Disaster Was Narrowly Averted…

But we will not forget that the GQP was ready, willing and able to shut down the government, throw the economy into a tail spin as 100s of 1000s of people were put out of work, imperil national security and the TWO worst things of all: Shut down the zoo during the last month of panda proximity AND disable the Fat Bear Contest!!!!


Let’s face facts. In a few months the only panda cams we’ll have access to are the ones from China. We will not have pandas we can visit unless we can go to China or Europe, neither of which is an option for most of us. So, we must have other bears!

As an international celebrity, you should not be surprised that Otis (aka bear #480) had some thoughts about the possibility of the Fat Bear Festival being canceled.

There does seem to be a tradition here of bears addressing the halls of government! (Pinky: I was da first! don’t forget dat!)

Be the BEAR!!!
Bob T don’t make bears mad! Panda

6 thoughts on “Disaster Was Narrowly Averted…

  1. Jeannie Meyer

    Um…I don’t suppose dear Otis would like to dine on a certain bilious-looking gentleman who wears a yellow mop on his head? He would be doing the world a huge service.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      As an elder bear, Otis has to watch his diet. We wouldn’t want him to get ill. Perhaps he could just rip him to shreds somewhere in the Alaskan wilderness.

  2. JT

    Most will recall that large news organizations have different “desks” that cover specific areas of interest. Obviously ZooNooz has a Panda Desk, perhaps a Red Panda desk, and certainly a Bear Desk. I propose the immediate addition of a ZooNooz Goober desk covering the follies and foibles of all the Congress Critters.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      From the desk of the CEO of Zoonooz: We tried that, but it kept catching fire and falling through the floor. We only have a very small budget for covering Goobers. And now K-Mac has been deposed. I’m guessing that Marge is fitting up his head on a spike to carry around in triumph around the Capitol. Unless, of course, Bobo takes it away from her.


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