Category Archives: panda olympics

Fabulous Furry Friday: an Encore Presentation

I love fabulous Furry Friday and the encore presentation idea. Yes, it’s a way to post a third dose of panda satire, without having to do…um…any more work, but readers tell me they love it because it’s fun to see their favorite ‘toons again, while those who are new to the world of panda satire get a chance to get acquainted with the gang!

As this is a year when the Winter Olympics are being held, I thought we should take a couple of Fabulous Furry Friday look backs to Panda Olympics of years past.

Bring on the torch bears!

The first appearance of the Torch Bears!

torch bears, money, selling olympic torch

but now what will they do when they get to the Olympics?…..stay tuned!

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun

Viva Le Pandas!
Bob T Panda

Let the Games Begin!

The opening ceremonies are tonight, for the 2016 Summer Olympics taking place in Brazil, a country that, to my knowledge has NO pandas!!!! How can people live like that!?!?! So let the games begin! And no Olympic Games would be complete without…


Is that the twins I see before me? Don't tell Lun Lun

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????

Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn???? Remember the 2012 Torch Bears?

Pandanastics star, PO of Atlanta Zoo, practices for the Olympics, while the Torch Bears continue their around the world journey. Where will they turn up next?

Pandanastics star, PO of Atlanta Zoo, practices for the Olympics, while the Torch Bears continue their around the world journey. Where will they turn up next? That torch looks suspiciously like a cuppycake to me!

Never underestimate the power of a good "fart joke"

Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

torch bears, money, selling olympic torch

What incident in Paris…Well may you ask! But now what will they do when they get to the Olympics?…..stay tuned!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!

Oh, those Torch bears!

Oh, those Torch bears!

And what Olympics themed Fabulous Furry Friday would be complete without one our all time favorites, Cookie Medals!


Huzzah!I get all fluffy when I hear the Olympic theme song!

Going for the chip.

Going for the …um…chocolate chip.

See on Sunday, for the next episode of Phexit: the TRUE story!!!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Please note…Pinky is…um…resting up for her appearance sunday and did not appear in today’s encore presentation.


Huzzah! Here we are again….

Despite the fact that the weather has been marvelous, a cool but sunny typical Northwest fall, The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire never rests, knowing how much you depend on your weekly doses of panda satire. In other words, there is no shutdown going on here!

Is that the twins I see before me? Don't tell Lun Lun

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun

Meanwhile in Atlanta, next week is the naming ceremony for the panda twins born this July.  I’m guessing my suggestion of “Bert and Ernie” has not been given the full consideration it deserves.  Go figure.

Tune in on Wednesday, when Mr Wu resumes his new adventure!

Be the Bear,

Bob T. Panda


What part of ‘Over’ don’t you get?


The Olympics are over, and I didn’t get top watch any of it, having given up my TV some years ago.  So, I just had to make do with The Panda Olympics!  Huzzah!!!!

So, here is one last (well, maybe the last…the panda kindergarten never seems to know when to quit) before I return tomorrow with part 2 of Bob and Mehitabel explain Kickstarter.

Love the hobby horse on a spring (inspired by a REAL photo of a REAL panda on one.


Be the …um…bear.

Bob T. Panda

Here we are! At the Olympics! Really! (well, really in a cartoon fantasy kind of way)

You’ve been waiting, we’ve been busy…I know earning a living is no excuse!  So, without further panda-ing around, here is an installment of the Panda Chronicles, LIVE from the Olympic Stadium!   Huzzah!

It’s round, it’s cuddly, it’s black and white…who WOULDN’T make this mistake?


More Olympics coverage to come!   Huzzah!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda!

And now, finally, really, THE TORCH BEARS RESCUE AT SEA*

* We would like to point out that even though the English Channel is NOT the sea, exactly, it is a large, scary body of water, especially for 2 small bears in a leaky boat, the SS Tipandic.

Finally we had time to rescue the torch bears, so that we could get on with the Olympics (before they are over in real life.) So, without further much ado about pandas,  here they are, the 2012 Torch Bears!

Tune in next week for more panda olympic coverage!

Be the (slightly soggy, but still cuppycake obsessed) Bear!

Bob T. Panda