…I’m still there, kicking butt and taking names. Really…I love Panda twitter so much. FezBook has it’s good points too, but for some reason, it feels more vast and therefore fragmented and I miss a lot of posts.
Anyway…All is going well over at my Kickstarter project (still almost two weeks to get your Pinky pin!) We have enough in the banky pig to have the pins made, as well as have them put on groovy cards (mebbee with another picture of Pinky on it!).
But meanwhile…back at the Panda House…

Mebbee Bubba and Ping Ping can help…is this really happening?
Panda on (over to Kickstarter: Put a Panda on It)
Bob T BigBrotherIsWatching Panda
By the by…you may remember that right before Christmas, I taught a class on making comics to a group of young persons. Apparently some of them had a good time, and their parents did not want to have me arrested and a group of them (a girl scout troop) want to do it again. I think I should show them the ‘toons about Pinky and the Meihems and the panda Scout Cookie sale!
Wish me luck!