Tag Archives: 2016 election

Day 27: Countdown to the New Year Begins

Could it really be true? Could we be starting the countdown to the new year already?

Well, yes we could. In some ways the year flew by, and in other ways it was excruciatingly long. We have a new panda cub in Washington DC, twins in Toronto, and now the faintest glimmer of the possibility of pandas in the Pandacific Northwest. Huzzah!

And now, for the last new cartoon of the new year, I offer this, as my wish for the new year, probably guaranteed to delight and annoy, in equal measure. Feel free to tell me what you think in the comments, but I won’t post anything really mean or abusive. Other than  that, have at it!

Consider this my Werld Peez Pandifesto

Consider this my Werld Peez Pandifesto

No fairs unka bob, indeed!

Well, why the heck not?

Well, why the heck not?

Isn't that just the cutest thing?

Isn’t that just the cutest thing?

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn't?

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn’t?

Hey! Why NOT vote for Bob? Peace, prosperity, and buy stuff with pandas!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Pinky Hits the Talk Shows!

These days, it’s not just news programs and debates where candidates try to get as much air time as they can! Yep, they all strive to get on as many talk shows as possible, so that voters see their “real people” (or is that “panda?”) sides.

And what better talk show is there, than Mehitabel Tonite!?

And what better talk show is there, than Mehitabel Tonite!?

Mehitabel knows how to get to the heart of the matter with her guests, don’t you think?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda