…are Princess Pinky and the Mei-hem Twins? Thats what enquiring minds keep asking me. I’m afraid I have been just the teensiest bit irresponsible (do ya think???) to let the girls go off across the country in the Cublanta Twins’ little yellow cubvertible without any supervision.
What was I thinking?
But we have addressed the manner in the most responsible and expedient way possible by devoting the latest edition of ZooNooZ to an in depth look at this crisis.

Uh oh…mad mom alert….
So where in the world are they?…um…your guess is as good as mine! (See helpful map!)
A heads up for Wednesday: I have a special guest blogger who will be virtually visiting me here at The Panda Chronicles! Writer C. Hope Clark, author of The Carolina Slade mystery series and grand poobah of the extremely popular and useful Funds for Writers website. She offered to share a guest post here as I celebrate the launch of Pandamorphosis into the world. I’m thrilled to have her here, as she talks about finding and following our childhood wishes and dreams.
Till then,
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda