The Impeachment proceedings are heating up! I overheard this “actual discussion” on Twitter*
*Possibly paraphrased
GOP: You have to hold a vote on impeachment or it’s not real!
DEMS: No we don’t. It says in the Constitution that if we say it’s an Impeachment investigation, that’s what it is.
GOP: We will hold our breath and scream and kick our feet until you do!
DEMS: Go Ahead.
Some time passes, with many revelatory closed door hearings…
DEMS: Now that we’ve had out investigation, we’re going to hold a vote, so we can agree on rules and procedure for the public hearings and reports.
GOP: See? we knew you had to hold a vote!
DEMS: It’s for the next phase of the inquiry and hearings. It has nothing to do with whether there the previous hearings were a legitimate impeachment inquiry.
DEMS: sigh..first witness…
But what does Nixon’s ghost have to say about all this?

I am only making some of this up. copyright 2012 -A. Belov

Can’t ghosts have opinions too?

“And they called ME a crook!”


All together now!

If Pinky wins the 2020 election, can we have panda-gate?

Made by the same highly scientific company as the Cute-o-Meter!
This one doesn’t have anything to do with Nixon, but it kind of sums up politics today, amIright?

Did I just see what I thought I saw?
Get your popcorn and your programs! Can’t tell the un-indicted co-conspirators without a program!
Panda On
Bob T Panda
More from Nixon’s ghost, coming next week!