WE knew that the Minch McTurtle led Senate would not vote to remove HWMNBN, even though all the evidence pointed its tiny fingers at him. For me, this unwillingness to look reality squarely in the face and do what needed to be done, verged on cruelty when certain Senators made statements leading one to think that maybe they were on the fence, and could be persuaded to do the right thing.
And now…and now…he is floating the idea that maybe the scientist should look into the idea of using household cleaning disinfectants (“Hey! Everybody has some!”) and strong UV light to “disinfect the body” For the record, this is a bad idea that will kill you, or at the very least make you wish you were dead. And then he gave another press conference to say he was “being sarcastic”.
But at least we got to see Brad Pitt play Dr. Fauci on SNL…
And now, without further much ado about the end of civilization (which is not nothing…)
Everyone. Knew.
Washi Tape Has Arrived!
Did I mention Washi Tape has arrived? Check out the Buy Stuff With Pandas page to see how to order it!
Here is a picture of the actual tape!
Panda ON!
Bob T Panda
Oh, Bob T., I already ordered my kickstarter stuff, waiting for the pandemic to pass so you can send them to me. Now I would like to buy these wasabi thingies, but maybe it would be better if I could get everything in a single shipment (in a few months); I don’t know how to order, buy and pay for these pretty tapes, and hope that everything improves. Can you tell me how to do it?
Thanks! We’re all good now!
EVERYONE KNEW! Or should I say everyone with a brain and a conscience knew! VOTE…..VOTE…..VOTE!!!