Tag Archives: Woodland Park Zoo

Bears Will Be Bears or I Bet You Can’t Eat Just One

Those fluffy, fun loving, frolicking Pookies residing at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo were in the NooZ yet again! It seems that they provided some “unexpected” science and nature lessons on the food chain for a group of elementary school age kids having a birthday party at the zoo.

What can we say, except that bears ARE at the top of most food chains?

Fun fact: This incident was a question on last week’s NPR Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me! NooZ quiz show. Needless to say, I was jumping up and down yelling, “I KNOW! I KNOW! ASK MEEEEEE!!!” Are bears fun or what?

Fun Fact 2: Bai Yun was reported to occasionally grab a low flying Mallard duck out of the air, for a between meal snack.

Pandarella will return on Tuesdays, for more of our very exciting adventure story starring Bikkie!

Be the Bear
Bob T bet you can’t eat just one Panda

Pandas! (and a Bear)

After all that folderol of TFG’s arrest and all the blathering he and the rest of the GQP are doing, I think we need something light and fluffy.

Here ya go!

We are not even close to be out of the soup, not by a long shot, so take two small bears, a cuppycake, and some hot cocoa with little marshmallows, and call me in the morning.

(Just kidding. Don’t call me!)

Be the Bear
Bob T on the edge of my seat Panda

More Pookies! You Cannot Resist!

It is futile to resist the pookiness of the Pookies. Don’t even try!

It is a sad fact, that when bears come into contact with people, the bear is often the loser. When I visited the Calgary Zoo a few years ago (in the “before times”) their resident grizzly bear was a many times offender. They had his rap sheet posted outside his enclosure. He was one of the lucky ones. Instead of being killed for his many incursions on cars and garbage cans, there was a place for him at the Calgary Zoo, where he has lived a long and peaceful life.

Pookie Two’s mom, from Montana, was not so lucky. She had become habituated to grazing in garbage cans, and while we could only hope that she might eat a certain congresswoman from Colorado, she won’t get the chance. But don’t tell Pookie Two. She thinks her mom moved to a farm upstate. Do you want to be the one to tell her?

I didn’t think so.

Be the Bear
Bob T I hardly ever eat out of trashcans Panda

The UnBEARable Cuteness of Pookies

I know I tend to re-use names. For the first couple years of my descent in to Pandaholism, all my panda stuffies were named “Bob”. We will try to differentiate between the Seattle Pookies, and Bikkie’s friend from Alaska, Pookie.

I’m sure we’ll manage!

And while I really hate leaving the island to go into civilization, I am determined to shepherd the Pookies at The Woodland Park Zoo through their cubbyhood! I know I should not bring this up, but we could be looking at a temporarily (we hope it’s just temporary) panda-less existence here in the US. Memphis’s pandas leave near the end of this year, and the Pandalanta Pandas and the DC pandas contracts are running out. There is still no word on whether pandas will return to SanDiego. The pandemic put a definite crimp in the budgets of the zoos and the US is not getting along particularly well with China.

We are going to have to fall in love with some different sorts of bears.

The Pookies just might be able to be the bears…

Panda On!
Bob T a bear by any other name Panda

I apologize for not getting a ‘toon done for today.

I probably won’t have one for tomorrow. I don’t know where my time is going but I’m going to have to take myself in paw in the new year. In the meantime, here is a phot of part of what I was doing today

I got to see the Pookies! Fern and Juniper, new residents of Seattle’s Woodland Park (panda-less) Zoo. They are less than a year old, Juniper is a coastal brown bear from Alaska, and Fern is a grizzly from Montana. Obviously, their names must both be Pookie. At their age they are larger than an adult panda. They are adorable together, and I am going to have to find a way to go to the zoo more often.

I’ll be back with ‘toons next week. Meanwhile, I’m posting some of the holiday Encore Presentations on my Substack Noozletter.

Be the Pookie
Bob T they are cute even if they aren’t pandas Panda

You knew Rusty had to get his opinion in, didn’t you?

TBH, I don’t know if red pandas are really this fiesty, but I like to imagine that they are. They provide a wonderful counterpart to the (relative) calmness of giant pandas (except where Pinky is concerned). I really need to get into the Woodland Park Zoo and see the new kids on the block (and maybe demonstrate for WOOZPPAH a little bit.)

Why don’t you tell us what you really think, Rusty?

Unka Rusty has some seriously feisty opinions!

And speaking of WOOZPPAH, if Howard Schultz wanted to do something worthwhile with his money, he could endow the Starbucks Panda Pavillion at Woodland Park Zoo. He won’t, but it might make me like him just a little bit.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Whew! Peel me off the ceiling!

Let’s start today’s post with a rousing cheer for all of you who supported me in my Kickstarter campaign to make the FIRST Panda Chronicles collector series pin!

Huzzah!!!!!! But now, let’s check in on the newest RED Panda babies at the Woodland Park Zoo…

Wee are pandas too!!!!

And now…Some final thoughts on my pin project…

I’m very excited that we had such a huge success, and reached the minimum amount needed to do the project, (on the FIRST DAY!!!), with a couple of add ons, to make them even more pandarific!: A printed card on which the pins will be mounted on AND, a stamp will be made for the back, that I can continue to use as I do more pins from this same manufacturer.

You might wonder why I choose the Kickstarter platform to do my projects and the main reason is this: I am a one person operation, with all sorts of plates and balls (and sometimes roaring chainsaws) in the air at the same time. The thing I love to do most is to make art and write and draw pandas (and engage in a liddle panda improv on twidder and fezbook) Soooo, if I can condense the ordering and fulfillment time into a short, finite period, it means I can spend most of my time making art, and a shorter, more focused time getting it to you.

This is also why coming up with an assortment of products (tee-shirts! Pillows! Jewelry! Phone covers!) doesn’t work very well in a one person shop. Turning my studio into a warehouse of products takes space and time, not to mention the product development and fulfillment research time. (Not to mention money.) One of my goals for this year is to develop my Redbubble shop so that those more varied products ARE available, but I won’t have to make, store, or ship them.

I like using Kickstarter to develop ideas that don’t exist in the instant order world of places like Cafe Press and Red Bubble. It allows me to design (fun!!!) and have someone produce the pins, and know that I have enough interest to make the project viable.

I’m really excited to get these pins in your hands. I’m hoping to design a new pin about every two months and I hope you’ll like the first ones enough to collect the whole set! Your enthusiastic response allows me to get some extra pins, so that a couple times a year, I can have special pin set sales (once there are enough pins to make sets!) and as new followers jump on the panda train, I’ll have previously made pins so that people can have all of them, at least till they’re all gone!

Thank all of you who supported this project, once again! I hope you’ll let me know who YOU think should have the honor of being on the next pin!

Thanks for Being the Bears,
Bob T Panda

Pinky pin! #ClapLouder