We survived the midterms and while we didn’t get everything on our wish list, we did get some of it, most importantly Democratic control of the House of Representatives. That’s not just chopped liver, I’m telling you!
Meanwhile, we are gearing up for 31 Days of Pandas and I think I have a plan! Meanwhile…
Let’s scamper down memory lane, with Pinky and her minions, who just turned FOUR years old last week!


Triple Trouble indeed!

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?

Maybe you shouldn’t plug that many things into an extension cord, Pinky.

did someone turn out the lights?

And Zoonooz is on the job!

Cause and effects are very complicated concepts for baby pandas, don’t you think?

Zoonooz is on the job. Can you say “cover up”?

Pinky for what??????

Bob wouldn’t try anything sneaky, would he? Would he??????? Ah…such innocent times…
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
PS: For those of you who have been following the news in Pittsburgh, my friend was recently moved from ICU to a regular hospital room, so I am more optimistic, cautiously so. Thanks to all who have asked.
oh, Bob T., It’s great to see liddle princess in top form!!! and the triplets! there can not be better minions to master the world!! all ’bout Pinky all da time (it’s my motto) #LovingPinky #Adorable #Unresisdabel
Pinky appreciates your loyal support! I hope all is well where you are.
uh, oh … we have lil’ Mittens in several European countries… the horror extends globally. Pinky always encourage!! #LovingPinky #Unresisdabel
I don’t suppose you want to keep him there.
Nah, I didn’t think so either. He was at his most petulant toddler-like, wasn’t he?
No, we don’t want to have him here, even if it’s a gift ๐
Aw, even for a couple months? He’ll be no bother. (snorf)
Glad to hear that your friend is improving. That is great news! We will take whatever we get!
And thank you for just being you. Your special funnybone helps people cope with a bunch of really bad stuff going on in our country.
But lots of good stuff, too! Election Day! What a great day! And to take back the House! And close races still being counted in Atlanta and Florida! And women! A blue wave of women! Huzzah! Sing Hallelujah!
We have to gird up our loins for whatever is coming next! And we will! Because we know that wicked wheels are turning, and the fight is not over.
Thank you!
We fight on! Thank you for being here with me (and all the pandas!) In all the craziness in the country, it does my heart good to know that I am helping. Humor is a gift from the universe. If we can’t keep laughing, we might as well go to bed, pull the covers over our heads, and stay there.
Glad to hear that your friend is improving. And now we have another mass shooting to mourn and be angry about while the Bloated Golden Toad (got that from another twitter user) continues to abuse reporters and ignore what he has done to this country. If only Pinky, her minions and the Panda Kindergarten could stage a coup. I think it would have massive support.
being ruled by Pinky would be a big improvement. This latest shooting is heartbreaking and I’m not sure how much more my heart can break. Meanwhile, friends have had to evacuate the Paradise CA fire, but are safe. Dump continues to be more and more corrupt. Wake me when it’s all over.