Tag Archives: Atlanta Zoo

Let the Games Begin!

The opening ceremonies are tonight, for the 2016 Summer Olympics taking place in Brazil, a country that, to my knowledge has NO pandas!!!! How can people live like that!?!?! So let the games begin! And no Olympic Games would be complete without…


Is that the twins I see before me? Don't tell Lun Lun

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn???? Remember the 2012 Torch Bears?

Pandanastics star, PO of Atlanta Zoo, practices for the Olympics, while the Torch Bears continue their around the world journey. Where will they turn up next?

Pandanastics star, PO of Atlanta Zoo, practices for the Olympics, while the Torch Bears continue their around the world journey. Where will they turn up next? That torch looks suspiciously like a cuppycake to me!

Never underestimate the power of a good "fart joke"

Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

torch bears, money, selling olympic torch

What incident in Paris…Well may you ask! But now what will they do when they get to the Olympics?…..stay tuned!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

Oh, those Torch bears!

Oh, those Torch bears!

And what Olympics themed Fabulous Furry Friday would be complete without one our all time favorites, Cookie Medals!


Huzzah!I get all fluffy when I hear the Olympic theme song!

Going for the ...um...chocolate chip.

Going for the …um…chocolate chip.

See on Sunday, for the next episode of Phexit: the TRUE story!!!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Please note…Pinky is…um…resting up for her appearance sunday and did not appear in today’s encore presentation.


Scandal in the Panda House?

Uh oh…Bubba has been discovered spying on the back room deal making meeting between Pinky and the Meihems! Is this a political scandal in the making? What kind of deal is Pinky making with the Meihems? Is Bob going to be out on his fuzzy ears? And where IS Mittens?

Just what kind of deal is Pinky making?

Just what kind of deal is Pinky making?

I hope everyone had fun celebrating the Meihems’ birthday this weekend! Stay tuned, because Pinky and Bubba have a birthday coming up, not to mention some more political chicanery of some sort or another. And will we ever find out what happens to Mittens? Is he coming back? We hope not, but Pinky’s poofing is not always permanent. (Except as regards the Meihems and brother sister Po.)

I would settle for Secretary of Binky Bars.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda


It’s Time to Party Like a Panda!!!!

Oh my, it is the birthday celebration for Atlanta’s favorite sweethearts, the Meihem sisters, as they turn three years old! I still remember the morning the twins were born. I was…um… checking in on Facebook, because the panda keepers at Zoo Atlanta were pretty sure that mama Lun Lun was pregnant, but they had NO idea it was twins!*

Along with thousands of other panda fanatics, I was glued to the internet, awaiting the entrance of another baby panda to the world, when a cub came shooting out into the universe. (They do seem to come out at great speed). Lun Lun lept into mom mode, but turns out she wasn’t done yet. Less than a half hour later, another cub came rushing out and then we had what you might call a situation.

I did what any other right thinking panda fan would do, under those circumstances. I called another panda fan (Cyndi A) and we danced around our respective kitchens screaming like a girl.

So without further ado, I now present some of my favorite cartoon moments with the Meihems, starting with the Wu Self’s reaction to the news!

24) Dis. Will. Not. Stand!

Dis. Will. Not. Stand!

Of course all the other panda moms were on the phone to Lun Lun to congratulate her…

25) "Well Bless your Heart" is not always a compliment

“Well Bless your Heart” is not always a compliment

When the twins were born, everyone thought that they were boys, along with their sibling Po. Boy did we all have a surprise coming!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po! And is that a cameo appearance by Mr. Bun?

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Oh…yeah…how could we forget Pinky?

Atlanta panda cub twins

Huzzah! It’s Bert and his brother Ernie!

Zoo Atlanta Twin panda Cubs

…and their jammies! Huzzah!

But after we found out that the Meihems were girls, they promptly joined the Panda Scouts and went to work selling cookies! Binky Bars, anyone? But of course, Pinky threw a monkey panda wrench into the works…

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

But in the end, all was well that ended well, after a whole bunch more stuff happened, (which, if you had Book 5 of the Panda Chronicles, Pandapocalypse Now! you would know what happened!) and now, it’s time for some cake!!!!

There must be cake!

There must be cake!

I hope you enjoyed my Salute to Meihem! Join us next month when we celebrate Pinky’s third birthday and Bubba’s first!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

*Not only did they not know it was going to be twins, with pandas, you don’t even know for sure if they are pregnant or not.

Get Ready for The Panda Season of Love

You might not realize that Valentine’s Day takes place in mid February because it commemorates the beginning of the Panda Season of Love. I’m pretty sure I am not making this up.

Would I lie to you?

I thought it was time for a new Valentine’s Day cartoon, because the last one I did was at least four or five years ago.

So here it is!

it's the panda, the panda season of love!

it’s the panda, the panda season of love!

And word from the Toronto Zoo is, they have both a girl and a boy, going strong but not names yet. What’s wrong with “Bob” and “Babette”? I think they have a nice ring, don’t you?

Meanwhile, I hope you are celebrating the opening days of the Panda Season of Love with those you hold dearest. And…um…if you have any extra chocolate, send it my way. Okay?

Be the Schmoopy Bear!
Bob T Panda


Hearings for Bridgegate Announced

In honor of the recent news that there will be new hearings for the New Jersey Bridgegate Scandal scheduled for sometime in February, I thought, what more appropriate subject could there be for this week’s Fabulous Furry Friday, than the National Zoo Highway Gate Scandals of 2014… Remember?

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Mei xiang and bao bao try to cover up highway-gate

Inspector Panda is on the job!

"Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun...about that detective you suggested..."

“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”

Tune in next Friday to see the conclusion to this exciting story…or, if you can’t wait that long, you can find the whole story in The Panda Chronicles Book 5: Pandapocalypse NOW!

Until we meet again…
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

And Speaking of Baby Pandas…

What? Weren’t we speaking of baby pandas…? Well, with all these incredibly cute pictures of the adorable baby Bubba (aka Bei Bei) at the national Zoo this week, it is most difficult NOT to have baby pandas on the brain.

THIS is your brain on pandas. Any questions?

THIS is your brain on pandas. Any questions?

If there was a cute-o-meter installed at the exit to the panda house at The National Zoo in Washington DC, it would have broken under the strain of so much cuteness.

But Bubba is not the only American Panda to have ever trod the trail towards the bright lights of stardom. This week, Fabulous Furry Friday brings you highlights of some of our other favorite panda cubs!

"Howdy do! I'm Mr. Wu! Who are you?"

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

For some reason, panda cubs are fascinated by fallen leaves…

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

And Pinky became her…um…pinkitudinal self very early…

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

And then there was the gender reclassification of the Meihem twins of Cublanta…

downloadable paper panda upgrade

downloadable paper panda upgrade

school uniforms for pandas

Ready for panda kindergarten!

So remember to check in with us on Sunday, when we bring you live coverage of Bubba’s debut to the public, which will actually be occurring the day before. Okay, okay, so it’s really not live. What can I say? We are a low budget operation here.

Keep being the bear, and buy stuff with pandas on it!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday presents:

Fabulous Furry Friday wanted to celebrate Bubba’s debut to the public, but we have…um…been busy with other stuff. we promise we will get right on it, but in the meantime, here are some of The Panda Chronicles’ favorite panda cubs in their own debuts!

Oh, and if you happen to be descending on Washington DC’s most celebrated pandas for today’s opening, be courteous to your fellow panda fans. #Don’tBehaveLike Pinky

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

deleted footage from press conference

Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Stay tuned for more from the saga at #OpenLateGate and exciting coverage of Bubba’s debut to the public! I’m sure Pinky would never consider using this as an opportunity to put forth her own agenda!

(psst! hey! why not vote for bob?)

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

FFF Asks: Who’s Your Daddy?

In all the excitement of the birth of twin panda cubs at the National Zoo, and then the sad news of the smaller of the cubs death, a little news item got…um…overlooked and everyone wants to know: Who’s your daddy?

For today’s Fabulously Furry Friday line up of encores, we revisit some ‘toons that ask that very question.

"It was dark....there were men in masks...."

“It was dark….there were men in masks….”

Who's the bear???!!!

Who’s the bear???!!!

And who can forget the “transformation” of Po and the Meihem twins of Cublanta?

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

And finally, we apologize (Ha! No we don’t) for anthropomorphizing pandas, and…um…making fun of them.

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

Hope this Friday is treating you well! and remember, you can have ALL these cartoons to read again (and again) with the Panda Chronicle series, books 1 thru 5 and coming soon! Book 6!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t Look in the Back Seat!

um…you know when you watch those scary movies, and there is a malevolent force in the back seat, as the hero/heroine drive blithely and unconcernedly around the dark country side. And the camera cuts to a shot of the evil one starting to rise up in the back seat, and you jump up and yell at the screen:

Don’t turn around!!!!!!! Don’t look in the backseat!

Well, think of that as you start to read this cartoon.

Warning: do not read with food or drink in your mouth.  #YouHaveBeenWarned

Cue the menacing music...

Cue the menacing music…

Meanwhile back on the National Zoo panda front, Xiao Mei Tian (not his official name, just a crib name, as he won’t get either his real name or his panda satire name till he is a hundred days old) has survived his fist week. He is starting to develop his panda markings and is getting nice and round. Huzzah!

I think we can deduce from this cartoon that Pinky is not quite ready to give up her presidential aspirations.

I will have to think of something to distract her….
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Bob has a Dilemma

It’s not fair …the cry of Nihilists everywhere, is being heard in the halls of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, as Bob wanders around, telling anyone who will listen to him, about how he has been replaced by Mr. Wu (Mr. Wu!!!) as co-host for ZooNooz’s flagship news broadcast.

It’s just not fair!

Editor’s note: Late breaking news!!!! We have just learned that Princess Pinky has gotten herself onto the news show, 60 Minutes. Where will all this unfair, free publicity end? We just don’t know!

What to do, what to do….this is a dilemma, no mistake about that!

Perhaps the Meihems can help...

Perhaps the Meihems can help…

Meanwhile, Pinky is still hacking into my computer, but I may have figured out a way to de-Pinky it. Stay tuned!

The light bulb thing still works, doesn’t it? I look very presidential here, don’t you think?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

BTW: We would be very remiss if we did not mention that it is Mama Mei Xiang’s 17th birthday! Huzzah! Now Pinky, could you just be a good little panda for one day and celebrate someone other than Pinky?