Tag Archives: Canadian pandas move to Calgary

Sunday Funday Salutes…Our Pandas to the North

As if the global pandemic was not enough pain for those of us in North America, the Canadian pandas are going to be going back to China. Their bamboo, which is about 99% of their diet, comes from China, flown in every couple days (or is it once a week? I can’t remember and I am too lazy to look it up.) has been hard to come by, what with the flight reductions during the pandemic.  Most pandas have a preference for the bamboo they like to eat, and even if the US and Canada weren’t having their own problems, you can’t switch out Seattle boo for Chengdu boo, no matter how convenient that would be.

So, Er Shun and Da Mao are heading back to China, much to our dismay.

Meanwhile, HWMNBN continues to throw tantrums, tell lies about the scope of the pandemic and I’m guessing, will be tweeting up a s**tstorm after the inspiring speech that President Barak Obama gave at the Virtual Commencement on Saturday. It was nice to be reminded what someone with empathy and intelligence sounds like.

But it’s Sunday and that means it’s time for some pandamonium! Let’s look back at the ‘toons about the Canadian pandas and the place they held in the world of Panda Satire!

Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?

“If Pinky is grounded, can I have her dessert?”

What do you mean you left a note saying they are at my house?

Bubba is having so much fun with his new friends!

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

It’s a good thing that Pinky taught Bubba how to use Skype!

Packing is such a chore! And a surprise visit from a friend can make it go so much faster!

long goodbye

The Long Goodbye, or “Toronto Farewell”

our story

Mommee pandas have laser vision. Don’t even think you can hide, Bubba.

There’s always time for another cupcake!!!

So THAT’S how Pinky got there so quickly!

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!


By the way, it sounds like masks are shipping over at Redbubble! If you need some masks, wouldn’t you breathe a little easier if they had pandas on them?

Be(e) the Bear!
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Year in Review: January 2018

Welcome to our first Year in Review post, where we look back at my favorite ‘toons from each month this year.

Let’s spin the wheel and see what we were thinking about last January….

new year

I couldn’t resist.

Since it is January, I imagine Pinky has been given a resolution or two, (by her mom)  in hopes she will be a better panda this year.


Pinky: “rules are for other pandas.”

Of course, being an Olympic year, the super secret selection of this year’s Torch Bears had everyone guessing!

Uh oh! has there been Russian tampering with the selection of the Torch Bears?

Hey! watch where you put that torch!

Of course the pandas had lots of practicing to do before the big event…

Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?

Let Pinky be Pinky!

Alas…we were in for yet another year of life in the regime of “President” Mittens. Really, It couldn’t get worse, could it? Oh, yeah…it could.

Clear as mud!

Join us tomorrow as we look back on February 2018’s favorite ‘toons! See ya then!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Breakfast With Pandas

The pandas have arrived in Calgary, and people are lining ups to see them! and no wonder!
Pandas are cute!
Pandas spill food on their tummies when they eat!
Pandas even look cute when they are asleep!
And panda twins are cute to the power X 20!

Who wouldn’t want to have breakfast with pandas?


“i din’t know we has to use forks!”

I know I do!

And to all of you who shared your memories of libraries…

Thank you so much! Just thinking about how libraries and reading has affected my life, it warms all the cockles my heart has to hear your stories and know that you feel the same! Thanks to all who decided they need this book, This is What a Librarian Looks Like, for their own libraries. The community of writers (and panda people) is a wonderful place to live. Together we just may survive the craziness that is our current “government.”

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t let the Panda Fly the Helicopter

What could possibly go wrong?

Pinky, Bubba and Ping are heading for home, but surely you didn’t think this would go smoothly, did you? Did you????

Did you?

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Panda On
One if by Air…
Bob T Panda

Bubba Breaks out: Our Story Continues…

Oh me, oh my! Bubba has broken the chains of his good bear persona, (or is that bearsona?) and headed north to say goodbye to his true love, before she moves all the way across the country! Can you blame him? Surely Mommee Mei will take his broken heart into consideration, as our story continues.

But let’s see what happens next!

our story

Mommee pandas have laser vision. Don’t even think you can hide, Bubba.

But at least there will be cuppycakes!!!!

Stay tuned for more from our story on Wednesday. But also know, that we have been taking copious notes from the revelations of graft and corruption in the Drawers of the Cabinet of Doom. Not to name names, but in this un-protective environment, I think you know of whom we speak. It has given Pinky ideas. Too many ideas!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda