Tag Archives: Baby pandas

Get Out Your Handkerchiefs

Do I need to supply trigger warnings? I don’t know…it does have a happy ending, if I’m not revealing too much!

The AQI (Air Quality Index) is at 163 as I write this. Portland OR’s AQI has been bouncing between 300+ to well over 500. 😳 This is not good. Haven’t they (we) suffered enough? And now our smokey air has spread all the way yo the east coast!

Good thing Mei is staying in with little Sweet Pea XT4.

Mommee Mei always knows the right thing to do and say!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Silence(ing) of the Louts

Sometimes it feels like I am going to lose my mind. The cries of the right wing hate mongers complaining that they are being silenced, because most people aren’t buying what they’re selling, is 1984 doublespeak at its most virulent. The claims that it’s really those who protest against racial hate speech are the TRUE racists, make my head feel like it is ready to explode.

Last week saw two devastating shootings in less than 24 hours. Since then, there have probably been several more that did not make my news feed. This is in addition to several potential killers who were apprehended before they could enact their foul deeds. Conspiracy theories about the death of Jeffrey Epstein are flying about the internet, including some by the 45th Resident of the White House. Is it possible that we could have just two days in a row where nothing awful happens?

Just because your speech is free, doesn’t mean I have to listen to it.

You are a bully for calling me on my bullying.

Real panda NooZ: At least as of yesterday, the new twins born to Hao Hao at Pairi Daiza in Belgium are doing well. Keep up the good work, everyone! We need more pandas now, more than ever!

Panda on, friends
Bob T Panda

Huzzah! Huzzah!

Things are hopping in Pandyland, AKA the National Zoo in Washington DC. On Saturday, August 22nd, Mama Mei Xiang gave birth to not one, but TWO cubs. We are still on pins and needles, because panda cubs are really, really, really little, not to mention fragile. So, they are a little too small to appear in cartoons often, but I couldn’t resist letting one of them make a brief appearance with her big sister, Princess Pinky Bao Bao.


PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?

How will having twin siblings affect the ever more attitudinal Princess Pinky, as she vies for the Cake Party nomination in next years presidential race?

Well, we just don’t know, Dude.


Be the bear…
Bob T Panda

What a Piece of Work is Panda!

Panda News has just informed us that Lun Lun at the Atlanta Zoo is preggers!  We anxiously await the pitter patter of panda paws in the Atlanta nursery!  While we wait for the riveting story of bear “Entrapment by Donuts” in Washington State, enjoy another installment from the Olympic archives!

Be the Bear!

Bob T Panda

What a Piece of Work is Panda!

Panda News has just informed us that Lun Lun at the Atlanta Zoo is preggers!  We anxiously await the pitter patter of panda paws in the Atlanta nursery!  While we wait for the riveting story of bear “Entrapment by Donuts” in Washington State, enjoy another installment from the Olympic archives!

Be the Bear!

Bob T Panda