Tag Archives: cartoons

What Do You Have To Lose?

We’ve been hearing this phrase quite often lately: What do you have to lose? Throughout my life, I’ve experienced ups and downs, good times and bad. But as a white, middle class American who has had the privilege of a good education, I know that even in hard times, those times were not as hard as they could have been. As a female in America, I also know that I have had to work harder for the things I have than males in the same circumstances.

The world is a scary place these days. I get that. But I think it can be made less scary by trying to work together, rather than trying to drive people apart. Ask yourself, based on what you actually see and hear directly from the candidates, as opposed to what “some people are saying,” which candidate will lead the country to a better place. We are not going to agree what that better place is unilaterally. But I’m holding out hope for a kinder world. One where our leader does not discriminate, belittle, or mock those who are different or disadvantaged.

Could we just take a deep breath and embrace our inner panda?

what do you have to lose?

Mittens is really back.

Nah…I didn’t think so either.

Stay tuned for our next episode, when we learn that Bubba has a cunning plan! Pinky has taught him well!

Be the Bear,

Bob T Panda

Open Late Gate 3

Yes, I had promised to conclude our story about the change in the National Zoo opening times, but several things got in the way, like Bubba’s debut and whoever it was that broke the Cute-o-Meter.

And then there was Snomaggedon 2016 known on twidder as #Snozilla. The video of Tian Tian, the paterfamilias of the National Zoo Panda clan has been going wildly viral on the interwebs, which I know because at least 6 separate people either tagged me in the video or posted it on my FB page. My sympathy goes out to all of you who are stuck at home with nothing to do while the storm rages on outside, and the snow drifts reach your upper story windows, other than watch panda videos, curl up on the couch and read and eat microwave popcorn. You did remember to stock up on that, didn’t you?

So, without any further ado about nothing, here is the final episode of Open Late Gate

How many times do we have to tell you...Don't make pinky mad!!!!

How many times do we have to tell you…Don’t make pinky mad!!!!

What can we say?

Starting this week, we will be exploring the potential for pandas in the Pacific Northwest! Could it happen? We don’t know, but people who know people are talking about it. And by that, I mean, “people other than me!”

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

The Season of Cake

Because it is my Birthday Season, it is also the Season of Cake. so today, for fabulous Furry Friday I rounded up a bunch of cartoons about…


just in time for the upcoming onslaught...a visit to Bob's First campaign!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught…a visit to Bob’s First campaign!

yoga for pandas

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

There must be cake!

There must be cake!

another cartoon inspired by real news!

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Good enough for a princess to eat!

Good enough for a princess to eat! The Princess Pinky Cuppycake, Recipe by Vicky Vladic, Cuppycake portrait by me!

If it's my birthdaycseason, there must be cake!

If it’s my birthdaycseason, there must be cake!

let there be cake!

let there be cake!

Be the Bear! Let’s all have cake!
Bob T. Panda

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

Sometimes it’s easy to know what to post for Fabulous Furry Friday, and sometimes it’s not. The news continues to be depressing; more school shootings, lion killers going unindicted, the coming of daylight losing time, not to mention the lack of a MacArthur Fellowship being awarded for panda satire…

It’s enough to make a sensitive panda crawl under the covers and not come out for weeks. But there are paintings to paint, and pandas to draw. Maybe I’ll have a cuppycake and all will be well.

Or maybe I’ll just watch some panda videos. That always helps.

corporate flow chart copy 2

Yep, it's true! pandas are under contract!

Yep, it’s true! pandas are under contract!

Is it that time already?

Is it that time already?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught...a visit to Bob's First campaign!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught…a visit to Bob’s First campaign!

Be the bear!
And if you are behind on your Panda Satire reading, now would be the perfect time to stock up on all six of The Panda Chronicles Books!

Bob T Panda

A Halloween Carol Part Five

News Flash!

Twin panda cubs were born at the Toronto Zoo in the wee hours of Tuesday morning! Mother and cubs appear to be doing well, and at least several “twin swaps” have been performed. Pandas from around the world have been sending their congratulations. The paternity has not been determined as yet, and Er Shun isn’t telling.  Another pandyland scandal in the works? We can only hope. Da Mao could not be reached for comment.

And now, on with our regularly scheduled cartoon!

Pinky is being Pinky in this next episode of A Halloween Carol (with apologies to Charles Dickens) as Mr. Wu introduces the first of the spirits who will show Pinky the error of her ways.

One of Pinky's misdeeds has come back to haunt her... can her campaign survive this?

One of Pinky’s misdeeds has come back to haunt her… can her campaign survive this?

Through the magic of the flashback panel, Pinky cannot deny that she was, indeed, naughty. Perhaps an evening of panda videos is in order.

That Pinky is such a little Dickens, isn’t she?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda


A Halloween Carol: Part 3

Well, well, well…what would Mr. Dickens say about this representation of Jacob Marley? Will Pinky listen to the lessons that the various spirits are going to bring her?  We shall see, we shall see, in this episode of A Halloween Carol

Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don't you think?

Mr Wu makes a very cute ghost, don’t you think?

Oh my! What will happen next? who will represent the spirits of past, present and future? Do you think I know? Ha! Stay tuned as we all find out just what is going to happen in the next exciting episode of:

A Halloween Carol: Episode 4 (with continuing profuse apologies to Mr. Dickens!)

Editors note: in the event of a panda cam shutdown at The National Zoo, there will be NO discontinuation of cartoons here at the Panda Chronicles! Huzzah! (Linked article is from the last time this happened! Apparently Pinky is not considered an “essential government worker”)

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Book 6 Cover Reveal!

It has been a longer time than usual between new editions of The Panda Chronicles collections, since Book 5: Pandapocalypse Now!!! came out about this time last year. I published the first book, Your Brain on Pandas, in the fall of 2012, and had enough cartoons in reserve to put out a book about every six months. Eventually I used up my reserve cartoons, and now I write/draw enough new ‘toons so that I can put out one book a year, in addition to other projects I am working on. More about that later!

But now, the moment that you have all been waiting for, (unless of course you supported one of my earlier Kickstarter campaigns and have received an update!) The title and cover reveal of the latest book, without further folderol:

The Panda Chronicles Book 6: We R Endangered

Note the serious black cover!

Note the serious black cover!

And obviously, with the way pandas drive and that they stand up in an open car with no seat belts, it’s no wonder that they are endangered!

Fans of Pinky will be delighted to know that she has managed to hog commandeer around 75% of the stories in this book. Her rise to fame and presidential campaign thus far are included in this book, so get ready for Pinky, Pinky, Pinky.

Thank you for being the bears and coming along on this panda palooza! I wouldn’t be here without you all! The book will be available sometime in October. I am now awaiting my proof so that I can be responsible and make sure all the pages are turned in the right direction! Huzzah! Meanwhile, do peruse the other books in the collection, if you don’t already have the full set, which you can do on the Panda Chronicles: The Books page of this website. Huzzah!

And don’t forget, lots of stuff with pandas on it is available at the Pandyland store on Cafe Press, including lots of Pinky for President goodies! I hope to get some Hey, Why not vote for Bob? things up later this month. Pinky can’t have all the attention, can she?

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Update: Once again, the MacArthur Foundation Genius Grants committee overlooked the field of Panda Satire. Sigh… Maybe next year.

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire....

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire….

More Loyalty Oafs

As I sit here, trying to type with big furry paws, it has come to my attention that that some of the human candidates are having a debate tonight. I am not looking forward to debating Princess Pinky. I think she will fight dirty. and then there is the matter of the “leftover Christmas decoration” in the back of my closet. I am sure I did not decorate there last year. Pretty sure, anyway. Could this have something to do with why she knows everything I have been planning?

Meanwhile, I think I am beginning to see why the Two Timing Political Consulting Agency has not finished my video.


Pinky: I will build a really, really big wall around your zoos if you don't sign my oaf.

Pinky: I will build a really, really big wall around your zoos if you don’t sign my oaf.

Meanwhile, I am making progress on compiling Book 6 (!!!!!!!) of the Panda Chronicles! Stay tuned to find out the title and see the cover! I hope to have it available no later than the end of October!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

It has been Pinky Pinky Pinky all the time around here lately. I do like to give the other pandas a chance to shine, but Pinky is so persuasive! What is a panda satirist supposed to do?

But a news story making the rounds of the panda faithful caught my attention this week, involving not Pinky but her mother! It turns out, that Mei Xiang had a very successful film career, long before Pinky or even Tai Shan was a gleam in their father’s eye. Yes, according to some research done by Pandas International, Mei Xiang (otherwise known as Pinky’s Mommee) was the sneezing baby panda, with over 200,000,000 views on and off youtube.

There will be a response to this news, in the pages of the Panda Chronicles, but not just yet. In the meantime, enjoy these cartoons from the archives for Fabulous Furry Friday!

Boopie and the pandas...

Boopie and the pandas…

a morality tale...

a morality tale…

...in several parts...

…in several parts…

...but Boopie and the pandas live happily ever after. Ben does not.

…but Boopie and the pandas live happily ever after. Ben does not.

Have a happy weekend, ya’ll!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Triple Trouble Part the Second

All I can say is, Pinky had best adjust her attitude and make peace with the smaller pandas, because the pitter patter of little paws may happen even closer to home, if you get my drift.

Triple Trouble indeed!

Triple Trouble indeed!

Meanwhile, the Panda Season of Love is in full swing, and you know what that means. Even more little pandas on the horizon. Wow.


Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda