The ides of March have past, although the ides of April will be upon us soon.
Those so inclined have a few more weeks to visit the Wu-Self and his mom before that head to China. I wonder if Bai Yun will remember it. Mr. Wu is a California boy through and through. I hope it turns out to be a good experience for him. Because I am averse to reality, Mr. Wu (and his mom and dad) will stay right here in The Panda Chronicles as if they never left. I mean, if I can have my cat live forever here, why can’t I keep my favorite pandas?
Meanwhile, while we cry into our beers over the repatriation of our beloved pandas, I plan to spend the next few Sundays of my encore presentations celebrating all things Mr. Wu.
Be quiet Pinky! It’s Mr. Wu’s turn in the spot light!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here! (The Book of Wu! Book 4 of the Panda Chronicles)

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

An explorer’s work is never done.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”
Panda on, Mr. Wu, Panda on…
Bob T Panda
Here are the instructions again for ordering a Pinky pin for those who missed the Kickstarter project! It’s been great seeing the happy tweets of people who have received their pins!
Pinky Pin Update: A number of people missed the opportunity to get a Pinky pin via my recent Kickstarter campaign. I have a limited number of pins still available, not counting the ones I am saving to make sets at the end of the year.
I am working on the next pin design and hope to launch a new Kickstarter pin project no later than the 2nd week of April. So, if you wanted a pinky pin, there are several options:
Option 1: order a pin via the Contact Us page with you name, address, and how many pins you would like. Pins are $20 including US shipping; $25 for shipping to Canada, and $30 for other international destinations. For more than 1 pin (up to 4 total) add $15 per pin. (4 pins fit nicely in the small padded envelopes with very little postage increase) Once you have let me know you want a pin (via the contact form) I will confirm that I still have pins available and give you payment instructions at that time.
Option 2: Wait until I do the next pin project (Bubba will be next) and add on a Pinky Pin as supplies last. I can’t guarantee there will be more at that time, but it would save you a bit of postage if you want both pins.