Category Archives: Bears Bears Bears!

Josie Tells All!

Can she help it if Otis is such a cutie pie?

I’m afraid to tell you, that Otis did not win this year’s completion. I think there is one more day to go, but he has already been eliminated. I know, I know, all bears are worthy, but geez…you’d think there could be more people who recognize Otis’s contribution to the Fat Bear Festivities. Maybe a lifetime achievement award?

Oh well…

Be the Bear!
Bob T Otis was robbed! Panda

Disaster Was Narrowly Averted…

But we will not forget that the GQP was ready, willing and able to shut down the government, throw the economy into a tail spin as 100s of 1000s of people were put out of work, imperil national security and the TWO worst things of all: Shut down the zoo during the last month of panda proximity AND disable the Fat Bear Contest!!!!


Let’s face facts. In a few months the only panda cams we’ll have access to are the ones from China. We will not have pandas we can visit unless we can go to China or Europe, neither of which is an option for most of us. So, we must have other bears!

As an international celebrity, you should not be surprised that Otis (aka bear #480) had some thoughts about the possibility of the Fat Bear Festival being canceled.

There does seem to be a tradition here of bears addressing the halls of government! (Pinky: I was da first! don’t forget dat!)

Be the BEAR!!!
Bob T don’t make bears mad! Panda

Was That Actually a Bear or Was Ron Death Sentence Wearing a Bear Suit?

What better way to sneak into the World of the Mouse, than by wearing a bear suit? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past the absentee governor who would be dictator president to pretend to be a bear and reconnoiter your enemy.

Or maybe it was just a bear who wanted to go on the It’s a Small World After All ride. At least it wasn’t an alligator!

Bears just want to have fun!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

We Interrupt Our Feature Presentation…

…for this breaking NooZ

So many bears in the Nooz! I could not resist the story of a bear and her cubby breaking into a Krispy Kreme donut truck. I mean come on! Wouldn’t you? (gift link to the story)

Lordy! There are tapes!

Be the bear
Bob T pass the donuts Panda

The Adventure Begins…

Are you ready?

Hmmm… I’m not so sure this is a good idea…

I would be remiss if I did not point out that this is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! And as such, I must share a ‘toon from the archives…

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

I think I will have an encore presentations of this whole story over at my Substack tomorrow. Yo ho ho!

Be the Bear
Bob T avast me hearties Panda

A New Adventure for Bikkie and Mister Poppee (and Pookie!)

You asked! Panda Satire Delivers!

Thousands of our fans have asked, “but what about a new adventure for Bikkie and Mister Poppee?” Okay, actually it was only Valerie, but I’m sure she spoke for the multitudes.

I’m not really sure where this is going (although I am beginning to get an idea) but here we go!

Be sure to pop over to my Substack thingie tomorrow to read the second half of Six and Sebben’s naming day story! It’s the really exciting part.

Bears! Bears! Bears! Bears Everywhere!

Bears are laughing…all the way to the top of Half Dome in the fabled Yosemite National Park. But wait…don’t you need a permit to climb half Dome?

Bears: Permits? PERMITS??? We don’t need no stinking permits!!!

Naturally, ZooNooZ has sent their intrepid reporters to Yosemite to get the REAL story!

Yosemite might be where I first saw a video of bears behaving badly in cars. The ranger station has a parade of bad bears playing on an endless loop in the check in office, to remind people not to leave food in their cars overnight.

If you doubt Frank and Mikey, you can read about enterprising bears here.

Be the (snorf) Bear!

Bob T keep your friends close and your food closer Panda

The True Scoop on Hank the Tank comes to you on ZooNooZ!

So. Many. Bears in the NooZ!!!!! If it’s not bears in swimming pools, reports of bears climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, (Really! More to come on this shocking story!)bears breaking into cars, it’s the top story of the day, the arrest of Hank the Tank!

Of course, ZooNooZ got the first interview!

well, I don’t know that we’ll be RIGHT back with more on Hank…I mean Henrietta’s story, but we will be back eventually!

As you know, it is Birthday Week in DC!

Monday was Bikkie’s 3rd birthday (where DOES the time go?) today is Bubba’s and of course, tomorrow is Pinky’s birthday. I’ve done birthday extravaganza posts over at Substack, so if you want to see what some of my favorite ‘toons for each of the bears are, head over to Substack to see!

Be the Bear!
Bob T I wasn’t trying to take her purse Panda

Consequences Must Be Paid

We can only hope there will be consequences for Mittens and all his minions. In the meantime, another career criminal has been taken the streets. Or is that trails? (Gift Link)

Will Mittens’ lawyers show up as required to Judge Chutkan’s court? I guess we’ll see. meanwhile, Hank the Tank (aka Henrietta) is going to face some consequences!

I bet she’ll be interviewed on ZooNooZ first, though!

Be the Bear
Bob T no bear shaming here Panda