Tag Archives: donuts

Making Fat Bear Week Even Fatter!

It’s Fat Bear Week up in Alaska! Grizzlies gather to galumph through streams, as salmon jump directly into their mouths. Just like in college basketball, there are charts showing which bears are in the running (I’m not sure how the competing teams are decided…different stream? I’ll have to do more research.)

There are rumors that even though they are not on the official match ups, Frank and Mikey are planning on a surprise late entry! Other rumors of banned performance enhancing substances to promote unfair advantages, have been leveled against Frank and Mikey, which could explain why they are not in the official line up.

Also, Mikey has let it be known that he doesn’t like fish.

Mikey: Bears like donuts, okay? I like donuts. Bears like donuts. Did I have too many donuts sometimes? You mean, was I cool? Heck yes I was cool. So MAYBE I had too many donuts once in a while.

Mei Xiang tries to change the subject

This would be a good time to order your own Frank and Mikey!

Is that a donut I see before me?

Order in the usual fashion:

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s beginning to look a lot like PANDAS!!!!!!

Well we have been busy little bears, traveling to meet with our black bear brothers and sisters in the Yosemite Valley!  The folks that run the park are making it hard for a bear to make a living. They request that all cars are emptied of food especially at night, so that marauding gangs of bears (chanting “Be the Bear! Be the Bear!” as they run through the car park) aren’t enticed to be bad bears and break into cars, eating twinkies, moving the seats and changing the preset buttons on the radios!  But we bears get so tired of eating just what is good for us, don’t ya know? What I wouldn’t give for a donut just now…..Sigh.

Be the Bear

Bob T

PS: I’ll try to be more regular with new cartoons now that I’m back home.

Tis the Season

In thinking about election season, a few things have stuck in my brain.  The main one  is, do all these signs actually change anyone’s mind about who they are going to vote for?  I for one, would be more inclined to vote for someone who pledged NOT to put up a bunch of signs, or at the very least, pledged that they would take all those signs DOWN the day after the election.  Most of the signs and ads remind of the 2008 panda kindergarten class running around yelling nonsense and insults at each other, to absolutely NO effect.  Noise for the sake of noise.

pass the donuts.

Be the Bear!