Ever since I discovered that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun were half sisters, it opened up all sorts of story lines in the pandasphere. I know Aunty Mei loves her little nieces to death, bless their hearts!

If, like me, you are avoiding all mention of the debt ceiling hoo haa, there is no better distraction than pandas! Turn on the Panda Cam for the 245 hour a day loop!
Be the Bear
BobT the GQP are morons Panda
… nopety, nope, nope … II love that expression 😉
Pinky knows what she wants (and what she doesn’t want!)
Is there a version of CPS (PPS?) Mei can report her sister to? You don’t just dump your kids! However bratty!
(Or she could sneak them in Josie’s suitcase and send them to Alaska)
Lun Lun feels that her sister was shortchanged by only having 4 cubbies, so she tries to be generous, bless her heart! Anyway, that’s her story and she’s sticking to it. “There are so many cultural benefits to being in DC,” says Lun Lun! “I want my girls to see more of that than just Atlanta! They do love the museums!”
“They have been banned from the Peacock Room,” fumes Mei Xiang.
I’m picturing them in the Air and Space museum. They might figure out how to make Orville and Wilbur’s plane fly again. Or launch Pinky yo Mars. 😳