Why, yes, I am! While we continue to marvel at the level of dysfunction that is emanating from You Know Who and out of our nation’s capitol, isn’t it reassuring to know that panda satire is alive and well?
Before we get to today’s celebration of cats behaving badly (as opposed to bears behaving badly) let’s get some shameless promotion out of the way. As of now, all the Panda Chronicles books are now available as ebooks. While personally, I am more of a print book person myself, ebooks are a way you can ALWAYS have Pinky, Bubba, and the rest of the gang (don’t forget WU!) with you all the time, wherever you go.
As an added bonus, if you’ve already gotten the books from Amazon, you can get the ebooks for only $1.99 each! (this only applies to Amazon sales. If you bought it directly from me, this does not apply.) A sweet deal, to say the least! Through the end of the year, all the ebooks (if you haven’t bought the print books already) are $3.99, so if you’ve been holding off getting the print editions because acorns are scarce on the ground or your book cases are full (we know how that goes) here’s an opportunity to have some panda fun and support panda satire! I’ll be raising the prices a bit in January, just so you know!
You can visit my Book Table page for the direct links to the ebooks! Thanks for supporting Panda Satire!
And now, on with today’s feature presentation!

Lock that cat up, for crying out loud!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
We should all have voted for Pinky. 🙁 Mittens and his human counterpart both belong in prison and have now gained infamy for all time. And today he wants to make protesting illegal. Only adulation is acceptable… I need a drink.
Yes, protesting is illegal in the eyes of Mittens, and now he would like to make not clapping loudly enough a crime. He MAY NOT have my #ClapLouder hashtag. That belongs to Pinky and Pinky alone. I hope this does not give her an existential crisis!
I just bought digital copies of all your Panda books! Huzzah! I need them because I am watching Senate hearings on the nominee for the Supreme Court. I need panda strength to be strong. Thank you for writing them!
Thank you so much! I watched a little bit of the hearings. BK’s smug and condescending answers (particularly when Kamela Harris was questioning him)were more than I could bear. Glad the pandas can be of help! Keep being the bear!