Category Archives: ZooNooz

The True Scoop on Hank the Tank comes to you on ZooNooZ!

So. Many. Bears in the NooZ!!!!! If it’s not bears in swimming pools, reports of bears climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, (Really! More to come on this shocking story!)bears breaking into cars, it’s the top story of the day, the arrest of Hank the Tank!

Of course, ZooNooZ got the first interview!

well, I don’t know that we’ll be RIGHT back with more on Hank…I mean Henrietta’s story, but we will be back eventually!

As you know, it is Birthday Week in DC!

Monday was Bikkie’s 3rd birthday (where DOES the time go?) today is Bubba’s and of course, tomorrow is Pinky’s birthday. I’ve done birthday extravaganza posts over at Substack, so if you want to see what some of my favorite ‘toons for each of the bears are, head over to Substack to see!

Be the Bear!
Bob T I wasn’t trying to take her purse Panda

More Wild Animals, More Stoopid People

Yes, Henrietta (aka Hank the Tank) will be back next week. we had to…um…find a “special” chair for her, so that she could be on set for her interview. I don’t KNOW this report (unverified) from a former Lake Tahoe resident who wrote in to The New Yorker, is about Hank, but given her wily nature, it COULD be! Anyway, this person claims that as he watched out his window, he saw a bear working their way down the street, checking all the car doors to see if they were locked, until finally finding an open car, so they could check for donuts or potato chips. You just can’t be too careful when it comes to possible past expiration date potato chips!

Frank: that definitely wasn’t us.
Pookie: but it coulda been!
Mikey: quiet, Pookie! It wasn’t us!

Anyway, bears are not the only trouble makers in the clash between humans and animals!

Be sure to check over at Substack for Birthday Season updates for Pinky, Bubba, and Bikkie!

Be the Bear!
Bob T don’t hug the panda Panda

Nixon’s Ghost Has Indictment Envy

I mean, who wouldn’t? What with the potential of Georgia election interference and possible RICO charges landing on the sculptured fluff of TFG’s head, is it any surprise that Nixon’s Ghost has made yet another appearance?

Honestly, it is a mystery to me on how we are going to get out of this mess. Naively, I thought when Mittens lost in 2020, he would blow off some steam and then fade into oblivion. Hoo boy! What the hell have I been smoking? Nothing, that’s what. I’m not sure how I am going to survive this next two years. Pass the cake!

Birthday week is coming up for Pinky, Bubba, and Bikkie! I have not figured out what I will do to celebrate, but I might run some of my favorite ‘toons of the early birthday seasons of the three younger DC cubbies over at my Substack installation.

Be the Bear
Bob T we will get through this somehow Panda

Consequences Must Be Paid

We can only hope there will be consequences for Mittens and all his minions. In the meantime, another career criminal has been taken the streets. Or is that trails? (Gift Link)

Will Mittens’ lawyers show up as required to Judge Chutkan’s court? I guess we’ll see. meanwhile, Hank the Tank (aka Henrietta) is going to face some consequences!

I bet she’ll be interviewed on ZooNooZ first, though!

Be the Bear
Bob T no bear shaming here Panda

The Return of the King

No, not that king. Or not that king either, and definitely not the person who thinks he’s a king. I am, of course, referring to Otis. King of the Katmai Park, a bear to be reckoned with in the pecking order of the gang at Brooks Falls. Otis is now believed to be 27, which is old for a bear in captivity, and very old for a bear in the wild.

I read this most lovely tribute on Fezbook here. If it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you may already be dead. (I tried to link to this post, but since I couldn’t make it work probably due to some fez book noises, I added a screenshot instead, with the author of the post included)

Of course, ZooNooZ had to send their ace correspondents up to Alaska to interview the bears gathering in the park!

Mikey, too, is devoted to Otis.

Mikey (to Otis): You can have all my fish, buddy!

Be the Bear
Bob T waiting for the next indictment Panda

Surf’s Up!

Oh those wild and wacky sea going mammals! If it’s not orcas attacking boats off the coasts of Spain and Scotland, or swimming around the Puget Sound with a fish on their head, it’s surf board stealing otters in California!

Let’s go surfing’ now
Let an otter show you how
Come on a safari with me!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Surfin’ Safari Panda

Too Extreme for the Sedition Caucus

I’m still kind of having a moment after the news of Judy Young’s sudden departure so you’ll have to endure yet another rant from the fine cats and pandas at ZooNooZ about all things political.

I swear. There ought to be some kind of test to run for office.

Be the Bear
Bob T I’m sure it looked just like this Panda

Orca Orca Orca

Back in my college days, I had my nose in a Big Fish Thriller and was completely engrossed. These were the days just after the release of Jaws, and everyone wanted to get on the Malevolent Sea Creature bandwagon. I think maybe there was a novel about a giant squid too.

So there I am, nose in book, and my friend was trying to get my attention, and finally she just yelled in my face, “ORCA ORCA ORCA!!!

I might not remember what I went into the kitchen for today, but I do remember life’s high points!

This ‘toon (and Thursday’s) are based on the true story of a pod of Orcas attacking boats off the Spanish coast. Would I lie to you?

Be the Bear!
Bob don’t call me Flipper Panda

Today’s the day we’ve been waiting for.

Maybe not the ultimate day we are waiting for, of course. But it is the day he will have to appear in court, in Floriduh, and be confronted with the charges against him, and plead guilty (guilty guilty) or not guilty.

Honestly…I’m really not sure how we’ve survived this long, what with the completely lackadaisical storage that top secret documents were stored, hauled around, and left in public spaces that anyone with access to Merde-A-Lago could just slip into and rifle through some boxes.

Considering the outrage over Hilary’s emails, the cries of “No fairs! He’s done nothing wrong!” coming from the seditionist caucus of the GQP are especially outrageous. Now Bill if the president does it it’s not illegal Barr is going on his redemption tour, saying, “Yep, if he did even half of what the indictment says, he’s going down.” TFG, predictably, now calls his former Roy Cohn lazy and incompetent, no more than a coffee boy, and claims he fired him, rather than that Barr’s obsequious resignation letter told TFG what an honor it was to serve him.

Am I mad? You bet! I hope you’ve read the full indictment by now. It’s easy reading with a lot of blank space, so shouldn’t take you more than 20 minutes or so. Here’s a link to Teri Kanefiled’s excellent annotation of the indictment.

Meanwhile, I thought the day should be commemorated in The Panda Chronicles

I’m afraid things are probably going to get ugly as we see this indictment, along with the coming ones for January 6 and the investigation in Georgia. But the alternative to facing these things head on would be far, far worse.

We cannot be fated to fall into fascism

Be the Bear
Bob T I’ll be brave if you are Panda