I’ve been trying to figure out a way to use the “storyline” that came out of the realms of “Political Intrigue: New Jersey edition”…you know what I’m talking about. And who would be a better mastermind, than our nation’s first panda princess…but don’t tell! There’s sure to be a cover-up.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?
And while we’re talking politics, if you haven’t heard, a panda is running for mayor of Washington DC, you can read about his campaign on Twitter! Is that cool or what? He has our support, for sure! Check him out on twitter at @PandaforMayorDC Or, is it little Princess Bao Bao who has her eye on the prize? (Rumor has it, she’s getting ready to throw her tiara into the ring!)
Thanks again to all my Kickstarter supporters. My project was wildly successful, news will be breaking soon, so stay tuned. (Better than wind breaking, I guess.)
Be the Bear!
BobT. panda