It’s the most wonderful time of the year! That’s right! It’s 31 Days of Pandas! Everyone’s favorite month of Panda satire! Make some poppy corn, brew up some cocoa (maybe Sister Mary Fluffy’s secret recipe!) and get ready to enjoy some panda satire every day of the month!
Before we get into our Holiday Classics Encore Presentations, we have one more episode of Bears of the Baskervilles! There will be more later this month, but in the meantime, get ready to enjoy some of your favorite ‘toon stories!
Before we fully dive into 31 Days of Pandas, we have a couple more episodes of Bears of the Baskervilles! I’m going to run them today (Tuesday) and then tomorrow (Day 1 of 31 Days of Pandas) and then we will go into our 31 Days of Pandas programming, while I figure out…um…I mean FINISHBears of the Baskervilles. Then I will do a full recap of B of the B towards the end of the month, so it’s not too confusing as I cut in and out of other stories.
Because after 12 years of doing The Panda Chronicles, I have more than a couple holiday stories!
We have many new readers, and those who have been around for lots of this panda journey enjoy seeing them again!
So, here we go with episode 9 of …
Bears of the Baskervilles!!!!
I bet you knew that it was going to be Six and Sebben!
Be sure to ‘toon in tomorrow for ANOTHER episode, and day 1 of 31 Days of Pandas!
I know it’s kind of a cliche to suddenly remember, once a year, that I am grateful for a bunch of stuff, but this being my Birthday Season, and several other minor holidays (ha ha!) that hype thankfulness and gratitude, I must admit that there are things I am grateful for, despite all the traumas of the last 5 years.
Of course 2020 was the worst.
I think I am still suffering from the extreme trauma of TFG’s final (we hope) year in office, with a global pandemic that said former guy used to try to punish his enemies and do a little extra grifting at the same time.
First, I am grateful that most of my friends and panda community have stayed safe through all of this. There were some casualties but in the scheme of things, compared to much of the country, my personal world was not destroyed. It was rocked though, (and not in a good way) and I miss seeing my far flung circle of friends in person.
I am grateful for the daily text check-ins with the Traveling Panda Sisterhood, without which I might have lost my mind. I mean more than usual.
I am grateful that I found needle felting. It was a small miracle that I got to repeatedly stab things without getting arrested. (Note the the FBI: I am referring to making wool animals from wool fiber, so please do not show up on my porch to question me.)
I am grateful to all of you who have decided they couldn’t live without little felt pandas and subsidized my wool purchase.
I am grateful to my writer friends who encourage me on this path and that my agents haven’t fired me.
I am grateful to the galleries and other venues that continue to show and sell my paintings, and keep a roof over my head, and remind me that my 7 years of art school and decades of continuing to put paint on paper and canvas were not wasted effort.
I am grateful to all of you who continue to read my ‘toons, buy my books, and tell me that I am, in fact, funny.
I am grateful for pandas, who provide inspiration every day. I would be REALLY grateful if I could hold a tiny baby panda someday, but I may have to be content with watching videos of panda nannies dandling tiny pandas on their laps, and know that they love their little, fluffy, chubby charges.
I am grateful for so many things
Please say it isn’t so!!!!!
Hey! it’s almost time to get ready for 31 Days of Pandas!!!
Boy there’s a lot going on! Rumors of a sting operation in Maryland…no, not THAT one! The one where they are planning to use more zebras to lure the remaining escaped zebras back to captivity, Another valiant red panda escapes to join the Red Panda Liberation Front, this time at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle (the scene of another daring escape attempt a few years ago by brave red panda girls)
But I have a story to tell! Would I tell you what was going to happen if I knew? Hmmm…
Fortunately, I have no idea where this story is going!
Luckily for all concerned, Six and Sebben are not in this story…or ARE they?
This is SO exciting!!!!
Don’t forget to ‘toon in Sunday for the first part of another Panda Chronicles Halloween Classic Encore Presentation, the first part of A Halloween Carol! This was Bubba’s first starring role! Okay, Pinky was kind of a star too!
Well, till then, REMEMBER TO VOTE IN YOUR LOCAL/STATE ELECTIONS, ‘toon in to The Panda Chronicles, and Buy Stuff With Pandas!