Tag Archives: Mittens

Beary Poppins! The Story Continues!

The news is more insane every day. Really, if any writer of dystopian literature showed this script to their editor, the laughter could be heard around the world. Kidnap a governor? Murder hornets? An asteroid predicted to pass REALLY NEAR the earth…on Election Day? A “president” with a potentially deadly disease going around to public events?

Maybe could you pick ONE of these plots? why are you trying to put them all in the same book?


Meanwhile, the story of Beary Poppins continues!!!

The ad is mailed, but Mittens is up to some dirty tricks….But wait! Look who found the mail box!!!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

By the way! new RPG stickers and t-shirts, and mugs and masks over at Redbubble! Huzzah!!!!

wear a mask! RPG has your back!

Beary Poppins: An ad is Written…

And now, for our next episode of Beary Poppins! But who will play the part of the Nanny Beary Poppins??? It’s a mystery! Hee Hee!

And now, on to the next installment! (With apologies to P.L. Travers!)

A spoonful of frosting makes the medicine go down, the medicine go down, medicine go down!

Tune in on Sunday for the first installment of our encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu! My favorite Holiday classic! 

Keep swimming!
Bob T Panda

Hey Kids! It’s time for a new story!!!

From time to time, I like to tell a longer story starring all your favorite pandas. sometimes they are completely made up (like Mr. Wu running away with the panda kindergarten to join the circus) and sometimes I like to riff on an existing old story (like The Wizard of Wu or A Halloween Carol) The important thing is that no pandas get hurt ever, although sometimes they might get bent out of shape, just a bit.

As usual, I am making things up as I go along, a technique beloved of many writers, generally referred to as “pantsing.”

Enjoy our introduction and get ready for some seat of my pants story telling!

Oh boy! Oh boy! A NEW story!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Nobody gets the better of Pinky!

Pinky has a plan for ebbryfing!

Tonight are the debates (but I won’t be watching them.) I think the Cake Party debates were much better than these will be. (although Mittens is just as unhinged.)

Have you learned NOFFING from pinky, boo boo?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Get-YourVoting-Hat-On Panda

I’m Sure Mommee Mei Won’t Suspect a Thing!

Uh oh! Pinky tries to pull a fast one!

Will she get away with it?

What do YOU think???

Pinky: first you tell me I CAN’T cubpaign in da zoo, now you won’t let me LEAVE!!!

Be the Bear!
Minch McTurtle is a hypocrite to the 1000th degree!
Bob T Panda

Can Pinky really get in trouble for this?

it is so unfair to Pinky! I mean, KittySue didn’t get in trouble, not to mention the whole Mittens convention held at the WH!

Meanwhile, we are all still reeling from the loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. The documentary about her (RGB) popped up on my library’s movie platform, so I watched it last night and may watch again tonight. (The perfect accompaniment to making little felt Ruth Panda Ginsbears) I could not be living the life I live without the groundbreaking work she did on her way to The Supremes!

Beside watching the movie about RGB, your spirit may be lifted by watching the well cubby exam that was posted by the Smifsonian Zoo! I recommend watching (at least) twice a day. The cubby squeaks alone are worth it!

Anyway, here’s today’s ‘toon!

Pinky did something wrong? I’m shocked!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I really have to quit even THINKING, “What ELSE can go wrong?”

I’m sure by now, everyone knows: Ruth Bader Ginsberg has left us. I believe she tried so very hard to stay until (hopefully. Goddess willing) Joe Biden is inaugurated as our next President. I swore loudly,, then cried, then swore some more, when I read of her passing.

People often say: “But what good does my one vote do? I am only one person.” Well, Ruth Bader Ginsberg was one person and a tiny one at that. I mean, my left leg probably weighs more than she did. And yet, she accomplished so much in her 87 years, work that had long lasting, revolutionary outcomes. Don’t believe me: Read Heather Cox Richardson’s tribute to her. (Have handkerchiefs handy!)

From Richardson’s essay:

Upon hearing of Ginsburg’s death, former U.S. Attorney and law professor Joyce Vance tweeted, “We should honor the life of RBG, American hero, by refusing to give in, refusing to back down, fighting for the civil rights of all people & demanding our leaders honor the rule of law. This is our fight now.”

So I hereby refuse to give up, give in, or back down. I may only be an artist, shouting into the cyber void, but if I can use my talent to further the cause of justice by speaking out here, as a panda, then, by gosh I will.

At least through this election, I will not hold back my opinion on politics, justice, or anything else I feel strongly about. I’m not saying there will be no heartwarming panda stories, but I feel I need to be able to speak freely. If this is going to upset you, this may be a good time to take a break from reading The Panda Chronicles. I can’t fault anyone for that. There are a whole bunch of things I can’t read or watch or listen to right now.

I only ask a couple of things.
1. VOTE! If you’re not registered, please register as soon as you can
2. Understand that as an artist, I will not water down what I do for anyone, even if I like you.
4. Support democratic candidates however you are able to.
and finally…
5. VOTE as if all our lives depend on it. Because they do.

And finally, here are your Sunday Funday ‘toons…

Meet Ruth Panda Ginsbear

She’s small
She’s cute.
Don’t mess with her.

I’m sure they are all innocent, just like Mittens!

Paws off those bears! WE R endangered!

Don’t listen to Pinky! Vote for BOB!

In case you were wondering, that is a burrito sitting on the desk in front of Bubba

And if the loss of RBG was not enough to contend with, there is still that pesky pandemic!

It’s nothing that a little cocoa can’t fix!

You can’t get more socially distant than sending everyone to their room!

You can always count on Frank and Mikey for the best advice about bears!

Is FEMA stealing marshymallows too?

Here comes Meihem!

Although RBG is gone, RPG (Ruth PANDA Ginsbear) is still here!  (See the Buy Stuff With Pandas page for ordering information!)

Thank you for those who have already ordered! I decided to make a $10 donation to Vote Save America to help get the vote out, for each RPG that is ordered through the 15th of October. (including those already ordered)

The Notorious RPG Felty pandas made by me! (Even the GLASSES!!!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Rest in Power, RBG

As the Smoke Clears (or doesn’t, as the case may be)

Wow, the smoke is still with us all up and down the west coast. Could this have anything to do with a sulfurous being visiting the left coast? I can’t help but picture “president” Swamp gaily skipping down through a forest, splashing gasoline in one hand, and tossing lit matches from the other.

I sure hope we survive till we get to vote.

Vote for Pinky! Vote Early! Vote Often!

Just so you know, I really appreciate your comments about how much my ‘toons help you get through these unimaginable times. Knowing that I am helping you helps ME. Every day brings a new assault. Not all of it is caused by “president”Swamp, but he shows no interest in helping anyone other than himself.

It’ a lot of pressure for a tiny baby panda. If this little ball of fluff knew that we are hanging on it’s every squeak and burp, I’m not sure what it would do. I am starting on a new story, which I hope to have the first episodes by the first week of October! Stay tuned for this, along with my regular Holiday Encore Presentations for Sundays, including A Halloween Carol, and everyone’s favorite, The Wizard of Wu!

Keep the faith, and like Bubba says, check your voter registration and make sure to vote early!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

De-liver De Letter!

Uh oh! It’s another one of those angry, political posts! But what is a bear to do? Make felty pandas, I guess! And write angry ‘toons!


Is it any wonder why Bob is going postal?

sigh.. be the bear

stay safe everyone as fires rage in the west, hurricanes in the south and east, and the maniac in the WH
Bob T Panda

PS: if you are looking for a good, fun read, I just started Christopher Buckley’s Make Russia Great Again. Yes, you read that right. Satire about our current dilemma makes the world go round!

Do NOT Disrespect the Bears!!!!

Bears do NOT have things easy. For one thing there are not nearly the number of unattended picnic baskets left in easy reach of bears that there should be, and the dearth of unlocked cars with boxes of donuts left enticingly in plain view is just shocking. (Bears have an excellent sense of smell, you know.)

But the person who put a tRUmp sticker on the tracking collar of a black bear in Asheville, North Carolina has gone several steps too far. AS a spokes bear for the organization from Help Asheville Bears (HAB) said, that the person responsible for the sticker placement had “apologized for their actions and promised not to have any contact with any bears in the future.”

One does wonder about the promise to “not have any contact with bears in the future”…

Surely they didn’t mean Frank and Mikey! Who could resist them?

Nobody could resist Frank or Mikey! Dis definitely will not stand!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Hey! it’s Six and Sebben’s Birthday today! Tune in on Sunday for all Six and Sebben, all the time! (Pinky MIGHT have hogged an extra Sunday ‘toon round up!)

While we wait, here is a conversation that was overheard outside the playroom of Six and Sebben…

Sebben: it’s our birfday today! will we get cakes?
Six: well, it is my birfday an’ not yoors.
Sebben: what you mean it’s not my birfday? wee is twins
Six: dat’s just what mommee and daddee told yoo.
Sebben: well I get cake an’ pressies.
Six: no yoo don’t.
Sebben: I am gonna ask mommee.
Six: go ‘head. shee’ll tell yoo. she din’t want to tell yoo before, but no yoo are old enough to know
Sebben: know what?
Six: I can say no more
Sebben: MOMMEEEEEEE!!!! six is being meanie again!!!
Lun Lun: sigh…now what?