Oh dear. It seems that Mr. Bun is missing. What is Pinky to do? Mr. Bun has been a comfort to Pinky and even though she has “allowed” Bubba to sometimes play with Mr. Bun (NOT a bribe! No!) But where has he gone? Has he left of his own accord? (Pinky does seem to have a number of magical possessions, after all) Will Pinky hold Bubba responsible for his safe return? Will there be a ransom note?
Will he even return at all?

And meanwhile at an undisclosed location in Canada….
I thought maybe it would be a good thing to have some cartoons about adorable but mischievous panda cubbies before we unleash Mittens the Cat on all of you. Enjoy the reprieve. You’re welcome.
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda