On the penultimate day of the year, we have 3 brand new episodes of Bears of the Baskervilles!
Here we go!

Goodbye for now, but not forebber!
There’s one more day in 31 Days of Pandas! Don’t miss it!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
On the penultimate day of the year, we have 3 brand new episodes of Bears of the Baskervilles!
There’s one more day in 31 Days of Pandas! Don’t miss it!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
It’s Mr. Wu’s Birthday Season, so let’s all enjoy this encore presentation of Bears Under the Big Top. If you missed the first half of this feature presentation, just go back to last Sunday’s post!
We hope you enjoyed this feature encore presentation! Maybe it took your mind off of, ya know, the republican attempt to disassemble democracy. Mebbee not.
Be the Bear.
Bob T Panda
One of the first long stories I wrote, was the one where Mr. Wu runs off to join the circus with the panda kindergarten. I think it was his first meeting with Bee, the Bear. Since it is Mr. Wu’s birthday season, I thought it would be fun to have an encore presentation of the whole story.
You can find this story, as well as other stories of the Wu Self in my 4th ‘toon collection, The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu. (available from that big online retailer who shall not be named)
‘toon in next Sunday for the conclusion of our story, as well as on Tuesday and Thursday, for the further excellent adventures of Frank and Mikey!
Till next time, keep defending democracy, get your vaccination, and Be the bear!
As always,
Bob T Panda
I thought we’d start out with one of my favorite stories of the Meihems (which, of course, include Miss Pinky Panda!) Inspired by the real life drama that took place concerning a certain bridge between NJ and NY, and involves a certain governor…
Toon in this week to see if I actually get any new ‘toons done for this week!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Hold your horses, Pinky! It is still Mr. Wu’s birthday season. We’ll get to yours next week. Meanwhile, if you are still on Fezbook and can follow Patricia Rice’s panda birthday posts, I highly recommend them. Given that she is a real life historian, she writes excellent birthday posts for many of the known captive panda population, including most of our favorite bears.
Fanmail from some Flounder?
Voices in the night, a ladder, a letter…adios…
“Are we there, yet?”
This is a case for…Inspector Panda!
episode 5
episode 6
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12
episode 13
episode 14
…and it all ends with Mr Wu’s Birthday party! Huzzah!
Hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane! (and for those of you who wondered how Wu met Bee, the Bear…)
panda On
Bob T Panda
We are past the solstice! Is it getting lighter yet? Well, not really! It has been raining like mad, trying to catch up on the rather dry November we had. I’m sure the trees are thirsty, and really, I’d rather have rain than snow. This time last year, I was was stuck at home, because it snowed I couldn’t get down the hill, my power was out, and my car was in the shop because I had hit a deer a week earlier. So a little rain? Meh!
Meanwhile, it’s time for the next episodes of…
Episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12
Happy Day 22 of 31 Days of Pandas!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
I was in the ferry line the other day, and I noticed that the Girl Scouts were out selling cookies! They had a captive audience, which changed every half hour. Smart! There was a whole group of scouts and moms/leaders, with multiple teams going out so that they could hit each row of cars as they waited for the next ferry. They also had a centrally located outpost with van and awning to protect the cookies in case of rain.
Before we get to our Fabulous Furry Friday Encore Presentation, I would like to pat myself on the back for breaking my previous world record in cookie balancing! Yes, I may have noted that I am the world record holder in Cookie Balancing (a soon to be olympic sport!!!) My previous world record was 23 seconds (timed from the start of nibbling a stable base, to the moment you attain balance for your cookie. The cookie then has to remain standing for at least 8 seconds.)
The new world record…ta da!!!!…is 18 SECONDS!!!!!!
Actual balancing cookie!
On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….
Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?
Time to call in …Inspector panda!
Inspector Panda is on the job!
“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”
…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.
Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!
Oh, Pinky…what have you done?
Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.
I hope you enjoyed this encore presentation of the HighwayGate saga! If you enjoy these ‘toons, consider buying my books, so you can read about bears behaving badly ALL THE TIME! Thank you!
Panda On!
My Saturday routine, for sometime, is to head up to my panda studio while still wearing my PJ’s, coffee in paw, and listen to NPR while I work on the weeks cartoons, by this time in the week, finishing up inking the previously penciled pages.
I was surprised this morning to hear a broadcast of The Vinyl Cafe, which was the last recorded and previously un-aired Christmas show, shortly before the show’s creator, Stuart McLean passed away from cancer. Stuart was headed for treatment, but instead, he died within a very short time after this show was recorded. I started to tear up as I heard his voice, still so strong and full of life. His stories always made me smile. Sometimes they made me cry. His storytelling shoes are large. They will not be filled by me, but maybe someday someone will be able to, if not fill them, then walk beside them.
Telling stories is an important part of our lives. Sometimes stories are true. Sometimes we wish they were. We tell stories about the places we live, and the people we know there; the people we admire; the people we fear. We tell stories of the things people do, both the good things and the not so good. We’ve had a bit too much of the latter in the past few years. But there are so many people doing good things, even if they are drowned out in the news by the evil that some human beings inflict on others.
I hope that my stories of pandas bring light into your life. They make me happy to write and draw. I love every one of these pandas. I guess they are my imaginary friends. You can never have too many friends, imaginary or otherwise.
Will Pinky save the day?
Panda On
Bob T Panda
Oh boy, it is really getting tense here! Will they find the baby pandas before Babette rents them all out? Will Inspector Panda find his nose with both paws? Just what the heck is going on around here?????
Cue the scary music!!!!
And be sure to tune in tomorrow for the final episodes of It’s a WUnderful Life!
panda on!
Bob T Panda
I am making a bit of a change to this years festivities, as with my various projects, I am a bit overloaded to do a new cartoon every day. (Booo! Hisss! Quiet in the cheap seats, you pandas!)
As you might remember, I am working on revising my story about Mr. Wu and Inspector Panda, where they are faced with a painting that may (or may not) have been stolen. Not to mention an international panda of mystery! Anyway, here is my plan for this year’s 31 Days of Pandas:
A new cartoon posted every Sunday, multiple episodes each day from some of my longer stories, and, sketches from my work in progress, staring the aforementioned Mr Wu in what I hope will be my first traditionally published middle grade graphic novel. But have no fear! Should the folks in trad. publishing say, “oh no! this is too weird! We can’t publish this! A Panda Detective? Bah, Humbug!” We will bring it to you as all the other Panda Chronicle books have been brought to you, via Leaping Panda Press! Huzzah!
So to get us off to a good start, here are the drawings that I have come up with so far, along with some colorful character sketches.
Yes, Mr. Wu gets to be the smart one!
Hmmm…there is something familiar about this scene…
Mr Wu and Inspector Panda…a dapper duo, if I ever saw one!
Babette, Minette, and several views of Mr Wu.
And because we need to laugh….
“I didn’t know lawyers could run so fast” hahahahahahahaha!
Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda
Happy 31 Days of Pandas!
Oh yeah! and don’t forget to give the Gift of Pandas this year! Please visit my book page as well as my page on Fine Balance Images’ Gratitude Gallery, where you can buy beautiful full color reproductions of some of my favorite illustrations from Pandamorphosis. and for you black and white Friday special, don’t forget Pandyland, where you can buy “Vote for Bob” and “Pinky for President” gifts to delight your friends and family. Or buy them for yourself…I won’t tell.