Tag Archives: magic

If it’s Tuesday, it Must Be Time For Another Episode of Pandarella!

Okay! NOW this story is cooking with gas. Or poofing with gas. Or mebbee Sister Mary Fluffy has gas…

On with our story!

Among the characters of the Panda Chronicles, there are several that have active lives off of the page, although they are no less…um…imaginary. Babette de Panda, our erstwhile villain in many stories, started her existence as the small, stuffy panda friend of my friend Victory. Victory found her on a trip, bought her as a present for me, but by the time they got home, she had named Babette and they bonded.

Babette had a Facebook page for a while, and many stories which never made it into the Panda Chronicles. Eventually, she found her way into the stories, and eventually came to live with me. She has continued to have adventures off the page. I would tell you, except there has been a gag order regarding some of her exploits.

Sister Mary Fluffy started her existence as one of my handmade felty pandas. It must have been divine inspiration that brought her into being. She has made multiple appearances in Pinky Panda’s Bamboo Chef events on Twitter.

I hope this answers any questions about her. She has a mysterious past (not unlike Babette).

Be the Bear
Bob T Pandas of Mystery Panda

A perfect 10…it’s like Magic! Or perhaps….

Hocus Pocus!  A flying cake!

Watch as the Great Pandisto elevates a cake!  Nothing up his sleeve!

Watch as the Great Pandisto levitates a cake! Nothing up his sleeve!

And a big Pandy thank you for all the new followers here at The Panda Chronicles! We have passed 47,000 page views and we are within the realms of possibilities to reach 50,000 by December 31st.  Is it wierd? yes, but it’s a really cheap Christmas present for the panda kindergarten!

Did you know you can follow the bears on twitter? Look for us on Twitter!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

A perfect 10…it’s like Magic! Or perhaps….

Hocus Pocus!  A flying cake!

Watch as the Great Pandisto elevates a cake!  Nothing up his sleeve!

Watch as the Great Pandisto levitates a cake! Nothing up his sleeve!

And a big Pandy thank you for all the new followers here at The Panda Chronicles! We have passed 47,000 page views and we are within the realms of possibilities to reach 50,000 by December 31st.  Is it wierd? yes, but it’s a really cheap Christmas present for the panda kindergarten!

Did you know you can follow the bears on twitter? Look for us on Twitter!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda