Tag Archives: Babette de Panda

Day 23 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It is Day 23 of 31 Days of Pandas, and that means it’s Christmas Eve EVE!!! I bet you didn’t know that was a thing? Egg nog and cookies all around! Meanwhile, You Know Who is STILL impeached, even if he doesn’t accept it, and if anyone was going to get coal in their Christmas stocking, it would be him.

But now! let’s watch the final episodes of Bears Under the Big Top! Huzzah!

episode 13

episode 14

episode 15

…and it all ends with Mr Wu’s Birthday party! Huzzah!

See? I TOLD you it would all be okay in the end!

Panda On!
Bob T I’ve been very, very good Panda

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the final installment of Mei Xiang’s Nightmare Before Christmas!

Day 22 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

We are past the solstice! Is it getting lighter yet? Well, not really! It has been raining like mad, trying to catch up on the rather dry November we had. I’m sure the trees are thirsty, and really, I’d rather have rain than snow. This time last year, I was was stuck at home, because it snowed I couldn’t get down the hill, my power was out, and my car was in the shop because I had hit a deer a week earlier. So a little rain? Meh!

Meanwhile, it’s time for the next episodes of…

Bears Under the Big Top (starring the Wu Self!)

Episode 9

episode 10

episode 11

episode 12

Happy Day 22 of 31 Days of Pandas!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Day 21 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Happy Solstice, everyone! It’s day 21 of 31 Days of Pandas, and the end of the days getting darker and shorter, could not have come at a better time. Here in the Pacific Northwest, it is raining buckets and dark by 4:15. Now that we have reached the Solstice, the days will slowly start to get longer and longer. Huzzah!

45 has been impeached, Chrispmoss is coming, and Mr. Wu has run away with the panda kindergarten to join the circus! What could possibly go wrong? Read on after the ‘toons for a brief announcement about the felty emotional support panda project coming in January on Kickstarter!

But now…it’s time for …Bears Under the Bigtop!

episode 5

episode 6

episode 7

episode 8

So…About those felted Pandas…

In early January, I am going to do one of Kickstarter’s January projects called “Make 100”, the idea being that you make a limited offering of something and agree to have no more than 100 backers. Within those guidelines, I have a bit of leeway, I started making these needle felted pandas a couple of months ago, because I felt (get it?) the need to take on a new activity to deal with all the nervous energy the current political climate engendered.

I’ve been thinking about how to structure this project, and what specifically to offer. I decided that in order to be responsive to which versions of pandas are the most requested, I would roll the rewards out in small groups. This will be a fairly fast and furious funding period, and I am going to keep the initial funding goal fairly low, because it really doesn’t matter how many people (up to 100) want one of these pandas, since there is no minimum order that I need to make as with the pins and patches.

The first group will get posted on the opening day (projected as Thursday, January 9th) and then on both Mondays, I will post new, more complex offerings, and all will be available till the project closes on January 24th. (If they haven’t sold out!)

Now, you CAN change your reward choice, and Kickstarter makes that fairly easy to do. Because of the limited nature of the rewards, it’s important that you change your choice within the Kickstarter website, so that someone else has a chance to get what you no longer have selected.  I will help walk anyone through the process if they are having a hard time figuring it out. I will have step by step instructions on my project page as well. It will be way too confusing if I get half a dozen requests outside of Kickstarter for off the record changes.

Not to sound all hey you kids get off my lawn about this but because of the way people pledge on Kickstarter, I can’t take requests for changes on other platforms (like Facebook, email, or here) and change them for you on Kickstarter. I mean, if I could change things within someone’s pledge, I could make them all say you pledged $1000, and head off to the south of France before you saw your credit card had been charged.

To this end, it is important that you use an email address that you regularly check when you sign up to pledge, as that is the best way to communicate right from the Kickstarter website.

It seems like there are always 2 or 3 people who don’t respond to messages or requests for information and I really want you to get your panda! And when you want to make changes, it’s really important that I know you’ve gotten messages from me.

So! Get ready to welcome a little felt panda into your life! Huzzah!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Day 18 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Today is the day! Day 18 of 31 days of Pandas celebrates…

Impeachment Day!!!

A bear can dream, am I right?

We wish it was Impeachment and Removal Day, but let’s see where this goes. Maybe (hahahahaha) a few members of the GOP in the Senate will grow a spine. I know, I know…

Panda on!
Bob T we shall overcome Panda

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of Mei Xiang’s Nightmare Before Christmas!

Day 15 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Oh my goodness! We are almost at the halfway point of 31 Days of Pandas! Are you excited? I know that I am! This week we will continue with our latest Holiday (instant) Classic, Mei Xiang’s Nightmare before Christmas (Part 3 premiering on Tuesday!) and on Wednesday, we will have an Impeachment special! Huzzah!

But now, let’s take a trip down memory lane and see what pandas we were posting in December of 2012!



Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

THIS is a case for Inspector Panda!

Day 17…Naughty or Nice? you decide!

The Four Panda Kindergarteners of the Apandalypse!

Every time a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake!
Bob T Panda

Do I need to mention it again? Buy Stuff With Pandas!

Day 14 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Whew! We survived Friday the 13th (not to mention the marathon hearing in the House Judiciary chambers.) To be honest, I did not watch or listen to that hearing. My capacity to listen to the republican naysayers yelling about how this was all totally unfair and besides, nobody can impeach the “president” except for the “president”!!! Otherwise it is a COUP!!!!

Yeah, um…no.

So, I’m getting ready to watch the entire House vote on impeachment, and to take to the streets the night before! Don’t forget to call or email your Rep in Congress and tell them what you think, whether you are for or against impeachment. (Not that anyone reading THIS blog is against it, but hey, I’m willing to listen to calm, well reasoned arguments *)

*provided you have actually read the Constitution and what it has to say about impeachment and the respective powers of the executive and legislative branches of government,

Meanwhile, here are some pandas to lift your spirits while we wait…

sugar plum pandas


sugar plum pandas


You left the panda kindergarten alone with my house?

panda christmas

“why do I always get so kerfuffled when it comes to decorating for the holidays?”

All I Want for Christmas…

And here is a picture from when Frances took Babette skating at Rockefeller Plaza!

and who could forget Babette’s exciting trip to Rockefeller plaza Ice Rink?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Buy Stuff with Pandas!


It is day one of 31 Days of Pandas!

Are you excited? I know I am! I am excited for so many things! First, 31 Days of Pandas is my excuse to go full panda for an entire month. Secondly (and very importantly,) the socks are on their way to me even as we speak! The folks down at Pin Game Strong are great to work with. One of the many kind things they do, is to send pictures of the finished items as they receive them, before sending them on to me.

What could be better than wearing pandas on your feet?

I should have the socks in my hot little paws by Tuesday afternoon. My goal is to get them packed and shipped by Friday. There are about a half dozen people who have not responded to their invoices yet, so if you are one of them, please check your spam folder to see if the invoice is there, and pay the PayPal invoice promptly. I won’t be shipping unpaid orders. I’ll send out another reminder on Monday.

Another thing I am very excited about is my new shop on Redbubble!

I’m still getting set up, but there are a whole bunch of fun things you can buy with my pandas on them, AND they are having a site wide 25%-60% off sale, which means YOU can buy MORE Stuff with PANDAS!!!! Here’s the LINK! I have things with Pinky, Bubba, Mr. Wu AND things from Pandamorphosis (For those who like more fine art pandas!)

Head over to the Panda Chronicle Page on Redbubble!

Meanwhile, back at the pandas for today’s presentation for 31 Days of Pandas! How about an Encore presentation of Pinky in Wonderland?


Curiouser and curiouser…


Pinky: mommee is making jokes again!

Was that Mr. Bun????

Sometimes being spontunerous can get you in over your head, Pinky!

Drink mee!

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for day 2 of 31 Days of Pandas! (Oh…and go buy stuff with pandas on it!)

Be the Bear and Buy Stuff with pandas!
Bob T panda

Happy Friendsgiving

It’s time for that holiday that is celebrated in the good old US of A, you know, the one where you get together with family you don’t particularly want to see, argue with Uncle George about what the current “resident” of the WH is really up to, the one where you eat way too much of food you don’t really like and then it’s time for PIE!

Once I moved far, far from home, and got to have this holiday extravaganza with friends of my own choosing, my attitude changed somewhat. (I do like pie, and why doesn’t anyone still make the sweet potato casserole with melted marshmallows on top?) I continue to be thankful for spending time with people I love.

Last Supper, Cupcakes, DaVinci

Princess Pinky says, she is thankful for cuppycakes and da panda kindygarten and her magical wand!

And now we know about all the cultural/genocidal implications of our first National Holiday, which I won’t get into here, but need to be acknowledged. That makes celebrating this holiday kind of cringe-worthy, and yet…

I think it is a good thing to be thankful for the many things that have come our way. If we can separate the history of white europeans invading these shores, and all that followed afterward (because, if you aren’t an indigenous person, you are an immigrant no matter how many generations ago your ancestors got here) I think that is okay to have a holiday in which we acknowledge what we are thankful for.

So here’s a list of some of the things I’m thankful for:

Artistic talent
Good health
A home of my own
Trees that surround my house
People who appreciate (and buy!) my art, my writing and panda satire
Did I remember to mention pandas?
Friends who like to visit pandas
Art museums
Scottish terriers
A convenient grocery store

I could go on!

Coffee tastes better when you have it with Pinky!

But meanwhile, it’s time to get ready for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!

That’s something we should all be thankful for! As we head into full on impeachment mode, we may be watching, in real time, the 45th “president” of these here United States dissolve, self destruct, maybe even burst into flames in front of our very eyes! We are going to need all the funny we can get if we want to get through this alive!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

PS: There is still time to get in on my fabulous felt panda-palooza! For all the info, read this post!

I Forgot Daylight Losing Time!!!!

What with all the excitement (IMPEACHMENT!!!!) and all the crazy-making BS that’s going on in DC (IMPEACHMENT OBSTRUCTION!!!!) I plum forgot that I had not run my favorite seasonal Panda Kindergarten cartoon last Sunday. I hope you all are not showing up an hour ahead (or is that behind?) of time all this week, due to my thoughtless error.

Bob explains daylight savings time to the panda kindergarten

spring back, fall forward?

The other excitement is that I have launched my Panda Chronicles Sock Design project this week, and people are putting their best (panda) foot forward! Panda Chronicles socks, you say? When did you decide to do that?

Um…last week?

Be sure to head over to the Buy Stuff With Pandas page to see our current designs. Each design will be a limited issue, and depending on how many people want to step out in (panda) style, will determine how many I order. Unlike Kickstarter, where I don’t order the items until the project has closed, with something this open ended, I can’t take people’s money then leave them hanging as to when delivery will happen.

I this case, I decided it was worth taking a gamble on 3 designs, with 50 pairs in each design. As you might have surmised, Pinky is far and away the most popular (Pinky: duh!) but the other designs are holding their own. I hope you will want to add Panda socks to your wardrobe, and might I add that these would be socks that anyone would be happy to receive as a holiday gift!

Meanwhile, let’s look back on some other escapades of the panda kindergarten!

This cartoon is one of Bob’s earliest appearances!

You can’t be too careful!

Ha ha! Here’s a toothbrush!

The very first appearance of the Torch Bears!

The torch bears!

Episode 1

Huzzah! More Wheel…of…PANDAS!!!

The Scottish pandas

Save some pie for me!


Or how about some cuppycakes?

Do we have to count panda adoption fees?

Well, that’s all we have time for today! And for all you DC watchers, remember, if you have to cheat to win, you’re not really winning! #SoMuchWinning

Be the Bear who Buys Stuff With Pandas!
Bob T Panda

A Note on Panda Commerce: As you may know, I am a one bear band (not the Band-a-Pandas, but that gives me an idea for another pair of socks!!) This means I am not on the computer all the time. (Well, some days it may seem like I am, but really…) As the quantities tick down to 0, you might get nervous if you don’t hear back from me immediately. Don’t worry. I can see the order that the messages come in, and will contact you and send the invoices in that order. In other words, if you haven’t heard from me, no one else has either! Doesn’t that make you feel better?

It’s the Debate Season!

Are you going to watch the next round of Democratic Debates? If so, you might want to warm up by watching the first of the Cake Party debates.

Because you knew this was coming, didn’t you?

At least as informative as those OTHER debates!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda