I think Cake cures all cares and catastrophes. Clearly, a common misconception, is that cake is a curse. Of course, this is mere carping by crotchety curmudgeons. Cake cures all complications and crises, Let them eat cake is cause for celebration, not condemnation! Especially if there is chocolate cream frosting.
Today is brought to you by the letter “C” which coincidentally, is the first letter of Cordelia Calls it Quits and Cordelia’s Mom, Still, where the panda kindergarten will be making visits later this month! Hide the silver and the cuppycakes before we get there, okay?

One panda’s catastrophe is another panda’s celebration!
Apologies that there was not a new midweek cartoon this week. Pandamorphosis launch duties have kept me occupied for far too many hours, but the end is in sight, and there should be a new cartoon on Sunday. Rumor has it that Princess Pinky and the Cublanta twins have a plan to join forces, at least temporarily. Can you say, ROAD TRIP!!!!!???
And here is one of my favorite drawings from the soon to be released Pandamorphosis….

Don’t you just hate it when your refrigerator is infested by…pandas?
Thank you again A to Zers! Listing my pick of the day here.
Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda