Category Archives: All hail the Princess!

Triple Trouble Part the Second

All I can say is, Pinky had best adjust her attitude and make peace with the smaller pandas, because the pitter patter of little paws may happen even closer to home, if you get my drift.

Triple Trouble indeed!

Triple Trouble indeed!

Meanwhile, the Panda Season of Love is in full swing, and you know what that means. Even more little pandas on the horizon. Wow.


Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Here, Kitty Kitty…

Ooopsie! Here, kitty, kitty! Where are you?

Where does one go when one gets poofed by Pinky? I’m afraid I must admit to a certain amount of irresponsibility. I mean, this is fiction, right? Do I have to have an answer for everything???? Meanwhile, Pinky has to answer to a higher authority for her actions.

Yes: her mom. Just because she is now living on her own in real life, doesn’t mean the same rules apply here.

Now where did that cat go?

Now where did that cat go?

Small bears will get into trouble, won’t they?

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


The Panda Voice

In my attempt to be not just a visual artist, but also a writer, one of the crucial concepts I have learned about, whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, is that of voice. Everybody has one, apparently. I think maybe it’s a little like listening to your own outgoing message on your answering machine. Is that me? Boy do I sound dorky!

In these pages and in my cartoons, I strive for the panda voice, of each individual panda (and cat!) character that I invent as I sit in my studio, drawing and chortling to myself, (quietly, or sometimes not so quietly.) I think I should give myself a big, furry paw pat on the back for achieving this goal, because of some of the comments that people share with me here and on Fezbook. You get me! You really get me!


Mehitabel did NOT approve this cartoon.

Mehitabel did NOT approve this cartoon. I really did hear the story on Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me

Let me also add that some of my faithful readers must be looking into their crystal binky balls, because some of their suggestions, fears, and suppositions are not far from some of the upcoming cartoons, which I have been working on ahead of my usual last minute schedule! You have been paying attention, so give yourselves a big, furry paw pat on the back, and then go have a cuppycake. You have embraced your inner panda!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda!

BTW I don’t want anyone to forget that today ends daylight losing time, and so I must include the panda kindergarten salute to Daylight savings time!

Fabulous Furry Friday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites!

Fabulous Furry Friday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites!

The Giant Panda Zoo Awards Part 2

We couldn’t just leave poor Princess Dumpling with Pinky on top of her wrestling, (or trying to, anyway,) trying to wrestle the award for Panda personality of the year away from Princess Dumpling, the rightful owner. Apparently winning the silver medal was not good enough for Pinky, and…tried to redistribute the awards. Actually, she probably wanted all three awards for Panda Personality and who can blame her?

Princess Dumpling is no dope, however, and she seems to have the lowdown on Pinky and her methods for world domination. Meanwhile, Mr. Wu is probably laughing up the sleeve of his trench coat as Pinky comes face to face with this years terrible trio of interlopers.

Wait a minute...triplets??????

Wait a minute…triplets??????

I’m sure the voting system for the Giant Panda Zoo Awards is quite secure and impervious to devious panda perpetrators, isn’t it?

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Pinky’s Snow Day, Part the Second

After the events of last week in the rest of the world, is it any wonder that we sensitive types retreat to something a little kinder, a little gentler, and a little furrier? I am of course referring to Pinky’s first snow day. The joy of seeing this round, furry panda cub rolling down hills and romping with her mom is just what we needed to keep from crawling under the covers and never coming out. You can watch her on youtube here.

I hope that the violence and unrest that is happening in Paris settles down. The world seems to be going mad around us. We need more….


Meihem, not Mayhem.

Meihem, not Mayhem.

What could be cuter than pandas in snow suits? Yes, I know I need help.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Pinky’s Snow Day, Part the First

Oh my, our most favorite panda princess has been all over the news, both in the US, but also in Canada, via a youtube video from The Smithsonian. A columnist in the Washingtonian dared to dis the snow covered panda, to the wrath of panda fans everywhere.  How dare he say those things about Pinky!

I would never make fun of pandas like that.

I would do it like this:

And it was ever thus....

And it was ever thus….

Stay tuned for more snowy-day fun on Wednesday!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

On the 3rd Day of Crisp-moss…

I am completely innocent, I tell you. I spent much of the day working on the next couple installments of The 12 Days of Crisp-Moss, with absolutely no knowledge that Princess Pinky Bao Bao (the actual Princess Pinky Bao Bao) was staging a sit in at the top of her beloved hemlock tree.

Unlike the San Diego Zoo, which is a closed area, the National Zoo is open to a large park (which name escapes me at the moment) and so the animals must be secured in their private behind the scenes enclosures before their attendants can call it a day, and go home and put their very tired feet up.

So, when Princess Pinky decides she does not want to come down….

I think she is trying to beat Tai Shan’s record.

Meanwhile, on with the 12 Days of Crisp-moss:

On the 3rd day of Crisp-moss, my panda cam did see…

I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky's let night sit in.

I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky’s late night sit in.

Be the Bear (and come down from there, OK?)
Bob T. Panda

31 Days of Pandas Presents:

The 12 Days of Crispmoss!!!!!

As I work in the yard, or stand under a hot shower, my mind tends to wander, and often it wanders into the realms of song parodies. Of course these days, all my song parodies are populated by pandas (Quel` Surprise!) so after one of these inspirations, I rushed up to my studio and wrote a rough draft of The 12 days of Crisp-moss.  

And so, without further fa-la-la-la, here we go! 31 Days of Pandas presents….

feel free to sing along.

feel free to sing along.

See you tomorrow!

Be the Holiday Bear!
Bob T. Ho Ho Ho Panda

What Does a Panda Wear for Halloween?

I mean, do they dress up as a red panda? or maybe a tiger?  This is serious, people! Pandas need to know what might be the best costume so that people give them the most stuff.  Halloween is important to panda culture. who knew?

Princess Pinky really needs to know!

Darn those Meihems!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!

I do want to mention that I drew this cartoon before I read the Cub Confidential post from Zoo Atlanta suggested that the twins were going to dress up as the other twin.  Just saying. The Institute of Contemporary Panda Satire has their finger…er…paw on the pulse of the panda community.

And Pinky has asked me to mention that her book is out, and you could just flip really fast through all the cartoons about the Meihems, so that you could just read the ones about Pinky. Hey, I just do what Pinky tells me to. Word to the wise, and all, Pinky must be obeyed.

It's Pink, but still kinda, um...dangerous!

It’s Pink, but still kinda, um…dangerous!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda


Friday already?

Fabulous Furry Friday seems to roll around faster and faster, doesn’t it? Hmmmm. we seem to be in a Pinky and Meihem twins mode this week, so lets just continue with that line of thought.

This cartoon was inspired by one of my friends (now in real life) Judy Young, of the infamous Pinky fan club, who gather sometimes daily at the National Zoo to observe the actual Bao Bao Princess Pinky panda, mostly climbing up the dreaded hemlock, but sometimes frolicking for the pandarazzi.  The photo that inspired this was not of Pinky, playing with bubbles, but a group of children having a blast blowing gigantic bubbles and chasing them over the grass. I though Pinky would enjoy this activity.

Oh dear....are you going to leave her there?

Oh dear….are you going to leave her there?

The next cartoon was inspired by an internet quiz, “What Kind of Cuppycake are You?” That’s easy.  One that’s got lots of …um…frosting.

I have extra frosting!

I have extra frosting!

Pinky will be back on Sunday! Don’t keep her waiting!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda