Tag Archives: satire

If it’s Tuesday, it Must Be Time For Another Episode of Pandarella!

Okay! NOW this story is cooking with gas. Or poofing with gas. Or mebbee Sister Mary Fluffy has gas…

On with our story!

Among the characters of the Panda Chronicles, there are several that have active lives off of the page, although they are no less…um…imaginary. Babette de Panda, our erstwhile villain in many stories, started her existence as the small, stuffy panda friend of my friend Victory. Victory found her on a trip, bought her as a present for me, but by the time they got home, she had named Babette and they bonded.

Babette had a Facebook page for a while, and many stories which never made it into the Panda Chronicles. Eventually, she found her way into the stories, and eventually came to live with me. She has continued to have adventures off the page. I would tell you, except there has been a gag order regarding some of her exploits.

Sister Mary Fluffy started her existence as one of my handmade felty pandas. It must have been divine inspiration that brought her into being. She has made multiple appearances in Pinky Panda’s Bamboo Chef events on Twitter.

I hope this answers any questions about her. She has a mysterious past (not unlike Babette).

Be the Bear
Bob T Pandas of Mystery Panda

There are BEARS in the Woods?????

Recently the inter webs were all up in arms over the question someone posed: If you were a woman alone in the woods, would you rather run into a man or a bear?

This is one of those if a tree falls in the forest philosophical questions. Naturally many people (dare I say men?) re-interpreted the question to be: would you (a woman) rather get attacked by a man or a bear?

That was NOT the Question!!!

We have called on our own experts on bears in the woods to answer the question.

Bob wasn’t really on assignment (before you ask) he just didn’t fit in the panels with Frank and Mikey!

Be the Bear!
Bob T is not on assignment Panda

Pandarella Episode 13

The Baker’s Dozenth Episode. (ask your GrandMei)

Okay! NOW things are going to start going Bikkie’s way! (We think). I mean…when Sister Mary Fluffy is you designated Fairy Godmother, what could possibly go wrong?

Be the Bear!
Bob T I told you things were going to get better Panda

Pandarella 12: Our Story Continues in a Slightly Less Scary Way

I told you things were going to start turning around soon! You wouldn’t want me to just skip to the easy parts, would you?

Now the POOF is about to hit the fan! Never underestimate the power of Art. (Or the power of a magical wand!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T I do believe in magic Panda

Nixon’s Ghost is Feeling Morally Superior

It only seems fair that Nixon’s Ghost would want to take a victory lap after You Know Who received 34 guilty verdicts in his Manhattan fraudulent business record/election jiggery pokery trial that ended last week. Who knew the jury would return a grand slam worth of guilty verdicts? To be fair, no one KNEW, but we all hoped.

I’m going to take it as a good sign

If you need more Pinky stickers (or any of the other stickers I have over at Redbubble), they are 50% off 10 small stickers and they have free shipping for sticker only orders right now!

Be the Bear!
Bob T is not guilty Panda

Pandarella Episode 11

The story continues and you probably won’t like this one either.

But don’t worry, Bikkie’s fortunes are going to change really soon! I mean…Mittens got 34 guilty verdicts in NYC! That means anything is possible.*

*Except for the discovery of more than 1 contiguous brain cell in Marge’s head.

Should be an exciting next couple of weeks, on the page and off! Hang in there everyone!

Be the Bear
Bob T is voting for Joe Biden Panda

Don’t forget to order your Pinky 2024 stuff! You can get it >Here!

Oreos and Bears and Pandas, Oh My!

Ya know, I thought about doing something about the trial today, and then I thought, “nah…I don’t want to jinx it by assuming you know who would be found GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY,” so instead I planned this nice little ‘toon about Oreo, the Oreo stealing bear, and THEN, what happens at like 5 AM yesterday morning, my text messages start blowing up with nooz of Binky Li coming to Washington DC, so this time procrastinating worked to my advantage, because I could work the arrival of Binky Li and his girl fren into the ‘toon.

So here ya go! I’m pretty sure Nixon’s ghost will pop in next week to gloat over TFG’s 34 COUNT GUILTY VERDICT.

There will be champagne popping and dancing in the streets tonight. Hopefully the gun totting minions of TFG will be kept under control. Be happy and stay safe, panda friends. We have two new sets of bears to welcome later this year!

Enjoy some Oreos and milk and no double dipping!

Be the Bear
Bob T is not a crook Panda

You Are Probably Not Going to Like Today’s Episode…

Pandarella Episode 10

Out in the real world, a bear in a town in California has developed a taste for Oreo cookies. Rumor has it he is going to be interviewed by ZooNooZ later this week! Won’t that be fun?

If you enjoy reading about my fine art life, I’m writing a series about my upcoming show over on Substack. You can find it here. I’m planning on writing about one of my paintings for my upcoming show at Rob Schouten Gallery later in the summer.

Meanwhile, Pinky is hoping that you will support her candidacy by wearing Pinky merch! Redbubble often has sales, so keep your eye on the webpage. For now, stickers ship for free to US addresses. Here is the image for Pinky’s 2024 Cubpaign!

Be the Bear!
Bob T likes Oreo cookies Panda

From the Shameless Commerce Division…

The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire wants you to know…

Pinky has cubpaign merch available (Pinky: FINALLY!!!) ready for your enjoyment and ordering! Here is the link and the image to look for on my Redbubble website. Accept no substitutes!

Thank you and Be the bear! We’ll be back with another episode on Pandarella on Tuesday!

Bob T vote early vote often Panda