.

Take a nap and get ready to panda on

Bob T Panda