What could possibly go wrong?
Pinky, Bubba and Ping are heading for home, but surely you didn’t think this would go smoothly, did you? Did you????
Did you?

I wonder what this button over here does….AAAAAHHHHHHHH!
Panda On
One if by Air…
Bob T Panda
That Princess Pinky can do anything her heart ❤ desires. So say her devoted Aunties and Unkas. And somehow she is successful at every skill she hopes to master; even if it means getting into trouble!
Oh! Do you think Pinky will get in trouble when she gets home? (Asking for a friend)
Pinky picked a good time to borrow the chopper. With everything else going on there right now, who would notice a little thing like a missing helicopter, eh?
She’s very clever that way! Do you think that she has engineered all this controversy? Nah, I think that’s all Mittens, but she has certainly made good use of it. (Not that it will help her evade the MSA: Mommee Security Agency)