Bears are laughing…all the way to the top of Half Dome in the fabled Yosemite National Park. But wait…don’t you need a permit to climb half Dome?
Bears: Permits? PERMITS??? We don’t need no stinking permits!!!
Naturally, ZooNooZ has sent their intrepid reporters to Yosemite to get the REAL story!

Yosemite might be where I first saw a video of bears behaving badly in cars. The ranger station has a parade of bad bears playing on an endless loop in the check in office, to remind people not to leave food in their cars overnight.
If you doubt Frank and Mikey, you can read about enterprising bears here.
Be the (snorf) Bear!
Bob T keep your friends close and your food closer Panda
😂😂😂 Love this! I’m glad Frank and Mikey are having a good time! I think they have a good time wherever they are!
Frank and Mikey are the original good times bears! Right now we need all the happy we can get.
These 2 bears are clowns. That’s for sure!
They make me happy!
This time Frank and Mikey aren’t saying “it wasn’t us”! I’m impressed! And I’m impressed with their fitness skills. That hike isn’t easy.
Frank: um…we might have hitched a ride on a helicopter.
Mikey: yeah…I didn’t want to mess up my manicure.
Oh, Bob T., I love to see that Zoonoz is at the latest in technological advances, and its reporters wear earpieces, instead of heavy microphones.
Mehitabel doesn’t always let Frank and Mikey wear the ear piece microphones. They tend to lose them and they are expensive. But the risk of Mikey dropping the microphone off the top of Half Dome and killing a party of hikers or starting an avalanche, was too great to risk. I’m not going to say that bears are careless (bear profiling) but these two are not the most responsible members of the ZooNooZ team.